blob: aff0add6640e30bacb2eeebf0ef92cd196efe946 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
var typedArray = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array];
var lengths = [0, 5, 20];
var typedObjectInstances = new Array();
function print(obj)
WScript? WScript.Echo(obj) : document.write(obj);
function printObj(obj)
for (var i in obj)
print(i + " == " + obj[i]);
function InitTypedArray(obj)
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
obj[i] = i;
function verifyNoThrow(func, obj)
var hasThrown = false;
try {
print("FAILED: get exception " + e.description);
hasThrown = true;
function verifyThrow(func, obj)
var hasThrown = false;
try {
print("SUCCEEDED: get expected exception " + e.description);
hasThrown = true;
if (!hasThrown)
print("FAILED: didn't get exception");
function verifyOneFunction(func, typedObjectInstances, srcIndex, destIndex, offset, shouldThrow)
var hasException = false;
var result;
try {
result = func(typedObjectInstances, srcIndex, destIndex);
for (var index = 0; index < result.length; index++)
if (result[index] != typedObjectInstances[srcIndex][index+offset])
print("failed to offset: offset is " + offset + "index is " + index + "source is" + typedObjectInstances[srcIndex][index+offset] + "dest is" + result[index]);
catch (e)
hasException = true;
if (!shouldThrow)
print("ERROR! throw unexpected exception " + e.description);
if (!hasException && shouldThrow)
print("ERROR! expected exception was not thrown");
function verifysubarray(typedObjectInstances, srcIndex, destIndex, offset, shouldThrow)
var hasException = false;
var result;
try {
result = Object.getPrototypeOf(typedObjectInstances[destIndex])[srcIndex], offset);
for (var index = 0; index < result.length; index++)
if (result[index] != typedObjectInstances[srcIndex][index+offset])
print("failed to offset: offset is " + offset + "index is " + index + "source is" + typedObjectInstances[srcIndex][index+offset] + "dest is" + result[index]);
catch (e)
hasException = true;
if (!shouldThrow)
print("ERROR! throw unexpected exception " + e.description);
print("SUCCEEDED in getting exception " + e.description);
if (!hasException && shouldThrow)
print("ERROR! expected exception was not thrown");
function verifySet(typedObjectInstances, srcIndex, destIndex, shouldThrow)
var hasException = false;
var result;
var source = [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15];
print("verify using prototypeOf " + typedObjectInstances[destIndex] + " instance " + typedObjectInstances[srcIndex]);
try {
Object.getPrototypeOf(typedObjectInstances[srcIndex])[destIndex], source);
for (var index = 0; index < source.length; index++)
if (typedObjectInstances[destIndex][index] != source[index])
print("failed to set: offset =0 " + "index is " + index + "source is" + source[index] + "dest is" + typedObjectInstances[destIndex][index]);
catch (e)
hasException = true;
if (!shouldThrow)
print("ERROR! throw unexpected exception " + e.description);
print("SUCCEEDED in getting exception " + e.description);
if (!hasException && shouldThrow)
print("ERROR! expected exception was not thrown");
print("verify set using "+ typedObjectInstances[destIndex] + " using array");
try {
typedObjectInstances[destIndex].set(source, 1);
for (var index = 0; index < source.length; index++)
if (source[index] != typedObjectInstances[destIndex][index+1])
print("ERROR! failed to set: offset is " + 1 + "index is " + index + "source is" + source[index] + "dest is" + typedObjectInstances[destIndex][index+1]);
catch (e)
print("ERROR! throw unexpected exception " + e.description);
print("verify set using "+ typedObjectInstances[destIndex] + " instance " + typedObjectInstances[srcIndex]);
try {
for (var index = 0; index < typedObjectInstances[srcIndex].length; index++)
if (typedObjectInstances[srcIndex][index] != typedObjectInstances[destIndex][index])
print("failed to set: index is " + index + "source is" + typedObjectInstances[srcIndex][index] + "dest is" + typedObjectInstances[destIndex][index]);
catch (e)
print("ERROR! throw unexpected exception " + e.description);
print("verify set to different type");
Object.getPrototypeOf(typedObjectInstances[destIndex])[destIndex], typedObjectInstances[srcIndex]);
for (var index = 0; index < typedObjectInstances[destIndex].length; index++)
if (typedObjectInstances[destIndex][index] != typedObjectInstances[srcIndex][index])
print("failed to offset: offset is " + offset + "index is " + index + "source is" + typedObjectInstances[srcIndex][index] + "dest is" + srcIndex);
function verifyOneObject(typedObjectInstances, srcIndex, destIndex, shouldThrow)
print("verify using prototypeOf " + typedObjectInstances[destIndex] + " instance " + typedObjectInstances[srcIndex]);
verifysubarray(typedObjectInstances, srcIndex, destIndex, 1, shouldThrow);
verifySet(typedObjectInstances, srcIndex, destIndex, shouldThrow);
for (var i = 0; i < typedArray.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < typedArray.length; i++)
typedObjectInstances[i] = new typedArray[i](10);
for (var i = 0; i < typedArray.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < typedArray.length; j++)
if (i != j)
verifyOneObject(typedObjectInstances, i, j, true);
verifyOneObject(typedObjectInstances, i, j, false);
print("verify Object.defineProperty");
for (var i = 0; i < typedArray.length; i++)
verifyNoThrow(function(obj){Object.defineProperty(obj, "1", {value: 1})}, typedObjectInstances[i]);
verifyThrow(function(obj){Object.defineProperty(obj, "1", {value: 1, writable: false})}, typedObjectInstances[i]);
verifyThrow(function(obj){Object.defineProperty(obj, "1", {value: 1, configurable: true})}, typedObjectInstances[i]);
verifyThrow(function(obj){Object.defineProperty(obj, "1", {get: function(){throw "error"}})}, typedObjectInstances[i]);
verifyNoThrow(function(obj){Object.defineProperty(obj, "hello", {value: 1})}, typedObjectInstances[i]);
verifyNoThrow(function(obj) { = 'hello';}, typedObjectInstances[i]);
print("Verify call to built-in property");
Object.prototype.byteOffset = function(){ print('what??'); }
function callByteOffset(o) { o.byteOffset(); }
for (i = 0; i < typedArray.length; i++)
// Call should access built-in byteOffset and throw trying to call it, not call Object.prototype property
verifyThrow(callByteOffset, typedObjectInstances[i]);