blob: 5f0883a09890e538994cd4e688d82ed244227b0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// ES6 Module syntax tests -- verifies syntax of import and export statements
function testModuleScript(source, message, shouldFail) {
let testfunc = () => WScript.LoadModule(source);
if (shouldFail) {
let caught = false;
// We can't use assert.throws here because the SyntaxError used to construct the thrown error
// is from a different context so it won't be strictly equal to our SyntaxError.
try {
} catch(e) {
caught = true;
// Compare toString output of SyntaxError and other context SyntaxError constructor.
assert.areEqual(e.constructor.toString(), SyntaxError.toString(), message);
assert.isTrue(caught, `Expected error not thrown: ${message}`);
} else {
assert.doesNotThrow(testfunc, message);
var tests = [
name: "Basic import namespace",
body: function () {
testModuleScript('import * as foo from "ValidExportStatements.js"; for (var i in foo) helpers.writeln(i + "=" + foo[i]);', '', false);
name: "import namespace with verification",
body: function () {
testModuleScript('import * as foo from "moduleExport1.js"; for (var i in foo) WScript.Echo(i + "=" + foo[i]);', '', false);
testModuleScript('import * as foo from "moduleExport1.js"; foo.verifyNamespace(foo);', '', false);
testModuleScript('import * as foo from "moduleExport1.js"; foo.changeContext(); foo.verifyNamespace(foo);', '', false);
name: "reexport only",
body: function () {
testModuleScript('import * as foo from "ValidReExportStatements.js"; for (var i in foo) helpers.writeln(i + "=" + foo[i]);', '', false);
name: "complex reexport",
body: function () {
testModuleScript('import * as fooComplex from "ModuleComplexReexports.js"; for (var i in fooComplex) WScript.Echo(i + "=" + fooComplex[i]);', '', false);
name: "namespace as prototype",
body: function () {
testModuleScript('import * as foo from "ValidExportStatements.js"; var childObj = Object.create(foo); for (var i in childObj) helpers.writeln(i + "=" + childObj[i]);', '', false);
name: "namespace internal operations",
body: function () {
let functionBody =
`import * as foo from "ValidExportStatements.js";
assert.areEqual(null, Object.getPrototypeOf(foo), 'namespace prototype is null');
assert.areEqual(false, Object.isExtensible(foo), 'namespace is not extensible');
assert.areEqual(false, Reflect.set(foo, "non_existing", 20), '[[set]] returns false ');
assert.areEqual(undefined, foo.non_existing, 'namespace object is immutable');
assert.areEqual(false, Reflect.set(foo, "4", 20), 'cannot set item in namespace obect');
assert.areEqual(undefined, foo[4], 'cannot export item in namespace obect');
assert.areEqual(false, Reflect.deleteProperty(foo, "var1"), 'cannot delete export in namespace obect');
assert.areEqual(true, Reflect.deleteProperty(foo, "nonevar"), 'cannot delete export in namespace obect');
assert.areEqual(undefined, foo[6], 'cannot get item in namespace obect');
assert.areEqual(false, Reflect.set(foo, Symbol.species, 20), 'no species property');
assert.areEqual(undefined, foo[Symbol.species], 'namespace is not contructor');
assert.areEqual("module", foo[Symbol.toStringTag], 'namespace toStringTag');
helpers.writeln("in iterator"); for (var i of foo) helpers.writeln(i);
helpers.writeln("done with iterator")
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(foo);
assert.areEqual(2, symbols.length, "two symbols");
assert.areEqual(symbols[0], Symbol.toStringTag, "first symbol is toStringTag");
assert.areEqual(symbols[1], Symbol.iterator, "second symbol is iterator");
assert.throws( function() {Object.setPrototypeOf(foo, Object)}, TypeError, 'Cannot create property for a non-extensible object');
assert.areEqual(true, Reflect.preventExtensions(foo), '[[PreventExtensions]] for namespace object returns true');`;
testModuleScript(functionBody, "Test importing as different binding identifiers", false);
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });