blob: 7e7f30b0d426ea63467b36a0a29d154a17df543b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Basic WeakMap tests -- verifies the API shape
var tests = [
name: "WeakMap is a constructor on the global object",
body: function () {
assert.isTrue(WeakMap !== undefined, "WeakMap should be defined");
var wm1 = new WeakMap();
// WeakMap is no longer allowed to be called as a function unless the object it is given
// for its this argument already has the [[WeakMapData]] property on it.
// var wm2 = WeakMap();
assert.isTrue(wm1 instanceof WeakMap, "'new WeakMap()' should create a WeakMap object");
//assert.isTrue(wm2 instanceof WeakMap, "'WeakMap()' should also create a WeakMap object");
//assert.isTrue(wm1 !== wm2, "Should be two different WeakMap objects");
assert.areEqual(0, WeakMap.length, "WeakMap takes one optional argument and spec says length must be 0");
name: "WeakMap.prototype should have spec defined built-ins",
body: function () {
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.constructor === WeakMap, "WeakMap.prototype should have a constructor property set to WeakMap");
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.hasOwnProperty('delete'), "WeakMap.prototype should have a delete method");
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.hasOwnProperty('get'), "WeakMap.prototype should have a get method");
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.hasOwnProperty('has'), "WeakMap.prototype should have a has method");
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.hasOwnProperty('set'), "WeakMap.prototype should have a set method");
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.delete.length === 1, "delete method takes one argument");
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.get.length === 1, "get method takes one argument");
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.has.length === 1, "has method takes one argument");
assert.isTrue(WeakMap.prototype.set.length === 2, "set method takes two arguments");
name: "WeakMap objects' prototype should be WeakMap.prototype",
body: function() {
var wm1 = new WeakMap();
// WeakMap is no longer allowed to be called as a function unless the object it is given
// for its this argument already has the [[WeakMapData]] property on it.
// var wm2 = WeakMap();
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(wm1) === WeakMap.prototype, "'new WeakMap()' should set the prototype of the returned object to WeakMap.prototype");
//assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(wm2) === WeakMap.prototype, "'WeakMap()' should set the prototype of the returned object to WeakMap.prototype");
name: "toString of a WeakMap object returns [object WeakMap]",
body: function () {
var wm = new WeakMap();
assert.areEqual("[object WeakMap]", '' + wm, "toString() of map returns [object WeakMap]");
name: "WeakMap objects are normal extensible dynamic objects",
body: function () {
function countEnumerableProperties(o) {
var count = 0;
for (p in o) {
count += 1;
return count;
var wm = new WeakMap();
assert.isTrue(countEnumerableProperties(WeakMap.prototype) == 0, "Built-in methods should not be enumerable on the prototype object");
assert.isTrue(countEnumerableProperties(wm) == 0, "Built-in methods should not be enumerable on an instance object"); = 10; = 'hello';
assert.isTrue(countEnumerableProperties(wm) == 2, "Should be able to add user properties");
assert.isTrue( === 10, "Property value should be set and retrieved correctly");
assert.isTrue( === 'hello', "Property value should be set and retrieved correctly");
assert.isTrue(countEnumerableProperties(wm) == 1, "Should be able to delete user properties");
assert.isTrue( === undefined, "Should be able to delete user properties");
name: "WeakMap is subclassable",
body: function () {
// WeakMap is no longer allowed to be called as a function unless the object it is given
// for its this argument already has the [[WeakMapData]] property on it.
// For IE11 we simply throw if WeakMap() is called as a function instead of in a new expression
assert.throws(function () {; }, TypeError, " throws TypeError");
assert.throws(function () {{ }); }, TypeError, " throws TypeError given an object");
assert.throws(function () {; }, TypeError, " throws TypeError given a number");
assert.throws(function () {"hello"); }, TypeError, " throws TypeError given a string");
function MyWeakMap() {;
MyWeakMap.prototype = new WeakMap();
MyWeakMap.prototype.constructor = MyWeakMap;
assert.throws(function () { var mymap = new MyWeakMap(); }, TypeError, " throws TypeError when used in the old subclassing pattern");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });