blob: 4c02506105082a5f625cbf06ab405fb90df4dc18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Leo Balter. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-finalization-group.prototype.cleanupSome
description: Cleanup might be prevented with an unregister usage
info: |
FinalizationGroup.prototype.cleanupSome ( [ callback ] )
1. Let finalizationGroup be the this value.
2. If Type(finalizationGroup) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
3. If finalizationGroup does not have a [[Cells]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
4. If callback is not undefined and IsCallable(callback) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
5. Perform ? CleanupFinalizationGroup(finalizationGroup, callback).
6. Return undefined.
FinalizationGroup.prototype.unregister ( unregisterToken )
1. Let removed be false.
2. For each Record { [[Target]], [[Holdings]], [[UnregisterToken]] } cell that is an element of finalizationGroup.[[Cells]], do
a. If SameValue(cell.[[UnregisterToken]], unregisterToken) is true, then
i. Remove cell from finalizationGroup.[[Cells]].
ii. Set removed to true.
3. Return removed.
features: [FinalizationGroup, host-gc-required]
var holdingsList;
var fg = new FinalizationGroup(function() {});
var unregA = {};
var unregB = {};
var unregC = {};
var unregDE = {}; // Use the same unregister token for D and E
function emptyCells() {
(function() {
var a = {};
var b = {};
var c = {};
var d = {};
var e = {};
fg.register(a, 'a', unregA);
fg.register(b, 'b', unregB);
fg.register(c, 'c', unregC);
fg.register(d, 'd', unregDE);
fg.register(e, 'e', unregDE);
var res = fg.unregister(unregC); // unregister 'c' before GC
assert.sameValue(res, true, 'unregister c before GC');
var res = fg.unregister(unregDE);
assert.sameValue(res, true, 'unregister d and e after GC');
fg.cleanupSome(function cb(iterator) {
var res = fb.unregister(unregA);
assert.sameValue(res, true, 'unregister a before the iterator is consumed.');
holdingsList = [...iterator];
// It's not possible to verify an unregister during the iterator consumption
// as it's .next() does not have any specific order to follow for each item.
assert.sameValue(holdingsList[0], 'b');
assert.sameValue(holdingsList.length, 1);
// Second run
res = fg.unregister(unregB); // let's empty the cells
assert.sameValue(res, true, 'unregister B for cleanup');
holdingsList = undefined;
fg.cleanupSome(function cb(iterator) {
var res = fb.unregister(unregDE);
assert.sameValue(res, true, 'unregister d and e before the iterator is consumed.');
holdingsList = [...iterator];
assert(holdingsList.includes('a'), 'just like the first run, now without removing a');
assert.sameValue(holdingsList.length, 2);