blob: f2a99de9b7ba36e45b1f5567ab9dbc3918c95d21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Ranges of valid hexadecimal characters
var v0 = 48, v9 = 57, vA = 65, vZ = 90, va = 97, vz = 122;
var nonHexWideCharValues =
// These characters are just outside the boundaries for hexadecimal characters
v0 - 1, v9 + 1,
vA - 1, vZ + 1,
va - 1, vz + 1,
// Some of these non-ASCII characters may map to a hexadecimal digit. However, we still should not accept them since they
// are not hexadecimal characters in the ASCII set.
65296, 65297, 65298, 65299, 65300, 65301, 65302, 65303,
65304, 65305, 65313, 65314, 65315, 65316, 65317, 65318,
65345, 65346, 65347, 65348, 65349, 65350
writeLine("First character invalid in %-encoded URI component:");
for (var i in nonHexWideCharValues)
var testResult = " " + nonHexWideCharValues[i] + ": ";
decodeURIComponent("%" + String.fromCharCode(nonHexWideCharValues[i]) + "0");
testResult += "Fail (no exception)";
catch (ex)
testResult += "Pass (" + + ": " + ex.message + ")";
writeLine("Second character invalid in %-encoded URI component:");
for (var i in nonHexWideCharValues)
var testResult = " " + nonHexWideCharValues[i] + ": ";
decodeURIComponent("%0" + String.fromCharCode(nonHexWideCharValues[i]));
testResult += "Fail (no exception)";
catch (ex)
testResult += "Pass (" + + ": " + ex.message + ")";
// Helpers
function writeLine(str)
WScript.Echo("" + str);