blob: 36ddf7cd8374657e88835e8717d176d58cd32925 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
var tests = [
name: "Default argument parsing",
body: function () {
// Incomplete expressions
assert.throws(function () { eval("function foo(a =) { return a; }"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in a function", "Syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var x = function(a =) { return a; }"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in a function expression", "Syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("(a =) => a"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in a lambda", "Syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var x = { foo(a =) { return a; } }"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in an object method", "Syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var x = class { foo(a =) { return a; } }"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in a class method", "Syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var x = { foo: function (a =) { return a; } }"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in an object member function", "Syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function * foo(a =) { return a; }"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in a generator function", "Syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var x = function*(a =) { return a; }"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in a generator function", "Syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var x = class { * foo(a =) { return a; } }"); }, SyntaxError, "Incomplete default expression throws in a class generator method", "Syntax error");
// Duplicate parameters
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a, b, a, c = 10) { }"); }, SyntaxError, "Duplicate parameters are not allowed before the default argument", "Duplicate formal parameter names not allowed in this context");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a, b = 10, a) { }"); }, SyntaxError, "Duplicate parameters are not allolwed after the default argument", "Duplicate formal parameter names not allowed in this context");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a, b, a, c) { \"use strict\"; }"); }, SyntaxError, "When function is in strict mode duplicate parameters are not allowed for simple parameter list", "Duplicate formal parameter names not allowed in strict mode");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a, b = 1) { \"use strict\"; }"); }, SyntaxError, "Strict mode cannot be applied to functions with default parameters", "Cannot apply strict mode on functions with non-simple parameter list");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f() { \"use strict\"; function g(a, b, a) { } }"); }, SyntaxError, "When a function is already in strict mode duplicate parameters are not allowed for simple parameter list", "Duplicate formal parameter names not allowed in strict mode");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f() { \"use strict\"; function g(a, b, a = 10) { } }"); }, SyntaxError, "When a function is already in strict mode duplicate parameters are not allowed for formal parameter list", "Duplicate formal parameter names not allowed in strict mode");
assert.doesNotThrow(function f() { "use strict"; function g(a, b = 10) { } }, "Default arguments are allowed for functions which are already in strict mode");
assert.doesNotThrow(function f(a, b, a, c) { return a + b + c; }, "In non-strict mode duplicate parameters are allowed");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { var obj = { set f(a = 1) {} }; }, "Default parameters can be used with setters inside an object literal");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { class c { set f(a = 1) {} }; }, "Default parameters can be used with setters inside a class");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { var obj = { set f({a}) {} }; }, "Setter can have destructured param list");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { var obj = { set f({a, b}) {} }; }, "Setter can have destructured param list with more than one parameter");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { var obj = { set f([a, b]) {} }; }, "Setter can have destructured array pattern with more than one parameter");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { var obj = { set f([a, ...b]) {} }; }, "Setter can have destructured array pattern with rest");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { set f(...a) {} };"); }, SyntaxError, "Rest parameter cannot be used with setters inside an object literal", "Unexpected ... operator");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { set f(a, b = 1) {} };"); }, SyntaxError, "Setters can have only one parameter even if one of them is default parameter", "Setter functions must have exactly one parameter");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { set f(a = 1, b) {} };"); }, SyntaxError, "Setters can have only one parameter even if one of them is default parameter", "Setter functions must have exactly one parameter");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { set f(a = 1, ...b) {} };") }, SyntaxError, "Setters can have only one parameter even if one of them is rest parameter", "Setter functions must have exactly one parameter");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { set f(a = 1, {b}) {} };"); }, SyntaxError, "Setters can have only one parameter even if one of them is destructured parameter", "Setter functions must have exactly one parameter");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { set f({a}, b = 1) {} };"); }, SyntaxError, "Setters can have only one parameter even if one of them is default parameter", "Setter functions must have exactly one parameter");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { get f(a = 1) {} };"); }, SyntaxError, "Getter cannnot have any parameter even if it is default parameter", "Getter functions must have no parameters");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { get f(...a) {} };"); }, SyntaxError, "Getter cannot have any parameter even if it is rest parameter", "Getter functions must have no parameters");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var obj = { get f({a}) {} };"); }, SyntaxError, "Getter cannot have any parameter even if it is destructured parameter", "Getter functions must have no parameters");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function foo(a *= 5)"); }, SyntaxError, "Other assignment operators do not work");
// Redeclaration errors - non-simple in this case means any parameter list with a default expression
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { eval("function foo(a = 1) { var a; }"); }, "Var redeclaration with a non-simple parameter list");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { eval("function foo(a = 1, b) { var b; }"); }, "Var redeclaration does not throw with a non-simple parameter list on a non-default parameter");
assert.throws(function () { function foo(a = 1) { eval('var a;'); }; foo() }, ReferenceError, "Var redeclaration throws with a non-simple parameter list inside an eval", "Let/Const redeclaration");
assert.throws(function () { function foo(a = 1, b) { eval('var b;'); }; foo(); }, ReferenceError, "Var redeclaration throws with a non-simple parameter list on a non-default parameter inside eval", "Let/Const redeclaration");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { function foo(a = 1) { eval('let a;'); }; foo() }, "Let redeclaration inside an eval does not throw with a non-simple parameter list");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { function foo(a = 1) { eval('const a = "str";'); }; foo() }, "Const redeclaration inside an eval does not throw with a non-simple parameter list");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { function foo(a = 1) { eval('let a;'); }; foo() }, "Let redeclaration of a non-default parameter inside an eval does not throw with a non-simple parameter list");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { function foo(a = 1) { eval('const a = 0;'); }; foo() }, "Const redeclaration of a non-default parameter inside an eval does not throw with a non-simple parameter list");
assert.throws(function () { eval("x = 3 => x"); }, SyntaxError, "Lambda formals without parentheses cannot have default expressions", "Expected \'(\'");
assert.throws(function () { eval("var a = 0, b = 0; (x = ++a,++b) => x"); }, SyntaxError, "Default expressions cannot have comma separated expressions", "Expected identifier");
name: "Default argument sanity checks and expressions",
body: function () {
function foo(a, b = 2, c = 1, d = a + b + c, e) { return d; }
assert.areEqual(foo(), foo(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined), "Passing undefined has the same behavior as a default expression");
assert.areEqual(foo(1), foo(1, 2), "Passing some arguments leaves default values for the rest");
assert.areEqual(foo(1, 2), foo(1, 2, 1), "Passing some arguments leaves default values for the rest");
assert.areEqual(foo(3, 5), foo(3, 5, 1), "Overriding default values leaves other default values in tact");
function sideEffects(a = 1, b = ++a, c = ++b, d = ++c) { return [a,b,c,d]; }
assert.areEqual([2,3,4,4], sideEffects(), "Side effects chain properly");
assert.areEqual([1,1,1,1], sideEffects(0,undefined,0), "Side effects chain properly with some arguments passed");
function argsObj1(a = 15, b = arguments[1], c = arguments[0]) { return [a,b,c]; }
assert.areEqual([15,undefined,undefined], argsObj1(), "Arguments object uses original parameters passed");
function argsObj2(a, b = 5 * arguments[0]) { return arguments[1]; }
assert.areEqual(undefined, argsObj2(5), "Arguments object does not return default expression");
this.val = { test : "test" };
function thisTest(a = this.val, b = this.val = 1.1, c = this.val, d = this.val2 = 2, e = this.val2) { return [a,b,c,d,e]; }
assert.areEqual([{test:"test"}, 1.1, 1.1, 2, 2], thisTest(), "'this' is able to be referenced and modified");
var expAValue, expBValue, expCValue;
function f(a = 10, b = 20, c) {
assert.areEqual(a, expAValue, "First argument");
assert.areEqual(b, expBValue, "Second argument");
assert.areEqual(c, expCValue, "Third argument");
expAValue = null, expBValue = 20, expCValue = 1;
f(null, undefined, 1);
expAValue = null, expBValue = null, expCValue = null;
f(null, null, null);
expAValue = 10, expBValue = null, expCValue = 3;
f(undefined, null, 3);
function lambdaCapture() {
this.propA = 1;
var lambda = (a = this.propA++) => {
assert.areEqual(a, 1, "Lambda default parameters use 'this' correctly");
assert.areEqual(this.propA, 2, "Lambda default parameters using 'this' support side effects");
// Function length with and without default
function length1(a, b, c) {}
