blob: a9c81f97c1b168a4355a3c595106b743908e945c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
function testGetPropertyNames(foo,checkForName)
var properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(foo);
var len = properties.length;
var check = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
var prop = properties[i].toString();
if(prop == "prototype" || (checkForName && prop == "name") ||
prop == "arguments" || prop == "caller" || prop == "length")
if (!checkForName && prop == "name")
return false;
return check == len;
var tests = [
name: "",
body: function ()
function foo(){} //function declaration
assert.areEqual("foo",,"name should be foo"); = "bar";
assert.areEqual("foo",, "function names are read only");
assert.areEqual("funcExpr",(function funcExpr(){}).name,"function expression case should still print a name");
assignment = function(){}; // "assignment"
assert.areEqual("assignment",,"Assignment functions should print the assigned name");
var lambdaDecl = () => {}; // "lambda assignment"
assert.areEqual("lambdaDecl",,"lambda assignment should print the assigned name");
var a = function bar() {}
var b = foo;
assert.areEqual("bar",,"Assignment functions should inherit the declaration name in this case bar");
assert.areEqual("foo",,"Assignment functions should inherit the declaration name in this case foo");
name: "anonymous function",
body: function ()
var f = function() { };
assert.areEqual("f",, "function name is determined on assignment"); = "foo";
assert.areEqual("f",, "function names are read only");
assert.areEqual(undefined, (function (){}), " is undefined");
assert.isFalse({}), 'name'), "[hasPropertyCheck]: anonymous function does not have a name property");
assert.areEqual("", (function(){}).name);
assert.areEqual("", (function(){})["name"]);
//lambdas () => {}
assert.isFalse( => {}), 'name'), "[hasPropertyCheck]: anonymous lambda function does not have a name property");
assert.areEqual("", (() => {}).name);
assert.areEqual("", (() => {})["name"]);
assert.isFalse(*(){}), 'name'), "[hasPropertyCheck]: anonymous generator function does not have name property");
assert.areEqual("", (function*(){}).name);
assert.areEqual("", (function*(){})["name"]);
assert.isFalse( {}, 'name'), "[hasPropertyCheck]: anonymous class does not have a name property");
assert.areEqual("", class {}.name);
assert.areEqual("", class {}['name']);
name: " for external functions",
body: function ()
assert.areEqual("LoadScriptFile",,"check to make sure external functions are supported");
assert.areEqual("Quit",,"check to make sure external functions are supported");
assert.areEqual("LoadScript",,"check to make sure external functions are supported");
assert.areEqual("SetTimeout",,"check to make sure external functions are supported");
assert.areEqual("ClearTimeout",,"check to make sure external functions are supported");
assert.areEqual("prototype,name,caller,arguments",Object.getOwnPropertyNames(WScript.Quit).toString(),"Check to make sure name is exposed");
//Bug 639652
var a = WScript.Echo.toString();
var b =;
assert.areEqual("Echo",b,"b should be the name of function echo not toString of Echo function body");
name: "static name method overrides the creation of a name string.",
body: function ()
//default constructor case
var qux = class { static name() {} };
assert.areEqual("function", typeof,
"14.5.15 Runtime Semantics: If the class definition included a 'name' static method then that method is not over-written");
assert.areEqual("name",,"confirm we get the name 'name'");
assert.areEqual( ,,
"confirm is the same function as");
assert.areEqual("Function",,"The function constructor should still have the name Function");
var qux = class { constructor(a,b) {} static name() {} };
var quxobj = new qux(1,2);
assert.areEqual("function", typeof,
"14.5.15 Runtime Semantics: If the class definition included a \"name\" static method then that method is not over-written");
assert.areEqual("name",,"confirm we get the name \"name\"");
assert.areEqual( ,,
"confirm is the same function as");
assert.areEqual("Function",,"The function constructor should still have the name Function");
name: "'s that match IsConstantFunctionName",
body: function ()
var o = {
"" : function() {},
"Anonymous function" : function() {},
"Function code" : function() {}
assert.areEqual("", o[""].name);
assert.areEqual("Anonymous function", o["Anonymous function"].name, "should not get converted to empty string");
