blob: 99b4a7ac841756c4b343393bf15a37d26784ca9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// ES6 Subclassable tests -- verifies subclass construction behavior
var tests = [
name: "Subclass of Boolean",
body: function () {
class MyBoolean extends Boolean {
constructor(...val) {
this.prop = 'mybool';
method() {
return this.prop;
assert.areEqual('mybool', new MyBoolean(true).method(), "Subclass of Boolean has correct methods and properties");
assert.isTrue(new MyBoolean(true) == true, "Subclass of Boolean object has correct boolean value");
assert.isTrue(new MyBoolean(false) == false, "Subclass of Boolean object has correct boolean value");
name: "Subclass of Error",
body: function () {
function verifySubclassError(constructor, constructorName) {
class MyError extends constructor {
constructor(...val) {
this.prop = 'myerrorsubclass of ' + constructorName;
method() {
return this.prop;
assert.areEqual('myerrorsubclass of ' + constructorName, new MyError('message').method(), "Subclass of " + constructorName + " has correct methods and properties");
assert.areEqual(constructorName + ": message", new MyError('message').toString(), "Subclass of " + constructorName + " has correct message value");
verifySubclassError(Error, 'Error');
verifySubclassError(EvalError, 'EvalError');
verifySubclassError(RangeError, 'RangeError');
verifySubclassError(ReferenceError, 'ReferenceError');
verifySubclassError(SyntaxError, 'SyntaxError');
verifySubclassError(TypeError, 'TypeError');
verifySubclassError(URIError, 'URIError');
name: "Subclass of Number",
body: function () {
class MyNumber extends Number {
constructor(...val) {
this.prop = 'mynumber';
method() {
return this.prop;
assert.areEqual('mynumber', new MyNumber(0).method(), "Subclass of Number has correct methods and properties");
assert.isTrue(new MyNumber(123) == 123, "Subclass of Number object has correct value");
assert.isTrue(new MyNumber() == 0, "MyNumber constructor calls super with no argument should behave the same way as Number constructor and return NaN!");
name: "Subclass of Array",
body: function () {
class MyArray extends Array {
constructor(...val) {
this.prop = 'myarray';
method() {
return this.prop;
assert.areEqual('myarray', new MyArray().method(), "Subclass of Array has correct methods and properties");
assert.areEqual(0, new MyArray().length, "Subclass of Array object has correct length when constructor called with no arguments");
assert.areEqual(100, new MyArray(100).length, "Subclass of Array object has correct length when constructor called with single numeric argument");
assert.areEqual(50, new MyArray(50.0).length, "Subclass of Array object has correct length when constructor called with single float argument");
assert.areEqual(1, new MyArray('something').length, "Subclass of Array object has correct length when constructor called with single non-numeric argument");
assert.areEqual('something', new MyArray('something')[0], "Subclass of Array object has correct length when constructor called with single non-numeric argument");
var a = new MyArray(1,2,3);
assert.areEqual(3, a.length, "Subclass of Array object has correct length when constructor called with multiple arguments");
assert.areEqual(1, a[0], "Subclass of Array object has correct values when constructor called with multiple arguments");
assert.areEqual(2, a[1], "Subclass of Array object has correct values when constructor called with multiple arguments");
assert.areEqual(3, a[2], "Subclass of Array object has correct values when constructor called with multiple arguments");
assert.isTrue(Array.isArray(a), "Subclass of Array is an array as tested via Array.isArray");
name: "Subclass of Array - proto chain",
body: function () {
class MyArray extends Array
constructor(...args) { super(...args); }
getFirstElement() { return this.length > 0 ? this[0] : undefined; }
getLastElement() { return this.length > 0 ? this[this.length-1] : undefined; }
class OurArray extends MyArray
constructor(...args) { super(...args); }
getLength() { return this.length; }
function verifyProtoChain(obj, length, newElement, firstElement)
assert.areEqual(false, obj instanceof Function, "Subclass of Array is not a function object");
assert.areEqual(true, obj instanceof Array, "Subclass of Array is an Array");
assert.areEqual(true, obj instanceof MyArray, "Subclass of Array is a 'MyArray' instance");
assert.areEqual(true, obj instanceof OurArray, "Subclass of Array is a 'OurArray' instance");
assert.areEqual(OurArray.prototype, obj.__proto__, "obj's [[Prototype]] slot points to OurArray.prototype");