function length2(a, b, c = 1) {}
function length3(a, b = 1, c = 1) {}
function length4(a, b = 1, c) {}
function length5(a = 2, b, c) {}
function length6(a = 2, b = 5, c = "str") {}
assert.areEqual(3, length1.length, "No default parameters gives correct length");
assert.areEqual(2, length2.length, "One trailing default parameter gives correct length");
assert.areEqual(1, length3.length, "Two trailing default parameters gives correct length");
assert.areEqual(1, length4.length, "One default parameter with following non-default gives correct length");
assert.areEqual(0, length5.length, "One default parameter with two following non-defaults gives correct length");
assert.areEqual(0, length6.length, "All default parameters gives correct length");
name: "Use before declaration in parameter lists",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("function foo(a = b, b = a) {}; foo();"); }, ReferenceError, "Unevaluated parameters cannot be referenced in a default initializer", "Use before declaration");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function foo(a = a, b = b) {}; foo();"); }, ReferenceError, "Unevaluated parameters cannot be referenced in a default initializer", "Use before declaration");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function foo(a = (b = 5), b) {}; foo();"); }, ReferenceError, "Unevaluated parameters cannot be modified in a default initializer", "Use before declaration");
function argsFoo(a = (arguments[1] = 5), b) { return b };
assert.areEqual(undefined, argsFoo(), "Unevaluated parameters are referenceable using the arguments object");
assert.areEqual(undefined, argsFoo(1), "Side effects on the arguments object are allowed but has no effect on default parameter initialization");
assert.areEqual(2, argsFoo(1, 2), "Side effects on the arguments object are allowed but has no effect on default parameter initialization");
name: "Parameter scope does not have visibility of body declarations",
body: function () {
function foo1(a = x) { var x = 1; return a; }
assert.throws(function() { foo1(); },
"Shadowed var in parameter scope is not affected by body initialization when setting the default value",
"'x' is undefined");
function foo2(a = () => x) { var x = 1; return a(); }
assert.throws(function () { foo2(); },
"Arrow function capturing var at parameter scope is not affected by body declaration",
"'x' is undefined");
function foo3(a = () => x) { var x = 1; return a; } // a() undefined
assert.throws(function () { foo3()(); },
"Attempted closure capture of body scoped var throws in an arrow function default expression",
"'x' is undefined");
function foo4(a = function() { return x; }) { var x = 1; return a(); }
assert.throws(function () { foo4(); },
"Attempted closure capture of body scoped var throws in an anonymous function default expression",
"'x' is undefined");
function foo5(a = function bar() { return 1; }, b = bar()) { return [a(), b]; }
assert.throws(function () { foo5(); },
"Named function expression does not leak name into subsequent default expressions",
"'bar' is undefined");
function foo6(a = b1) {
function b1() {
return 2;
assert.areEqual(1, a, "First argument should get the initial value from outer variable");
assert.areEqual(2, b1(), "Block scoped function should be visible in the body also");
var b1 = 1;
var a1 = 10;
function foo7(b = function () { return a1; }) {
assert.areEqual(undefined, a1, "Inside the function body the assignment hasn't happened yet");
var a1 = 20;
assert.areEqual(20, a1, "Assignment to the symbol inside the function changes the value");
return b;
assert.areEqual(10, foo7()(), "Function in the param scope correctly binds to the outer variable");
function foo8(a = x1, b = function g() {
return function h() {
assert.areEqual(10, x1, "x1 is captured from the outer scope");
}) {
var x1 = 100;
var x1 = 10;
var x2 = 1;
function foo9(a = x2, b = function() { return x2; }) {
function x2() {
var x2 = 2;
return b;
assert.areEqual(1, foo9()(), "Symbol capture at the param scope is unaffected by the inner definitions");
var x3 = 1;
function foo10(a = x3, b = function(_x) { return x3; }) {
var x3 = 2;
return b;
assert.areEqual(1, foo10()(), "Symbol capture at the param scope is unaffected by other references in the body and param");
name: "Parameter scope shadowing tests",
body: function () {
// These tests exercise logic in FindOrAddPidRef for when we need to look at parameter scope
// Original sym in parameter scope
var test0 = function(arg1 = _strvar0) {
for (var _strvar0 in f32) {
for (var _strvar0 in obj1) {
// False positive PidRef (no decl) at parameter scope
function test1() {
for (var _strvar0 in a) {
var f = function(b = _strvar0) {
for (var _strvar0 in c) {}
function test2() {
let l = (z) => {
let w = { z };
assert.areEqual(10, w.z, "Identifier reference in object literal should get the correct reference from the arguments");
var z;
name: "Arrow function bodies in parameter scope",
body: function () {
// Nested parameter scopes
function arrow(a = ((x = 1) => x)()) { return a; }
assert.areEqual(1, arrow(), "Arrow function with default value works at parameter scope");
function nestedArrow(a = (b = (x = () => 1)) => 1) { return a; }
assert.areEqual(1, nestedArrow()(), "Nested arrow function with default value works at parameter scope");
name: "OS 1583694: Arguments sym is not set correctly on undo defer",
body: function () {
var arguments;