assert.areEqual("Function code", o["Function code"].name, "should not get converted to Anonymous");
name: " for built in constructors",
body: function ()
function* gf() { }
name: "Numeric value test cases",
body: function ()
var a = [];
var b = 1;
var c = 2;
a[4] = function() {};
a[1.2] = function() {};
function foo()
return a;
foo()[5] = function() {};
a[4+3] = function() {};
a[b] = function() {};
a[c] = function() {};
a[b+c] = function() {};
var index1 = 4;
var index2 = 4+8;
var o = { index1 : function() {}, index2 : function() {}, [index1+1] : function() {}}
assert.areEqual("5", o[5].name, "when our name has brackets return the computed name")
assert.areEqual("b",a[1].name,"expressions are not evaluated, default to expression name");
assert.areEqual("c",a[2].name,"expressions are not evaluated, default to expression name");
assert.areEqual("1.2",a[1.2].name,"constants are the given numeric literal");
var o = { 1.4 : function() {} };
assert.areEqual("1.4",o[1.4].name,"constants are the given numeric literal");
assert.areEqual("",a[3].name,"expressions are not evaluated, default to empty string since it lacks a variable name");
assert.areEqual("4",a[4].name,"constants are the given numeric literal");
assert.areEqual("5",a[5].name,"constants are the given numeric literal");
assert.areEqual("",a[7].name,"expressions are not evaluated, default to empty string since it lacks a variable name");
name: "Strings With Brackets or Periods in them",
body: function ()
var o = { "hello.friend" : function() {},
"[a" : function() {},
"]" : function() {},
"]a" : function() {}};
assert.areEqual("hello.friend",o["hello.friend"].name,"the period is included in the name don't shorten");
assert.areEqual("[a",o["[a"].name,"the bracket is included in the name don't shorten");
assert.areEqual("]",o["]"].name,"the bracket is included in the name don't shorten");
assert.areEqual("]a",o["]a"].name,"the bracket is included in the name don't shorten");
var o = { "a[" : function() {} };
assert.areEqual("a[",o["a["].name,"the bracket is included in the name don't shorten");
var o = { ["a["] : function() {} };
assert.areEqual("a[",o["a["].name,"computed property names use a different code path");
var a = [];
a["["] = function() {};
a["]"] = function() {};
a["hello.buddy"] = function() {};
class ClassTest
static [".f"]() {}
static ["f."]() {}
static ["f["]() {}
static ["f]"]() {}
static ["]]f]]"]() {}
static ["[f"]() {}
static ["[[[[[f"]() {}
static ["]f"]() {}
assert.areEqual("f.", ClassTest["f."].name);
assert.areEqual(".f", ClassTest[".f"].name);
assert.areEqual("f[", ClassTest["f["].name);
assert.areEqual("f]", ClassTest["f]"].name);
assert.areEqual("]]f]]", ClassTest["]]f]]"].name);
assert.areEqual("[f", ClassTest["[f"].name);
assert.areEqual("[[[[[f", ClassTest["[[[[[f"].name);
assert.areEqual("]f", ClassTest["]f"].name);
var a = {"\0" : { f : function() {}, c : class {} }}
assert.areEqual("f", a["\0"];
assert.areEqual("c", a["\0"];
name: "",
body: function ()
var a = class foo {}
assert.areEqual("foo",,"should pick the class name not the assignment name");
class ClassDecl {} // constructor is "ClassDecl"
var c = class { method(){}}
var b = new c();
assert.areEqual("ClassDecl",,"name should be ClassDecl");
assert.areEqual("c",,"class name should be c");
assert.areEqual("method",,"c is a constructor, b is an instance so method is accessible on b"); = "foo";
assert.areEqual("ClassDecl",, "function names are read only");
assert.areEqual("ClassExpr",(class ClassExpr {}).name,"class expression case should still print a name");
var classFoo = class
constructor(){} // "classFoo "
static func(){} // "func"
method(){} // "method"
get getter(){} // "get getter"
set setter(v){} // "set setter"
class classFoo2
assert.areEqual("Function",, " === 'Function'");
assert.areEqual("classFoo2",, "confirm that the prototype constructors name is the class name");
var oGet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(classFoo.prototype,"getter");
var oSet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(classFoo.prototype,"setter");
assert.areEqual("Function",, " === 'Function'");
assert.areEqual("classFoo",, "Name of the class should be classFoo");
assert.areEqual("classFoo",, "Name of the constructor should be the class name");
assert.areEqual("func",, "Name should just be func");
assert.areEqual("method",, "Name should be method");
assert.areEqual("get getter",,"Accessors getter should be prefixed with get");
assert.areEqual("set setter",, "Accessors setter should be prefixed with set");
