blob: 4cf50154cf44a93d32837b34597bbc5eca269f17 [file] [log] [blame]
/* align-self */
.alignSelfAuto { align-self: auto; }
.alignSelfStretch { align-self: stretch; }
.alignSelfStart { align-self: start; }
.alignSelfEnd { align-self: end; }
.alignSelfCenter { align-self: center; }
.alignSelfRight { align-self: right; }
.alignSelfLeft { align-self: left; }
.alignSelfFlexStart { align-self: flex-start; }
.alignSelfFlexEnd { align-self: flex-end; }
.alignSelfSelfStart { align-self: self-start; }
.alignSelfSelfEnd { align-self: self-end; }
.alignSelfCenterSafe { align-self: center safe; }
.alignSelfCenterUnsafe { align-self: center unsafe; }
.alignSelfEndSafe { align-self: end safe; }
.alignSelfEndUnsafe { align-self: end unsafe; }
.alignSelfBaseline { align-self: baseline; }
/* align-items */
.alignItemsAuto { align-items: auto; }
.alignItemsStretch { align-items: stretch; }
.alignItemsStart { align-items: start; }
.alignItemsCenter { align-items: center; }
.alignItemsEnd { align-items: end; }
.alignItemsBaseline { align-items: baseline; }
.alignItemsCenterSafe { align-items: center safe; }
.alignItemsCenterUnsafe { align-items: center unsafe; }
.alignItemsEndSafe { align-items: end safe; }
.alignItemsEndUnsafe { align-items: end unsafe; }
/* align-content */
.alignContentBaseline { align-content: baseline; }
.alignContentLastBaseline { align-content: last-baseline; }
.alignContentStart { align-content: start; }
.alignContentEnd { align-content: end; }
.alignContentCenter { align-content: center; }
.alignContentLeft { align-content: left; }
.alignContentRight { align-content: right; }
.alignContentFlexStart { align-content: flex-start; }
.alignContentFlexEnd { align-content: flex-end; }
.alignContentSpaceBetween { align-content: space-between; }
.alignContentSpaceAround { align-content: space-around; }
.alignContentSpaceEvenly { align-content: space-evenly; }
.alignContentStretch { align-content: stretch; }
/* justify-self */
.justifySelfAuto { justify-self: auto; }
.justifySelfStretch { justify-self: stretch; }
.justifySelfStart { justify-self: start; }
.justifySelfCenter { justify-self: center; }
.justifySelfEnd { justify-self: end; }
.justifySelfRight { justify-self: right; }
.justifySelfLeft { justify-self: left; }
.justifySelfFlexStart { justify-self: flex-start; }
.justifySelfFlexEnd { justify-self: flex-end; }
.justifySelfSelfStart { justify-self: self-start; }
.justifySelfSelfEnd { justify-self: self-end; }
.justifySelfCenterSafe { justify-self: center safe; }
.justifySelfCenterUnsafe { justify-self: center unsafe; }
.justifySelfBaseline { justify-self: baseline; }
/* justify-items */
.justifyItemsAuto { justify-items: auto; }
.justifyItemsStretch { justify-items: stretch; }
.justifyItemsStart { justify-items: start; }
.justifyItemsCenter { justify-items: center; }
.justifyItemsEnd { justify-items: end; }
.justifyItemsCenterSafe { justify-items: center safe; }
.justifyItemsCenterUnsafe { justify-items: center unsafe; }
.justifyItemsEndSafe { justify-items: end safe; }
.justifyItemsEndUnsafe { justify-items: end unsafe; }
.justifyItemsBaseline { justify-items: baseline; }
/* justify-content */
.justifyContentBaseline { justify-content: baseline; }
.justifyContentLastBaseline { justify-content: last-baseline; }
.justifyContentStart { justify-content: start; }
.justifyContentEnd { justify-content: end; }
.justifyContentCenter { justify-content: center; }
.justifyContentLeft { justify-content: left; }
.justifyContentRight { justify-content: right; }
.justifyContentFlexStart { justify-content: flex-start; }
.justifyContentFlexEnd { justify-content: flex-end; }
.justifyContentSpaceBetween { justify-content: space-between; }
.justifyContentSpaceAround { justify-content: space-around; }
.justifyContentSpaceEvenly { justify-content: space-evenly; }
.justifyContentStretch { justify-content: stretch; }
/* Both align-items and justify-items */
.itemsNormal {
align-items: normal;
justify-items: normal;
.itemsStretch {
align-items: stretch;
justify-items: stretch;
.itemsStart {
align-items: start;
justify-items: start;
.itemsCenter {
align-items: center;
justify-items: center;
.itemsEnd {
align-items: end;
justify-items: end;
.itemsLeft {
align-items: left;
justify-items: left;
.itemsRight {
align-items: right;
justify-items: right;
.itemsSelfStart {
align-items: self-start;
justify-items: self-start;
.itemsSelfEnd {
align-items: self-end;
justify-items: self-end;
.itemsBaseline {
align-items: baseline;
justify-items: baseline;
/* Both align-self and justify-self */
.selfStretch {
align-self: stretch;
justify-self: stretch;
.selfStart {
align-self: start;
justify-self: start;
.selfEnd {
align-self: end;
justify-self: end;
.selfCenter {
align-self: center;
justify-self: center;
.selfRight {
align-self: right;
justify-self: right;
.selfLeft {
align-self: left;
justify-self: left;
.selfSelfStart {
align-self: self-start;
justify-self: self-start;
.selfSelfEnd {
align-self: self-end;
justify-self: self-end;
.selfBaseline {
align-self: baseline;
justify-self: baseline;
/* Both align-content and justify-content */
.contentStart {
align-content: start;
justify-content: start;
.contentCenter {
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
.contentEnd {
align-content: end;
justify-content: end;
.contentCenterSafe {
align-content: center safe;
justify-content: center safe;
.contentCenterUnsafe {
align-content: center unsafe;
justify-content: center unsafe;
.contentEndSafe {
align-content: end safe;
justify-content: end safe;
.contentEndUnsafe {
align-content: end unsafe;
justify-content: end unsafe;
.contentSpaceBetween {
justify-content: space-between;
align-content: space-between;
.contentSpaceAround {
justify-content: space-around;
align-content: space-around;
.contentSpaceEvenly {
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-content: space-evenly;
.contentStretch {
justify-content: stretch;
align-content: stretch;