blob: 12b0f3d2eb08654b2bdc7348a0b9a44d4a9217dd [file] [log] [blame]
"This tests times that shouldn't happen because of DST, or times that happen twice"
"For times that happen twice the behavior of all major browsers seems to be to pick the second occurrance, i.e. Standard Time not Daylight Time"
var testCases = [];
if ((new Date(2014, 8, 1)).toString().match("PDT")) {
testCases.push(["(new Date('Mar 09 2014 03:00:00')).getHours()", "3"]);
testCases.push(["(new Date('Mar 09 2014 03:00:00')).getTimezoneOffset()", "420"]);
testCases.push(["(new Date('Nov 02 2014 01:00:00')).getHours()", "1"]);
testCases.push(["(new Date('Nov 02 2014 01:00:00')).getTimezoneOffset()", "420"]);
var errors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
var actual = eval(testCases[i][0]);
var expected = eval(testCases[i][1]);
if (actual != expected) {
errors.push(testCases[i][0] + " should be " + testCases[i][1] + ". Was " + actual + ".");
if (errors.length) {
testFailed(errors.length + "/" + testCases.length + " tests were failed: " + errors.join(", "));
} else {
testPassed("Passed all tests (or skipped all tests if your timezone isn't PST/PDT)");