blob: 25978b6bf9ccaadee9a3d3b3241f0837b3a899a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
var echo = WScript.Echo;
function guarded_call(func) {
try {
} catch (e) {
echo( + " : " + e.message);
var testCount = 0;
function scenario(title, func) {
if (testCount > 0) {
echo((testCount++) + ".", title);
// If needed, echo lines sorted to remove dependency on order.
function echoLines(lines, sort) {
if (sort) {
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// dump own property descriptors of obj
function dumpProp(obj) {
var lines = [];
var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for (var p in names) {
var name = names[p];
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
var s = " " + name + ": " + obj[name];
if (desc.enumerable) { s += " enumerable"; }
if (desc.configurable) { s += " configurable"; }
if (desc.writable) { s += " writable"; }
if (desc.getter) { s += " getter"; }
if (desc.setter) { s += " setter"; }
// dump obj through for-in enumerator
function enumObj(obj) {
var lines = [];
for (var p in obj) {
// add property during enumeration
if (!obj[500]) {
obj[500] = "Should not enumerate 500";
obj[600] = "Should not enumerate 600";
Object.defineProperty(obj, "700", {
get: function () { return "Should not enumerate 700"; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
lines.push(" " + p + ": " + obj[p]);
// add a bunch of data/attribute properties with different attributes
function addProp(o, prefix) {
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "10", {
value: "value 10"
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "11", {
value: "value 11",
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "12", {
value: "value 12",
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "13", {
value: "value 13",
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "20", {
get: function() { return "get 20"; },
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "21", {
get: function () { return "get 21"; },
enumerable: true,
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "22", {
get: function () { return "get 22"; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "25", {
set: function() { echo("do not call 25"); },
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "26", {
set: function() { echo("do not call 26"); },
enumerable: true,
Object.defineProperty(o, prefix + "27", {
set: function() { echo("do not call 27"); },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
function testWithObj(o) {
addProp(o, "xx");
addProp(o, "1");
echo(" --- properties ---");
echo(" --- for-in enumerate ---");
scenario("Test with object", function() {
abc: -12,
def: "hello",
1: undefined,
3: null
scenario("Test with array", function() {
-12, "hello", undefined, null
// Test Object.defineProperties, Object.create
function testPrototype(proto) {
Object.defineProperties(proto, {
name: { value: "SHOULD_NOT_enumerate_prototype" },
0: { get: function() { return "get 0"; } },
3: { value: 3 },
1: { get: function() { return "get 1"; }, enumerable: true },
5: { value: 5, enumerable: true },
2: { get: function() { return; }, enumerable: true },
var o = Object.create(proto, {
name: { value: "correct_original_instance" },
10: { get: function() { return "get 10"; } },
13: { value: 13 },
11: { get: function() { return "get 11"; }, enumerable: true },
15: { value: 15, enumerable: true },
12: { get: function() { return; }, enumerable: true },
echo("*** Prototype ***");
echo("*** Object ***");
echo("*** for in ***");
scenario("Test prototype with object", function() {
scenario("Test prototype with array", function() {
// Test String index property names
function testStr(o) {
// Set 0, 1, 2
guarded_call(function () {
o[0] = "x";
echo(" ", 0, o[0]);
guarded_call(function () {
Object.defineProperty(o, 1, { value: "y" });
echo(" ", 1, o[1]);
guarded_call(function () {
Object.defineProperty(o, 2, { get: function () { return "z"; } });
echo(" ", 2, o[2]);
// Set 6, 7
guarded_call(function () {
o[6] = "6";
echo(" ", 6, o[6]);
guarded_call(function () {
Object.defineProperty(o, 7, { get: function () { return "7"; }, enumerable: true });
echo(" ", 7, o[7]);
guarded_call(function () {
echo(" --- Properties ---");
guarded_call(function () {
echo(" --- Enumerate ---");
scenario("Test String with String value", function() {
scenario("Test String with String object", function() {
testStr(new String("abcd"));
scenario("Testing forin caching when forin changes from array to Es5array", function() {
var array = [4, 5, 6];
for (var i in array) {
// Adding a numeric property with attributes should create an ES5 array.
Object.defineProperty(array, "8", { get: function () { return 34; }, enumerable: true });
for (var i in array) {
scenario("Testing RegExp Number String Boolean Object Constructor length property attributes", function() {
function printAll()
for(var i in arguments[0])
WScript.Echo(i + ":" + arguments[0][i]);
printAll(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp, "length"));
printAll(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String, "length"));
printAll(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Boolean, "length"));
printAll(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Number, "length"));
printAll(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object, "length"));