name: "Split parameter scope",
body: function () {
assert.doesNotThrow(function f(a = 1, b = class c { f() { return 2; }}) { }, "Class methods that do not refer to a formal are allowed in the param scope");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a = eval('1')) { }") }, SyntaxError, "Eval is not allowed in the parameter scope", "'eval' is not allowed in the default initializer");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a, b = function () { eval('1'); }) { }") }, SyntaxError, "Evals in child functions are not allowed in the parameter scope", "'eval' is not allowed in the default initializer");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a, b = function () { function f() { eval('1'); } }) { }") }, SyntaxError, "Evals in nested child functions are not allowed in the parameter scope", "'eval' is not allowed in the default initializer");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a, b = eval('a')) { }") }, SyntaxError, "Eval is not allowed in the parameter scope", "'eval' is not allowed in the default initializer");
assert.throws(function () { eval("async function f(a = eval('b')) { }"); }, SyntaxError, "Eval is not allowed in the param scope of async functions", "'eval' is not allowed in the default initializer");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function f(a = async function(y) { eval('b'); }) { }"); }, SyntaxError, "Eval is not allowed in the param scope of nested async functions", "'eval' is not allowed in the default initializer");
assert.doesNotThrow(function (a = eval) { }, "An assignment of eval does not cause syntax error");
assert.doesNotThrow(function (a = eval()) { }, "If no arguments are passed to eval then it won't cause syntax error");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { eval("function f( x = function y() { function z() { x; }; }) { }"); }, "Split scope functions inside eval shouldn't throw");
name: "Unmapped arguments - Non simple parameter list",
body: function () {
function f1 (x = 10, y = 20, z) {
x += 2;
y += 2;
z += 2;
assert.areEqual(arguments[0], undefined, "arguments[0] is not mapped with first formal and did not change when the first formal changed");
assert.areEqual(arguments[1], undefined, "arguments[1] is not mapped with second formal and did not change when the second formal changed");
assert.areEqual(arguments[2], 30, "arguments[2] is not mapped with third formal and did not change when the third formal changed");
arguments[0] = 1;
arguments[1] = 2;
arguments[2] = 3;
assert.areEqual(x, 12, "Changing arguments[0], did not change the first formal");
assert.areEqual(y, 22, "Changing arguments[1], did not change the second formal");
assert.areEqual(z, 32, "Changing arguments[2], did not change the third formal");
f1(undefined, undefined, 30);
function f2 (x = 10, y = 20, z) {
x += 2;
y += 2;
z += 2;
assert.areEqual(arguments[0], undefined, "Function has eval - arguments[0] is not mapped with first formal and did not change when the first formal changed");
assert.areEqual(arguments[1], undefined, "Function has eval - arguments[1] is not mapped with second formal and did not change when the second formal changed");
assert.areEqual(arguments[2], 30, "Function has eval - arguments[2] is not mapped with third formal and did not change when the third formal changed");
arguments[0] = 1;
arguments[1] = 2;
arguments[2] = 3;
assert.areEqual(x, 12, "Function has eval - Changing arguments[0], did not change the first formal");
assert.areEqual(y, 22, "Function has eval - Changing arguments[1], did not change the second formal");
assert.areEqual(z, 32, "Function has eval - Changing arguments[2], did not change the third formal");
f2(undefined, undefined, 30);
function f3 (x = 10, y = 20, z) {
(function () {
x += 2;
y += 2;
z += 2;
assert.areEqual(arguments[0], undefined, "Function's inner function has eval - arguments[0] is not mapped with first formal and did not change when the first formal changed");
assert.areEqual(arguments[1], undefined, "Function's inner function has eval - arguments[1] is not mapped with second formal and did not change when the second formal changed");
assert.areEqual(arguments[2], 30, "Function's inner function has eval - arguments[2] is not mapped with third formal and did not change when the third formal changed");
arguments[0] = 1;
arguments[1] = 2;
arguments[2] = 3;
assert.areEqual(x, 12, "Function's inner function has eval - Changing arguments[0], did not change the first formal");
assert.areEqual(y, 22, "Function's inner function has eval - Changing arguments[1], did not change the second formal");
assert.areEqual(z, 32, "Function's inner function has eval - Changing arguments[2], did not change the third formal");
f3(undefined, undefined, 30);
function f4 (a, b, c, d = 1) {
var e = 10;
assert.areEqual(2, arguments[0], "Unmapped arguments value has the expected value in the body");
(function () {
};, 2);
function f5 (a, b, c, d = 1) {
var e = 10;
var d = 11;
assert.areEqual(2, arguments[0], "Unmapped arguments value has the expected value, even with duplicate symbol in the body");
(function () {
};, 2);
name: "Param of lambda has default as function",
body: function () {
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { eval("[ (a = function () { }) => {} ];"); }, "Lambda defined, inside an array literal, has a default as a function should not assert");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });