blob: 9923a934a890bf09c1163bf7923377741836cc1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Using super is invalid in many places.
// These tests are generated and are intended to use to verify the restriction is done properly in various contexts
// Here is the C# code used the generate these test cases
namespace ManagedWorkspace
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// state = 0 -> not allowed
// state = 1 -> all allowed
// state = 2 -> only member allowed
internal static class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
LeafNode n = new LeafNode();
BranchNode rootNode = new BranchNode();
BranchNode childNode = new BranchNode();
BranchOut(rootNode, n);
BranchOut(rootNode, childNode);
BranchOut(childNode, n);
int testCaseNumber = 1;
foreach (var code in rootNode.Generate(0))
Console.WriteLine(GenerateTest(code, testCaseNumber));
private static string GenerateTest(Tuple<string, bool> testCase, int testCaseNumber)
string goodFormatString = @"assert.doesNotThrow(function () {{ WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('{0}'); }}, ""generated test #{1}"");";
string badFormatString = @"assert.throws(() => {{ WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('{0}'); }}, SyntaxError, ""generatedTest #{1}"", ""Invalid use of the 'super' keyword"");";
if (testCase.Item2)
return string.Format(goodFormatString, testCase.Item1, testCaseNumber);
return string.Format(badFormatString, testCase.Item1, testCaseNumber);
private static void BranchOut(BranchNode rootNode, Node n)
rootNode.branches.Add(new Branch("class X { constructor(){+} }", n, (oldState) => 1));
rootNode.branches.Add(new Branch("class X { x(){+} }", n, (oldState) => 2));
rootNode.branches.Add(new Branch("function x(){+}", n, (oldState) => 0));
rootNode.branches.Add(new Branch("() => {+}", n, (oldState) => oldState));
class Branch
public Branch(string userFormatString, Node branchTarget, Func<int, int> statePropagator)
this.BranchTarget = branchTarget;
this.FormatString = ToFormatString(userFormatString);
this.StatePropagator = statePropagator;
public Node BranchTarget { get; set; }
public string FormatString { get; set; }
public Func<int, int> StatePropagator { get; set; }
private string ToFormatString(string p)
return p.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}").Replace("+", "{0}");
abstract class Node
public abstract IEnumerable<Tuple<string, bool>> Generate(int state);
class LeafNode : Node
public override IEnumerable<Tuple<string, bool>> Generate(int state)
yield return Tuple.Create("super();", state == 1);
yield return Tuple.Create("super.x;", state > 0);
class BranchNode : Node
public List<Branch> branches = new List<Branch>();
public override IEnumerable<Tuple<string, bool>> Generate(int state)
foreach (var branch in branches)
Node branchTarget = branch.BranchTarget;
string branchFormatString = branch.FormatString;
foreach (var childItem in branchTarget.Generate(branch.StatePropagator(state)))
string childString = childItem.Item1;
bool childResult = childItem.Item2;
yield return Tuple.Create(string.Format(branchFormatString, childString), childResult);
var tests = [
name: "Generated tests",
body: function () {
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){super();} }'); }, "generated test #1");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){super.x;} }'); }, "generated test #2");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){super();} }'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #3", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword: generatedTest #3");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){super.x;} }'); }, "generated test #4");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){super();}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #5", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){super.x;}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #6", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {super();}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #7", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {super.x;}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #8", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){class X { constructor(){super();} }} }'); }, "generated test #9");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){class X { constructor(){super.x;} }} }'); }, "generated test #10");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){class X { x(){super();} }} }'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #11", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){class X { x(){super.x;} }} }'); }, "generated test #12");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){function x(){super();}} }'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #13", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){function x(){super.x;}} }'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #14", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){() => {super();}} }'); }, "generated test #15");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { constructor(){() => {super.x;}} }'); }, "generated test #16");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){class X { constructor(){super();} }} }'); }, "generated test #17");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){class X { constructor(){super.x;} }} }'); }, "generated test #18");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){class X { x(){super();} }} }'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #19", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){class X { x(){super.x;} }} }'); }, "generated test #20");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){function x(){super();}} }'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #21", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){function x(){super.x;}} }'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #22", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){() => {super();}} }'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #23", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('class X { x(){() => {super.x;}} }'); }, "generated test #24");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){class X { constructor(){super();} }}'); }, "generated test #25");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){class X { constructor(){super.x;} }}'); }, "generated test #26");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){class X { x(){super();} }}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #27", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){class X { x(){super.x;} }}'); }, "generated test #28");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){function x(){super();}}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #29", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){function x(){super.x;}}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #30", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){() => {super();}}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #31", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('function x(){() => {super.x;}}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #32", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {class X { constructor(){super();} }}'); }, "generated test #33");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {class X { constructor(){super.x;} }}'); }, "generated test #34");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {class X { x(){super();} }}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #35", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {class X { x(){super.x;} }}'); }, "generated test #36");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {function x(){super();}}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #37", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {function x(){super.x;}}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #38", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {() => {super();}}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #39", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
assert.throws(() => { WScript.LoadScript("","samethread").WScript.LoadScript('() => {() => {super.x;}}'); }, SyntaxError, "generatedTest #40", "Invalid use of the 'super' keyword");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });