blob: 39b293f95e0fcfa80941c11124a2d723a336a549 [file] [log] [blame]
function testBlockScopes() {
// Normal (not Block)
let a = 1;
console.log("normal", a);
debugger; // 1
// If
if (true) {
let a = 990;
console.log("if", a);
debugger; // 2
// Else
if (false) {}
else {
let a = 991;
console.log("else", a);
debugger; // 3
// While
while (true) {
let a = 992;
console.log("while", a);
debugger; // 4
// Do/While
do {
let a = 993;
console.log("do", a);
debugger; // 5
} while (false);
// For
for (let a = 994; true; ++a) {
console.log("for", a);
debugger; // 6
// ForIn
for (let a in ({"995":1})) {
console.log("for-in", a);
debugger; // 7
// ForOf
for (let a of [996]) {
console.log("for-of", a);
debugger; // 8
// Switch
switch ("test") {
case "test":
let a = 997;
console.log("case", a);
debugger; // 9
// fallthrough
a += 0.5;
console.log("default", a);
debugger; // 10
// Try
try {
let a = 998;
console.log("try", a);
debugger; // 11
} catch (e) {}
// Catch
try {
throw "Error";
} catch (e) {
let a = 999;
console.log("catch", a);
debugger; // 12
// Finally
try {}
finally {
let a = 1000;
console.log("finally", a);
debugger; // 13
// Anonymous block.
let a = 1001;
console.log("block", a);
debugger; // 14
// With block.
with ({something:true,__proto__:null}) {
let a = 1002;
console.log("with", a);
debugger; // 15
// Nested blocks.
let a = 1003;
let a = 1004;
let a = 1005;
let a = 1006;
console.log("nested blocks", a);
debugger; // 16
// Class (method)
(new (class MyClass {
method() {
// Block Variable scope containing the Class identifier `MyClass`.
console.log("class (method)");
debugger; // 17
// Class (static method)
(class MyClassWithStaticMethod {
static staticMethod() {
// Block Variable scope containing the Class identifier `MyClass`.
console.log("class (static)");
debugger; // 18
// Normal (not Block)
console.log("normal", a);
debugger; // 19