- replaced List class with a vector rather than a linked list, changed it
to use a pool of instances instead of all the nodes allocated off of the
heap; gives 10% gain on iBench
* kjs/list.h: Complete rewrite.
* kjs/list.cpp: Ditto.
* kjs/array_object.cpp: (compareWithCompareFunctionForQSort): Go back to
doing a clear and two appends here. Fast with the new list implementation.
* kjs/collector.h: Remove _COLLECTOR hack and just make rootObjectClasses
return a const void *.
* kjs/collector.cpp: Remove _COLLECTOR hack, and various other minor tweaks.
* khtml/ecma/kjs_window.cpp: Remove _COLLECTOR hack.
* kwq/WebCoreJavaScript.h:
* kwq/
(+[WebCoreJavaScript rootObjectClasses]):
Update for name change -- root object classes, not all live object classes.
* force-js-clean-timestamp: Make sure we don't have more build problems.
* Misc.subproj/WebCoreStatistics.h:
* Misc.subproj/WebCoreStatistics.m:
(+[WebCoreStatistics javaScriptRootObjectClasses]):
Update for name change -- root object classes, not all live object classes.
* Debug/CacheController.m: (-[CacheController refreshJavaScriptStatisticsMatrix]):
Update for name change -- root object classes, not all live object classes.
git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
diff --git a/JavaScriptCore/kjs/list.cpp b/JavaScriptCore/kjs/list.cpp
index 37c22f0..a06c6c2 100644
--- a/JavaScriptCore/kjs/list.cpp
+++ b/JavaScriptCore/kjs/list.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This file is part of the KDE libraries
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
@@ -21,23 +19,38 @@
-#include "value.h"
-#include "object.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "interpreter.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
+#include "list.h"
#include "internal.h"
-#include "collector.h"
-#include "operations.h"
-#include "error_object.h"
-#include "nodes.h"
+namespace KJS {
+// tunable parameters
+const int poolSize = 16; // must be a power of 2
+const int inlineValuesSize = 4;
+// derived constants
+const int poolSizeMask = poolSize - 1;
+enum ListImpState { unusedInPool = 0, usedInPool, usedOnHeap, immortal };
+struct ListImp : ListImpBase
+ ListImpState state;
+ ValueImp *values[inlineValuesSize];
+ int capacity;
+ ValueImp **overflow;
+ int sizeHighWaterMark;
+static ListImp pool[poolSize];
+static int poolCursor;
static int numLists;
@@ -48,9 +61,6 @@
static int numListsDestroyed;
static int numListsBiggerThan[17];
-static int numNodesAllocated;
-static int numNodesWouldNeedToBeCopied;
struct ListStatisticsExitLogger { ~ListStatisticsExitLogger(); };
static ListStatisticsExitLogger logger;
@@ -60,371 +70,171 @@
printf("\nKJS::List statistics:\n\n");
printf("%d lists were allocated\n", numLists);
printf("%d lists was the high water mark\n", numListsHighWaterMark);
- printf("largest list had %d elements\n\n", listSizeHighWaterMark);
- printf("%d nodes were allocated\n", numNodesAllocated);
- printf("%d node copies would have been necessary if lists didn't share\n\n", numNodesWouldNeedToBeCopied);
- for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
- printf("%.1f%% of the lists (%d) had more than %d element%s\n",
- 100.0 * numListsBiggerThan[i] / numListsDestroyed,
- numListsBiggerThan[i],
- i, i == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ printf("largest list had %d elements\n", listSizeHighWaterMark);
+ if (numListsDestroyed) {
+ putc('\n', stdout);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
+ printf("%.1f%% of the lists (%d) had more than %d element%s\n",
+ 100.0 * numListsBiggerThan[i] / numListsDestroyed,
+ numListsBiggerThan[i],
+ i, i == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ }
+ putc('\n', stdout);
-namespace KJS {
- struct ListNode {
- ListNode(const Value &val, ListNode *p, ListNode *n)
- : member(val.imp()), prev(p), next(n) { }
- ListNode(ValueImp *val, ListNode *p, ListNode *n)
- : member(val), prev(p), next(n) { }
- ValueImp *member;
- ListNode *prev, *next;
- };
- struct ListHookNode : public ListNode {
- ListHookNode() : ListNode(0, this, this), listRefCount(1), nodesRefCount(1)
- , sizeHighWaterMark(0)
- { }
+static inline ListImp *allocateListImp()
+ // Find a free one in the pool.