assert.areEqual(MyArray.prototype, obj.__proto__.__proto__, "obj's 2nd-order [[Prototype]] points to MyArray.prototype");
assert.areEqual(Array.prototype, obj.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__, "obj's 3rd-order [[Prototype]] chain points to Array.prototype");
assert.areEqual(length, obj.length, "Subclass of Array is a 'OurArray' instance");
obj[length] = newElement;
assert.areEqual(length + 1, obj.length, "Subclass of Array is a 'OurArray' instance");
assert.areEqual(length + 1, obj.getLength(), "obj.getLength() returns "+ (length + 1));
assert.areEqual(firstElement, obj.getFirstElement(), "obj.getFirstElement() returns "+ firstElement);
assert.areEqual(newElement, obj.getLastElement(), "obj.getLastElement() returns "+ newElement);
assert.areEqual(MyArray, OurArray.__proto__, "OurArray's [[Prototype]] slot points to MyArray");
assert.areEqual(Array, MyArray.__proto__, "MyArray's [[Prototype]] slot points to Array");
verifyProtoChain(new OurArray(), 0, 1, 1);
verifyProtoChain(new OurArray('e'), 1, 'element', 'e');
verifyProtoChain(new OurArray('xyz',2), 2, function(){}, 'xyz');
verifyProtoChain(new OurArray(1,2,3), 3, 4, 1);
verifyProtoChain(new OurArray('a','b','c','d'), 4, 'e', 'a');
verifyProtoChain(new OurArray(100), 100, 'element', undefined);
name: "Subclass of built-in constructors - verify proto chain",
body: function () {
function testProtoChain (Type, isFunction, ctorArgs)
class MyType extends Type
constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.prop1="method1"; }
method1() { return ">"+this.prop1; }
class OurType extends MyType
constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.prop0="method0"; }
method0() { return ">"+this.prop0; }
function verifyProtoChain(obj)
assert.areEqual(isFunction, obj instanceof Function, "Subclass of "+ +" is" + (isFunction ? "" : " not") + " a function object");
assert.areEqual(true, obj instanceof Type, "Subclass of " + + " is an instance of " +;
assert.areEqual(true, obj instanceof MyType, "Subclass of " + + " is an instance of 'MyType'");
assert.areEqual(true, obj instanceof OurType, "Subclass of " + + " is an instance of 'OurType'");
assert.areEqual(OurType.prototype, obj.__proto__, "obj's [[Prototype]] slot points to OurType.prototype");
assert.areEqual(MyType.prototype, obj.__proto__.__proto__, "obj's 2nd-order [[Prototype]] points to MyType.prototype");
assert.areEqual(Type.prototype, obj.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__, "obj's 3rd-order [[Prototype]] chain points to Type.prototype");
assert.areEqual(">method0", obj.method0(), "obj");
assert.areEqual(">method1", obj.method1(), "obj");
assert.areEqual(MyType, OurType.__proto__, "OurType's [[Prototype]] slot points to MyType");
assert.areEqual(Type, MyType.__proto__, "MyType's [[Prototype]] slot points to Type");
verifyProtoChain(eval("new OurType("+ctorArgs+")"));
function testReflectConstructNewTarget (Type, isFunction, ctorArgs)
class MyType extends Type {}
let obj = Reflect.construct(Type, eval("["+ctorArgs+"]"), MyType);
assert.areEqual(true, obj instanceof MyType, " should be available in built-in subclassable constructor " +;
function forEachBuiltinSubclassable(test)
let GeneratorFunction = (function* g() {}).constructor;
let TypedArray = Int8Array.__proto__;
test(Array, false, "");
test(ArrayBuffer, false, "");
test(Boolean, false, "");
test(DataView, false, "new ArrayBuffer()");
test(Date, false, "");
test(Error, false, "");
test( EvalError, false, "");
test( RangeError, false, "");
test( ReferenceError, false, "");
test( SyntaxError, false, "");
test( TypeError, false, "");
test( URIError, false, "");
test(Function, true, "");
test(GeneratorFunction, true, "");
test(Map, false, "");
test(Number, false, "");
test(Object, false, "");
test(Promise, false, "function() {}");
test(RegExp, false, "");
test(Set, false, "");
test(String, false, "");
assert.throws( function() { test(Symbol, false, ""); }, TypeError,
"Subclasses of Symbol cannot be instantiated", "Function is not a constructor");
assert.throws( function() { test(TypedArray, false, ""); }, TypeError,
"Subclasses of typed array constructor cannot be instantiated", "Typed array constructor argument is invalid");
test( Int8Array, false, "");
test( Int16Array, false, "");
test( Int32Array, false, "");
test( Uint8Array, false, "");
test( Uint8ClampedArray, false, "");
test( Uint16Array, false, "");
test( Uint32Array, false, "");
test( Float32Array, false, "");
test( Float64Array, false, "");
test(WeakMap, false, "");
test(WeakSet, false, "");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });