blob: 99e898fa69676529aacb8d4b59e413ffb9012b87 [file] [log] [blame]
@namespace "";
math {
We use the exact bounding boxes of glyphs to avoid excessive gaps in mathematical formulas.
FIXME: Should we replace this with a more general handling of ink/logical ascent/descent?
See, and
-webkit-line-box-contain: glyphs replaced;
Inheriting the following properties can cause excessive spacing of mathematical formulas so we
just reset them to their default values.
text-indent: 0;
line-height: normal;
word-spacing: normal;
letter-spacing: normal;
In some countries and languages, text is written from right-to-left while mathematical formulas
are written from left-to-write. Hence it is wrong to inherit the direction and we reset that
property to left-to-write. Per the MathML specification, authors should explicitly use the "dir"
attribute on the <math> element if they want to force the overall direction of the mathematical
direction: ltr;
/* Fonts with appropriate Unicode coverage and OpenType features are required for good math
rendering. These requirements as well as the up-to-date list of known math fonts to fulfill
these requirements are listed on
Inheriting the font-family is likely to make MathML use text fonts that are not designed for
math layout and thus would cause very poor mathematical rendering. Consequently, the default
font-family on the <math> tag is set to a list of recommended math fonts.
For best rendering, authors and readers are encouraged to use text and math fonts with consistent
style (appearance, size...), see
FIXME: Should we make math font properties configurable (
This font has Computer Modern style and is provided with most TeX & Linux distributions.
We put it as the default because its style is familiar to TeX, Wikipedia and math people.
"Latin Modern Math",
The following fonts have Times style and are provided with most TeX & Linux distributions.
We put XITS & STIX as a second option because they have very good unicode coverage.
XITS is a fork of STIX with bug fixes and more Arabic/RTL features so we put it first.
"XITS Math",
"STIX Math",
"Libertinus Math",
"TeX Gyre Termes Math",
These fonts respectively have style compatible with Bookman Old and Century Schoolbook.
They are provided with most TeX & Linux distributions.
"TeX Gyre Bonum Math",
"TeX Gyre Schola",
The following fonts have Palatino style and are provided with most TeX & Linux distributions.
Asana Math has some rendering issues (e.g. missing italic correction) so we put it after.
"TeX Gyre Pagella Math",
"Asana Math",
The following fonts are proprietary and have not much been tested so we put them at the end.
Cambria Math it is pre-installed on Windows 7 and higher.
"Cambria Math",
"Lucida Bright Math",
"Minion Math",
The following fonts do not satisfy the requirements for good mathematical rendering.
These are pre-installed on Mac and iOS so we list them to provide minimal unicode-based
mathematical rendering. For more explanation of fallback mechanisms and missing features see
STIX fonts have best unicode coverage so we put them first. */
"Times New Roman",
/* Mathematical fonts generally use "serif" style. Hence we append the generic "serif" family
as a fallback in order to increase our chance to find a mathematical font. */
/* FIXME: Should we reset more CSS properties ( */
math {
display: -webkit-inline-flex !important;
padding-left: 1px;
padding-right: 1px;
math[display="block"] {
display: flex !important;
justify-content: center;
page-break-inside: avoid;
/* -webkit-margin-before: 1em; -- FIXME: Ask www-math for a default MathML stylesheet, including this (or margin-top). */
-webkit-margin-after: 1em;
ms, mi, mo, mrow, mfenced, mfrac, msub, msup, msubsup, mmultiscripts, mprescripts, none, munder, mover, munderover, msqrt, mroot, merror, mphantom, mstyle, menclose {
display: -webkit-inline-flex !important;
ms, mtext, mi, mn, mo, annotation, mtd {
white-space: nowrap !important;
mo {
flex-direction: column;
msub > * + *, msup > * + *, msubsup > * + *, mmultiscripts > * + *, munder > * + *, mover > * + *, munderover > * + * {
font-size: 0.75em; /* FIXME: MathML standard is 0.71em */
mroot > *:last-child {
font-size: 0.5625em; /* This 0.75^2 since the scriptlevel is incremented by 2 in the index. */
mi {
-webkit-padding-end: 0.1em;
msub > mi:first-child, msubsup > mi:first-child {
-webkit-padding-end: 0;
msubsup > mi:first-child + * + * {
-webkit-margin-start: 0.14em; /* This is larger than 0.1em because the child's font-size is smaller than the <msubsup>'s. */
math[mathvariant="normal"], mstyle[mathvariant="normal"], mo[mathvariant="normal"], mn[mathvariant="normal"], mi[mathvariant="normal"], mtext[mathvariant="normal"], mspace[mathvariant="normal"], ms[mathvariant="normal"] {
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
math[mathvariant="bold"], mstyle[mathvariant="bold"], mo[mathvariant="bold"], mn[mathvariant="bold"], mi[mathvariant="bold"], mtext[mathvariant="bold"], mspace[mathvariant="bold"], ms[mathvariant="bold"] {
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;
math[mathvariant="italic"], mstyle[mathvariant="italic"], mo[mathvariant="italic"], mn[mathvariant="italic"], mi[mathvariant="italic"], mtext[mathvariant="italic"], mspace[mathvariant="italic"], ms[mathvariant="italic"] {
font-style: italic;
font-weight: normal;
math[mathvariant="bold-italic"], mstyle[mathvariant="bold-italic"], mo[mathvariant="bold-italic"], mn[mathvariant="bold-italic"], mi[mathvariant="bold-italic"], mtext[mathvariant="bold-italic"], mspace[mathvariant="bold-italic"], ms[mathvariant="bold-italic"] {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
math[mathsize="small"], mstyle[mathsize="small"], mo[mathsize="small"], mn[mathsize="small"], mi[mathsize="small"], mtext[mathsize="small"], mspace[mathsize="small"], ms[mathsize="small"] {
font-size: 0.75em;
math[mathsize="normal"], mstyle[mathsize="normal"], mo[mathsize="normal"], mn[mathsize="normal"], mi[mathsize="normal"], mtext[mathsize="normal"], mspace[mathsize="normal"], ms[mathsize="normal"] {
font-size: 1em;
math[mathsize="big"], mstyle[mathsize="big"], mo[mathsize="big"], mn[mathsize="big"], mi[mathsize="big"], mtext[mathsize="big"], mspace[mathsize="big"], ms[mathsize="big"] {
font-size: 1.5em;
mphantom {
visibility: hidden;
/* This is a special style for erroneous markup. */
merror {
outline: solid thin red;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: lightYellow;
mtable {
display: inline-table;
text-align: center;
mtr {
display: table-row;
mtd {
display: table-cell;
padding: 0.5ex;
mtable[columnalign="left"], mtr[columnalign="left"], mtd[columnalign="left"] {
text-align: left;
mtable[columnalign="right"], mtr[columnalign="right"], mtd[columnalign="right"] {
text-align: right;
mtable[rowalign="top"] mtd, mtable mtr[rowalign="top"] mtd, mtable mtr mtd[rowalign="top"] {
vertical-align: top;
mtable[rowalign="bottom"] mtd, mtable mtr[rowalign="bottom"] mtd, mtable mtr mtd[rowalign="bottom"] {
vertical-align: bottom;
mtable[rowalign="center"] mtd, mtable mtr[rowalign="center"] mtd, mtable mtr mtd[rowalign="center"] {
vertical-align: middle;
mtable[frame="solid"] {
border: solid thin;
mtable[frame="dashed"] {
border: dashed thin;
mtable[rowlines="solid"], mtable[rowlines="dashed"], mtable[columnlines="solid"], mtable[columnlines="dashed"] {
border-collapse: collapse;
mtable[rowlines="solid"] > mtr + mtr {
border-top: solid thin;
mtable[rowlines="dashed"] > mtr + mtr {
border-top: dashed thin;
mtable[columnlines="solid"] > mtr > mtd + mtd {
border-left: solid thin;
mtable[columnlines="dashed"] > mtr > mtd + mtd {
border-left: dashed thin;