blob: fe19132ff95c724f8208c1a513edf599c45e2da5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Object.prototype.toLocaleString tests for ES6 behaviors
if (this.WScript && this.WScript.LoadScriptFile) { // Check for running in ch
var toLocaleString = Object.prototype.toLocaleString;
var tests = [
name: "Simple error cases for Object#toLocaleString",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Object#toLocaleString throws when called with no parameters", "Object.prototype.toLocaleString: 'this' is null or undefined");
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Object#toLocaleString throws when called with undefined this parameter", "Object.prototype.toLocaleString: 'this' is null or undefined");
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Object#toLocaleString throws when called with null this parameter", "Object.prototype.toLocaleString: 'this' is null or undefined");
name: "Corner error cases for Object#toLocaleString",
body: function () {
var o = { toString : 'non-object' };
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Object#toLocaleString tries to get the 'toString' property from the this parameter of object with non-object toString property", "Object.prototype.toLocaleString: argument is not a Function object");
o = { get toString() { throw TypeError('get toString'); } };
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Object#toLocaleString tries to get the 'toString' property from the this parameter of object with throwing accessor toString property", "get toString");
o = { get toString() { return 'non-object'; } };
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Object#toLocaleString tries to get the 'toString' property from the this parameter of object with accessor toString property which returns non-function", "Object.prototype.toLocaleString: argument is not a Function object");
o = Object.create(null); // o doesn't have Object.prototype.toString
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Object#toLocaleString tries to get the 'toString' property from the this parameter of object without toString property", "Object.prototype.toLocaleString: argument is not a Function object");
o = {
toString() {
assert.areEqual(o, this, "This argument passed to toString function should be the same object passed to toLocaleString");
throw TypeError('toString');
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Object#toLocaleString tries to call the 'toString' property from the this parameter of object with toString function that throws", "toString");
name: "Object#toLocaleString passes the this argument as-is to the toString function we load from ToObject(this)",
body: function () {
'use strict';
Boolean.prototype.toString = function() { return typeof this; }; // we will walk up to here from Object(true) before we find Object.prototype.toString
assert.areEqual('boolean', true.toLocaleString(), "Calling Object#toLocaleString with a primitive this argument performs ToObject(this) which will call the function we added to Boolean#toString");
assert.areEqual('boolean',, "Calling Object#toLocaleString with a primitive this argument performs ToObject(this) which will call the function we added to Boolean#toString - even if we apply/call it");
assert.areEqual('5',, "Calling Object#toLocaleString with a primitive this argument performs ToObject(this) which will call Object#toString(5)");
Object.defineProperty(Boolean.prototype, "toString", { get: function() { return () => typeof this; }});
assert.areEqual('boolean', true.toLocaleString(), "Calling Object#toLocaleString with a primitive this argument performs ToObject(this) which will call the function we added to Boolean#toString");
assert.areEqual('boolean',, "Calling Object#toLocaleString with a primitive this argument performs ToObject(this) which will call the function we added to Boolean#toString - even if we apply/call it");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });