blob: 9e02c5cd4f8164405ca160f5a29d2fb6c1784acb [file] [log] [blame]
//@ requireOptions("--useShadowRealm=1")
function shouldBe(actual, expected) {
if (actual !== expected)
throw new Error(`expected ${expected} but got ${actual}`);
function shouldThrow(func, errorType, assertionFn) {
let error;
try {
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (!(error instanceof errorType))
throw new Error(`Expected ${} but got ${}`);
// basic evaluation and state setting
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
let otherRealm = new ShadowRealm();
shouldBe(realm.evaluate("1"), 1);
var x = 2;
realm.evaluate("var x = 1");
shouldBe(realm.evaluate("x"), 1);
shouldBe(x, 2);
// scope isn't shared across realms
shouldBe(otherRealm.evaluate("globalThis.x"), undefined);
// accessing `globalThis` within and outside of a shadow realm
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
globalThis.hi = 6;
shouldBe(realm.evaluate("globalThis.hi"), undefined);
realm.evaluate("globalThis.hi = 'fala amigo'");
shouldBe(realm.evaluate("globalThis.hi"), "fala amigo");
shouldBe(globalThis.hi, 6);
// ensure that errors thrown isn't associated with the shadow realm's global object
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
() => { realm.evaluate(".."); },
(err) => {
shouldBe($.globalObjectFor(err), globalThis);
shouldBe(String(err), `SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'`);
// ensure that errors thrown don't carry information from the shadow realm
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
() => { realm.evaluate("throw new Error('secret')"); },
(err) => {
shouldBe($.globalObjectFor(err), globalThis);
shouldBe(String(err), "TypeError: Error encountered during evaluation");
// wrapped functions protect the shadow realm
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
let wrappedInvokeAndAdd = realm.evaluate("function invokeAndAdd(xFn, yFn) { return xFn() + yFn(); }; invokeAndAdd");
shouldBe(wrappedInvokeAndAdd(() => { return 1 }, () => { return 2 }), 3);
shouldBe($.globalObjectFor(wrappedInvokeAndAdd), globalThis);
shouldBe(Object.getPrototypeOf(wrappedInvokeAndAdd), Function.prototype);
// name and length properties from wrapped function are absent
shouldBe(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wrappedInvokeAndAdd, "length"), undefined);
shouldBe(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wrappedInvokeAndAdd, "name"), undefined);
// can't pass objects into a shadow realm-wrapped function
let numberObj = { valueOf() { return -1 } };
() => { wrappedInvokeAndAdd(numberObj, 1); },
(err) => {
shouldBe($.globalObjectFor(err), globalThis);
shouldBe(String(err), "TypeError: value passing between realms must be callable or primitive");
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
// can't call `evaluate` on a non shadow realm
let notRealm = {};
() => {, '1'); },
(err) => { shouldBe($.globalObjectFor(err), globalThis); }
// trigger JIT
function doEval(realm, s)
return realm.evaluate(s);
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
realm.evaluate("globalThis.secret = 1;");
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
shouldBe(doEval(realm, '42'), 42);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
let f = doEval(realm, '(x) => { return x() + globalThis.secret; }');
shouldBe($.globalObjectFor(f), globalThis);
shouldBe(f(() => { return 41; }), 42);
shouldBe(Object.getPrototypeOf(f), Function.prototype);
// (potential) inlining of wrapped function uses correct global object
let f = doEval(realm, '(x) => { return x() + globalThis.secret; }');
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
shouldBe($.globalObjectFor(f), globalThis);
shouldBe(f(() => { return 41; }), 42);
shouldBe(Object.getPrototypeOf(f), Function.prototype);
// (potential) inlining inside a realm uses correct global object
let loopInside = doEval(realm, '(x) => { let acc = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { acc += x(); }; return acc; }');
globalThis.secret = -1;
shouldBe(loopInside(() => { return globalThis.secret; }), -10000);
// evaluate specs
shouldBe(typeof ShadowRealm.prototype.evaluate, "function");
let evaluateName = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ShadowRealm.prototype.evaluate, "name");
shouldBe(evaluateName.value, "evaluate");
shouldBe(evaluateName.enumerable, false);
shouldBe(evaluateName.writable, false);
shouldBe(evaluateName.configurable, true);
let evaluateLength = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ShadowRealm.prototype.evaluate, "length");
shouldBe(evaluateLength.value, 1);
shouldBe(evaluateLength.enumerable, false);
shouldBe(evaluateLength.writable, false);
shouldBe(evaluateLength.configurable, true);
// Enclosing realm is hidden from shaodw realm even when playing Function prototype tricks
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
foo = 42;
realm.evaluate("foo = false");
let realmFn = realm.evaluate(`(f) => {
let ourFn = Object.getPrototypeOf(f).constructor;
return (new ourFn("return this"))().foo
let retrievedFoo = realmFn(() => {});
let aFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(realmFn).constructor;
let anotherFoo = (new aFunction("return this"))().foo;
shouldBe(retrievedFoo, false);
shouldBe(anotherFoo, 42);