+ int c = poolCursor;
+ int i = c;
+ do {
+ ListImp *imp = &pool[i];
+ ListImpState s = imp->state;
+ i = (i + 1) & poolSizeMask;
+ if (s == unusedInPool) {
+ poolCursor = i;
+ imp->state = usedInPool;
+ return imp;
+ }
+ } while (i != c);
- int listRefCount;
- int nodesRefCount;
+ ListImp *imp = new ListImp;
+ imp->state = usedOnHeap;
+ return imp;
+static inline void deallocateListImp(ListImp *imp)
+ if (imp->state == usedInPool)
+ imp->state = unusedInPool;
+ else
+ delete imp;
+List::List() : _impBase(allocateListImp())
+ ListImp *imp = static_cast<ListImp *>(_impBase);
+ imp->size = 0;
+ imp->refCount = 1;
+ imp->capacity = 0;
+ imp->overflow = 0;
- int sizeHighWaterMark;
- };
-// ------------------------------ ListIterator ---------------------------------
-ValueImp* ListIterator::operator->() const
- return node->member;
-Value ListIterator::operator*() const
- return Value(node->member);
-Value ListIterator::operator++()
- node = node->next;
- return Value(node->member);
-Value ListIterator::operator++(int)
- const ListNode *n = node;
- ++*this;
- return Value(n->member);
-Value ListIterator::operator--()
- node = node->prev;
- return Value(node->member);
-Value ListIterator::operator--(int)
- const ListNode *n = node;
- --*this;
- return Value(n->member);
-// ------------------------------ List -----------------------------------------
-List::List() : hook(new ListHookNode)
- if (++numLists > numListsHighWaterMark)
- numListsHighWaterMark = numLists;
+ if (++numLists > numListsHighWaterMark)
+ numListsHighWaterMark = numLists;
+ imp->sizeHighWaterMark = 0;
-List::List(const List& l) : hook(l.hook)
+inline void List::derefValues()
- if (++numLists > numListsHighWaterMark)
- numListsHighWaterMark = numLists;
- numNodesWouldNeedToBeCopied += size();
- ++hook->listRefCount;
- if (hook->nodesRefCount++ == 0)
- refAll();
+ ListImp *imp = static_cast<ListImp *>(_impBase);
+ int size = imp->size;
+ int inlineSize = MIN(size, inlineValuesSize);
+ for (int i = 0; i != inlineSize; ++i)
+ imp->values[i]->deref();
+ int overflowSize = size - inlineSize;
+ ValueImp **overflow = imp->overflow;
+ for (int i = 0; i != overflowSize; ++i)
+ overflow[i]->deref();
-List& List::operator=(const List& l)
+void List::release()
- List(l).swap(*this);
- return *this;
+ ListImp *imp = static_cast<ListImp *>(_impBase);
- --numLists;
- if (--hook->nodesRefCount == 0)
- derefAll();
- if (--hook->listRefCount == 0) {
+ --numLists;
for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++)
- if (hook->sizeHighWaterMark > i)
- ++numListsBiggerThan[i];
+ if (imp->sizeHighWaterMark > i)
+ ++numListsBiggerThan[i];
- assert(hook->nodesRefCount == 0);
- clearInternal();
- delete hook;
- }
+ derefValues();
+ delete [] imp->overflow;
+ deallocateListImp(imp);
-void List::append(const Value& val)
+ValueImp *List::impAt(int i) const
- ListNode *n = new ListNode(val, hook->prev, hook);
- if (hook->nodesRefCount)
- n->member->ref();
- hook->prev->next = n;
- hook->prev = n;
- ++numNodesAllocated;
- int s = size();
- if (s > hook->sizeHighWaterMark) {
- hook->sizeHighWaterMark = s;
- if (s > listSizeHighWaterMark)
- listSizeHighWaterMark = s;
- }
+ ListImp *imp = static_cast<ListImp *>(_impBase);
+ if ((unsigned)i >= (unsigned)imp->size)
+ return UndefinedImp::staticUndefined;
+ if (i < inlineValuesSize)
+ return imp->values[i];
+ return imp->overflow[i - inlineValuesSize];
-void List::append(ValueImp *val)
- ListNode *n = new ListNode(val, hook->prev, hook);
- if (hook->nodesRefCount)
- val->ref();
- hook->prev->next = n;
- hook->prev = n;
- ++numNodesAllocated;
- int s = size();
- if (s > hook->sizeHighWaterMark) {
- hook->sizeHighWaterMark = s;
- if (s > listSizeHighWaterMark)
- listSizeHighWaterMark = s;
- }
-#if 0
-void List::prepend(const Value& val)
- ListNode *n = new ListNode(val, hook, hook->next);
- if (hook->nodesRefCount)
- n->member->ref();
- hook->next->prev = n;
- hook->next = n;
- ++numNodesAllocated;
- int s = size();
- if (s > hook->sizeHighWaterMark) {
- hook->sizeHighWaterMark = s;
- if (s > listSizeHighWaterMark)
- listSizeHighWaterMark = s;
- }
-void List::prepend(ValueImp *val)
- ListNode *n = new ListNode(val, hook, hook->next);
- if (hook->nodesRefCount)
- val->ref();
- hook->next->prev = n;
- hook->next = n;
- ++numNodesAllocated;
- int s = size();
- if (s > hook->sizeHighWaterMark) {
- hook->sizeHighWaterMark = s;
- if (s > listSizeHighWaterMark)
- listSizeHighWaterMark = s;
- }
-void List::prependList(const List& lst)
- ListNode *otherHook = lst.hook;
- ListNode *n = otherHook->prev;
- while (n != otherHook) {
- prepend(n->member);
- n = n->prev;
- }
-void List::removeFirst()
- erase(hook->next);
-#if 0
-void List::removeLast()
- erase(hook->prev);
-void List::remove(const Value &val)
- if (val.isNull())
- return;
- for (ListNode *n = hook->next; n != hook; n = n->next)
- if (n->member == val.imp()) {
- erase(n);
- return;
- }
void List::clear()
- if (hook->nodesRefCount)
- derefAll();
- clearInternal();
+ derefValues();
+ _impBase->size = 0;
-void List::clearInternal()
+void List::append(ValueImp *v)
- ListNode *n = hook->next;
- while (n != hook) {
- n = n->next;
- delete n->prev;
- }
+ ListImp *imp = static_cast<ListImp *>(_impBase);
- hook->next = hook;
- hook->prev = hook;
+ int i = imp->size++;
+ if (imp->size > listSizeHighWaterMark)
+ listSizeHighWaterMark = imp->size;
+ v->ref();
+ if (i < inlineValuesSize) {
+ imp->values[i] = v;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (i >= imp->capacity) {
+ int newCapacity = i * 2;
+ ValueImp **newOverflow = new ValueImp * [newCapacity - inlineValuesSize];
+ ValueImp **oldOverflow = imp->overflow;
+ int oldOverflowSize = i - inlineValuesSize;
+ for (int j = 0; j != oldOverflowSize; j++)
+ newOverflow[j] = oldOverflow[j];
+ delete [] oldOverflow;
+ imp->overflow = newOverflow;
+ imp->capacity = newCapacity;
+ }
+ imp->overflow[i - inlineValuesSize] = v;
-List List::copy() const
+List List::copyTail() const
- List newList;
- newList.prependList(*this);
- return newList;
+ List copy;
-ListIterator List::begin() const
- return ListIterator(hook->next);
+ ListImp *imp = static_cast<ListImp *>(_impBase);
-ListIterator List::end() const
- return ListIterator(hook);
+ int size = imp->size;
-bool List::isEmpty() const
- return hook->prev == hook;
+ int inlineSize = MIN(size, inlineValuesSize);
+ for (int i = 0; i != inlineSize; ++i)
+ copy.append(imp->values[i]);
-int List::size() const
- int s = 0;
- for (ListNode *n = hook->next; n != hook; n = n->next)
- s++;
- return s;
+ ValueImp **overflow = imp->overflow;
+ int overflowSize = size - inlineSize;
+ for (int i = 0; i != overflowSize; ++i)
+ copy.append(overflow[i]);
-Value List::at(int i) const
- if (i < 0 || i >= size())
- return Undefined();
- ListIterator it = begin();
- int j = 0;
- while ((j++ < i))
- it++;
- return *it;
-Value List::operator[](int i) const
- return at(i);
+ return copy;
const List &List::empty()
- static List l;
- return l;
-void List::erase(ListNode *n)
- if (n != hook) {
- if (hook->nodesRefCount)
- n->member->deref();
- n->next->prev = n->prev;
- n->prev->next = n->next;
- delete n;
- }
-void List::refAll()
- for (ListNode *n = hook->next; n != hook; n = n->next)
- n->member->ref();
-void List::derefAll()
- for (ListNode *n = hook->next; n != hook; n = n->next)
- n->member->deref();
-void List::swap(List &other)
- ListHookNode *tmp = hook;
- hook = other.hook;
- other.hook = tmp;
-void List::replaceFirst(ValueImp *v)
- ListNode *n = hook->next;
- if (hook->nodesRefCount) {
- v->ref();
- n->member->deref();
- }
- n->member = v;
-void List::replaceLast(ValueImp *v)
- ListNode *n = hook->prev;
- if (hook->nodesRefCount) {
- v->ref();
- n->member->deref();
- }
- n->member = v;
+ static List emptyList;
+ return emptyList;
} // namespace KJS