var instanceFoo = new classFoo();
var instanceFoo2 = new classFoo2();
assert.areEqual("classFoo2",, "instance constructor should be class name");
assert.areEqual("classFoo",, "instance constructor should be class name");
assert.areEqual("method",, "instance should have function name method");
name: "Generator functions",
body: function ()
function* gf() { }
var gfe = function* () { }
var obj = { gfm : function* () { } }
assert.areEqual("gf",, "Generator Declaration");
assert.areEqual("gfe",, "Generator Expression");
assert.areEqual("gfm",, "Generator Method");
var GeneratorFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(gf).constructor;
assert.areEqual("anonymous",(new GeneratorFunction ).name,"Should be anonymous");
name: "function inside objects",
body: function ()
let obj =
prop: () => {},
noOverride: function named(){},
"literal": function(){},
5: () => {}
assert.areEqual("prop",,"lambda function name is assigned to prop");
assert.areEqual("named",, "noOverride inherits name from function named");
assert.areEqual("literal",, "string function definitions are valid");
assert.areEqual("5",obj["5"].name, "numeral function definitions are valid");
var obj2 =
} = function(){};
assert.areEqual("method",, "tests functions without the function reserved word");
assert.areEqual("",, "test to make sure defining a property outside of a function is empty string");
name: "'s are read only",
body: function ()
var object =
f: function() {}
assert.areEqual("f",, "function name is f"); = "foo";
assert.areEqual("f",, "function names are read only");
name: " test functions named get\set don't get confused for accessors",
body: function ()
var foo = {
value : 0,
get : function() { return value;},
set : function (val) {value = val}
assert.areEqual("get",, "name should be get");
assert.areEqual("set",, "name should be set");
var obj3 = { get : function foo () { },
set : function bar (v) { }};
//like the var a = function foo() {} case a inherits foo's name
assert.areEqual("foo",, "should inherited name foo");
assert.areEqual("bar",, "should inherited name bar");
name: " accessor test",
body: function ()
var oRuntime = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Map.prototype,"size");
assert.areEqual("get size",, "Map.prototype.size is a getter");
assert.areEqual(undefined,oRuntime.set, "Map.prototype.size does not have a setter");
// Single Property descriptor
var o = { get foo(){}, set foo(x){} };
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, "foo");
assert.areEqual("get foo",, "get accessors on function foo are prefixed with get");
assert.areEqual("set foo",, "set accessors on function foo are prefixed with set");
let obj =
get getter(){ return 0;},
set setter(v){}
// Multiple property descriptors
var oGet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj,"getter")
var oSet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj,"setter");
assert.areEqual("get getter",, "get accessors functions are prefixed with get");
assert.areEqual("set setter",, "set accessors functions are prefixed with set");
name: " Property existence test",
body: function ()
function foo(){}
assert.areEqual(true,testGetPropertyNames(foo,true),"Properties on foo");
assert.areEqual(0,Object.keys(foo).length,"no enumerable properties in function instance foo");
Object.defineProperty(foo,"name",{writable: false,enumerable: true,configurable: true});
var o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(foo,"name");
assert.areEqual(true, o.enumerable, "Name is redefined to enumerable");
for (i in foo)
assert.areEqual("name",i,"Name should be the only enumerable property");
assert.areEqual(1,Object.keys(foo).length,"name is now an enumerated property");
assert.areEqual("name",Object.keys(foo).toString(),"Name should be the only enumerable property");
name: " delete test",
body: function ()
function foo(){}
assert.areEqual(true,testGetPropertyNames(foo,true), "Properties on foo");
assert.areEqual(true,testGetPropertyNames(foo,false),"Properties on foo");
name: "built-in",
body: function ()
assert.areEqual("slice",[],"name should be slice");
[] = "bar";
assert.areEqual("slice",[], "function names are read only");
name: "built-in delete test",
body: function ()
assert.areEqual(true,testGetPropertyNames([].splice,true),"Properties on foo");
delete [];
assert.areEqual(true,testGetPropertyNames([].splice,false),"Properties on foo");
name: "anonymous function special cases",
body: function ()
assert.areEqual("anonymous",(new Function).name,"Should be anonymous");
assert.areEqual("",,"19.2.3 The value of the name property of the Function prototype object is the empty String.");
name: "nested function assignment names",
body: function ()
var obj =
x : function(){},
y : () => {},
z : class {}
assert.areEqual("x",,"x defined in obj Should be x");
assert.areEqual("y",,"y defined in obj Should be y");
assert.areEqual("z",,"z defined in obj Should be z");
var obj =
innerObj :
x : function(){},
y : () => {},
z : class {}
assert.areEqual("x",,"Should be x");
assert.areEqual("y",,"Should be y");
assert.areEqual("z",,"Should be z");
var obj = {};
obj.x = function(){};
obj.y = () => {};
obj.z = class {};
assert.areEqual("",,"Should be ''");
assert.areEqual("",,"Should be ''");
assert.areEqual("",,"Should be ''");
var obj = {innerObj : {}};
obj.innerObj.x = function(){};
obj.innerObj.y = () => {};
obj.innerObj.z = class {};
assert.areEqual("",,"Should be ''");
assert.areEqual("",,"Should be ''");
assert.areEqual("",,"Should be ''");
name: "Check the Class of an Object",
body: function ()
function foo(){}
var f = new foo();
assert.areEqual("foo",,"The constructor is foo");
assert.areEqual(undefined,,"f is an instance of the function foo, the name exists only on the constructor");
name: "Attributes test",
body: function ()
function foo(){}
assert.areEqual(true, foo.hasOwnProperty("name"), "foo should have a name property");
var o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(foo,"name");
assert.areEqual(false, o.writable, "Name is not writable");
assert.areEqual(false, o.enumerable, "Name is not enumerable");
assert.areEqual(true, o.configurable, "Name is configurable");
assert.areEqual("foo", o.value, "Names value should be foo");
name: "Symbol names",
body: function ()
var sym1 = Symbol("foo");
var sym2 = Symbol("bar");
var sym3 = Symbol("baz");
var sym4 = Symbol();
var o = {[Symbol.toPrimitive]: function() {},
[sym1] : function() {},
[sym3] : function bear() {},
[sym4] : function() {},
o[Symbol.unscopables] = function(){}
o[sym2] = function() {}
assert.areEqual("[foo]", o[sym1].name, " SetFunctionName: If Type(name) is Symbol, then let name be the concatenation of \"[\", description, and \"]\"");
" SetFunctionName: If Type(name) is Symbol, then let name be the concatenation of \"[\", description, and \"]\"");
assert.areEqual("", o[Symbol.unscopables].name, "computed property names are not bound to index yet and builtin symbols are not bound to a name so they are empty strings");
assert.areEqual("sym2", o[sym2].name, "computed property names are not bound to index yet");
assert.areEqual("bear", o[sym3].name, "if the function already has a name don't overwrite it");
assert.areEqual("", o[sym4].name, "empty symbols have empty string as a name");
name: "Redefine Attributes test",
body: function ()
function foo(){}
Object.defineProperty(foo,"name",{writable: true,enumerable: true,configurable: false}); = "bar";
var o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(foo,"name");
assert.areEqual(true, o.writable, "Name is redefined to writable");
assert.areEqual(true, o.enumerable, "Name is redefined to enumerable");
assert.areEqual(false, o.configurable, "Name redefined not configurable");
assert.areEqual("bar", o.value, "Names value should be bar");
assert.areEqual("bar",,"foo renamed to bar");
name: "strings with null terminators sprinkled in",
body: function()
var str = "hello\0 foo";
var a = [];
a["hello\0 foo"] = function() {};
var o = {[str] : function() {}, ["h\0h"] : function() {}}
var b = {}
b["hello\0 foo"] = function() {}
var c = { "hello\0 foo" : function() {} }
assert.areEqual(str, o[str].name);
assert.areEqual("h\0h", o["h\0h"].name);
assert.areEqual("hello\0 foo", a["hello\0 foo"].name);
assert.areEqual("hello\0 foo", b["hello\0 foo"].name);
assert.areEqual("hello\0 foo", c["hello\0 foo"].name);
var d = { "goo.\0d" : function() {} }
var e = { "g\0oo\0.d" : function() {} }
var f = { "fo\0o" : class {} }
assert.areEqual("goo.\0d", d["goo.\0d"].name);
assert.areEqual("g\0oo\0.d", e["g\0oo\0.d"].name);
assert.areEqual("fo\0o", f["fo\0o"].name);
name: "Function Bind",
body: function()
function add(x, y)
return x+y;
var AddZer0 = add.bind(null,0 /* x */);
var Add2Nums = add.bind();
assert.areEqual("bound add",, "AddZer0 needs a bound prefix on add");
assert.areEqual("bound add",,"Add2Nums needs a bound prefix on add");
name: "Bug 1642987 & 1242667",
body: function()
e = ''['u3 = undefined'] = function () {}
assert.areEqual('',, "Bug 1642987: we should not AV if we can't shorten the name") ;
f = ''['[f]o'] = function () {};
assert.areEqual('',, "Bug 1242667: We need to wrap strings in Brackets") ;
name: "Bug 2302197",
body: function()
var b = {};
var c = b.x = function Ctor() {}
var a = new c();
assert.areEqual('Ctor',, "confirm IsNameIdentifierRef does not override IsNamedFunctionExpression");
assert.areEqual('Ctor',, "confirm IsNameIdentifierRef does not override IsNamedFunctionExpression");
assert.areEqual('Ctor',, "confirm IsNameIdentifierRef does not override IsNamedFunctionExpression");
name: "Bug 3941893 & Bug 4153027",
body: function()
class B {
static ["n"+"a"+"me"]() {}
assert.areEqual("function", typeof, "Function 'name' attribute should not be inferred in presence of static computed 'name' method");
assert.areEqual("name",, "Make sure the name is correct");
var o = {
['A'+'B'] : class extends B {},
['C'+'B'] : class {},
['a'+'b'] : class extends B {foo_ab(){}},
['c'+'b'] : class {foo_cb(){}},
['d'+'f'] : class extends B {static foo_df(){}},
['f'+'d'] : class {static foo_fd(){}}
assert.areEqual("AB",, "confirm empty super class is properly assigned to a computed property");
assert.areEqual("CB",, "confirm empty base class is properly assigned to a computed property");
assert.areEqual("ab",, "confirm filled super class is properly assigned to a computed property");
assert.areEqual("cb",, "confirm filled base class is properly assigned to a computed property");
assert.areEqual("df",, "confirm static filled super class is properly assigned to a computed property");
assert.areEqual("fd",, "confirm static filled base class is properly assigned to a computed property");
name: "Bug 3713125",
body: function()
var target = Object.defineProperty(function() {}, 'name', { value: 'target' });
assert.areEqual('bound bound target', target.bind().bind().name, "confirm bound is appended to the front twice");
d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target.bind().bind(), 'name')
assert.areEqual(false, d.writable);
assert.areEqual(false, d.enumerable);
assert.areEqual(true, d.configurable);
name: "Bug 3713014",
body: function()
var namedSym = Symbol('test');
var anonSym = Symbol();
class A {
set [namedSym](_) {}
get [namedSym]() {}
var classASymbolSet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(A.prototype, namedSym).set;
var classASymbolGet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(A.prototype, namedSym).get;
assert.areEqual("get [test]",, " should not throw because of toString call on symbol");
assert.areEqual("set [test]",, " should not throw because of toString call on symbol");
class B {
set [anonSym](_) {}
get [anonSym]() {}
var classBSymbolSet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(B.prototype, anonSym).set;
var classBSymbolGet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(B.prototype, anonSym).get;
assert.areEqual("get ",, " should not throw because of toString call on symbol");
assert.areEqual("set ",, " should not throw because of toString call on symbol");
name: "OS Bug 3933663 Classes Should not un-defer a class constructor before we store the computed property",
body: function()
var first = 'a';
var second = 'b';
var third = Symbol('c');
var fourth = Symbol();
var o;
o = {
[first]: class {},
[second]: class {},
[third]: class {},
[fourth]: class {}
assert.areEqual("a", o[first].name , "confirm class constructor names are the computed property value a");
assert.areEqual("b", o[second].name, "confirm class constructor names are the computed property value b");
assert.areEqual("[c]", o[third].name , "confirm class constructor names are the computed property value [c]");
assert.areEqual("", o[fourth].name, "confirm class constructor names are the computed property value empty string");
name: "fix for toString override",
body: function()
var b="barzee";
class foo {
[b] () {}
var inst=new foo();
name: "Issue 539 Fix: preserve the shortNameOffset per append",
body: function()
class C { foo(){} };
assert.areEqual("foo",(new C);
name: "Getter and setter have correct name in defineProperty",
body: function()
var obj = {};
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'test', {get : function () {}, set : function () {} });
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'test');
name: "Function name will be set only when LHS is identifier reference.",
body: function()
var obj = {}; = function() {
assert.areEqual(, "");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });