blob: 782e428c66f80b94b289a9cce5d6fec0498ef564 [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview Utilities for mixed-content in Web Platform Tests.
* @author (Kristijan Burnik)
* Disclaimer: Some methods of other authors are annotated in the corresponding
* method's JSDoc.
// ===============================================================
// Types
// ===============================================================
// Objects of the following types are used to represent what kind of
// subresource requests should be sent with what kind of policies,
// from what kind of possibly nested source contexts.
// The objects are represented as JSON objects (not JavaScript/Python classes
// in a strict sense) to be passed between JavaScript/Python code.
// Note: So far this document covers:
// - resources/common.js : client-side test infra code
// - scope/ - server-side scripts that serves nested source contexts
// but doesn't cover:
// - tools/ - generator scripts that generates top-level HTML documents.
// There are some policies only handled by generators (e.g. mixed-content
// opt-ins) and not yet covered by the docs here.
@typedef PolicyDelivery
@type {object}
Referrer policy etc. can be applied/delivered in several ways.
A PolicyDelivery object specifies what policy is delivered and how.
@property {string} deliveryType
Specifies how the policy is delivered.
The valid deliveryType are:
[A] DOM attributes e.g. referrerPolicy.
[A] <link rel="noreferrer"> (referrer-policy only).
[B] HTTP response headers.
[B] <meta> elements.
@property {string} key
@property {string} value
Specifies what policy to be delivered. The valid keys are:
Referrer Policy
Valid values are those listed in
(except that "" is represented as null/None)
A PolicyDelivery can be specified in several ways:
- (for [A]) Associated with an individual subresource request and
specified in `Subresource.policies`,
e.g. referrerPolicy attributes of DOM elements.
This is handled in invokeRequest().
- (for [B]) Associated with an nested environmental settings object and
specified in `SourceContext.policies`,
e.g. HTTP referrer-policy response headers of HTML/worker scripts.
This is handled in server-side under /common/security-features/scope/.
- (for [B]) Associated with the top-level HTML document.
This is handled by the generators.d
@typedef Subresource
@type {object}
A Subresource represents how a subresource request is sent.
@property{SubresourceType} subresourceType
How the subresource request is sent,
e.g. "img-tag" for sending a request via <img src>.
See the keys of `subresourceMap` for valid values.
@property{string} url
subresource's URL.
Typically this is constructed by getRequestURLs() below.
@property{PolicyDelivery} policyDeliveries
Policies delivered specific to the subresource request.
@typedef SourceContext
@type {object}
Requests can be possibly sent from various kinds of source contexts, i.e.
fetch client's environment settings objects:
top-level windows, iframes, or workers.
A SourceContext object specifies one environment settings object, and
an Array<SourceContext> specifies a possibly nested context,
from the outer-most to inner-most environment settings objects.
For example:
[{sourceContextType: "srcdoc"}, {sourceContextType: "classic-worker"}]
means that a subresource request is to be sent from
a classic dedicated worker created from <iframe srcdoc>
inside the top-level HTML document.
Note: the top-level document is not included in the array and
is assumed implicitly.
SourceContext (or Array<SourceContext>) is set based on
the fetch client's settings object that is used for the subresource request,
NOT on module map settings object, and
NOT on the inner-most settings object that appears in the test.
For example, Array<SourceContext> is `[]` (indicating the top Window)
for `worker.js`
- When it is the root worker script: `new Worker('worker.js')`, or
- When it is imported from the root worker script:
`new Worker('top.js', {type: 'module'})`
where `top.js` has `import 'worker.js'`.
because the request for `worker.js` uses the Window as its fetch client's
settings object, while a WorkerGlobalScope is created though.
@property {string} sourceContextType
Kind of the source context to be used.
Valid values are the keys of `sourceContextMap` below.
@property {Array<PolicyDelivery>} policyDeliveries
A list of PolicyDelivery applied to the source context.
// ===============================================================
// General utility functions
// ===============================================================
function timeoutPromise(t, ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => { t.step_timeout(resolve, ms); });
* Normalizes the target port for use in a URL. For default ports, this is the
* empty string (omitted port), otherwise it's a colon followed by the port
* number. Ports 80, 443 and an empty string are regarded as default ports.
* @param {number} targetPort The port to use
* @return {string} The port portion for using as part of a URL.
function getNormalizedPort(targetPort) {
return ([80, 443, ""].indexOf(targetPort) >= 0) ? "" : ":" + targetPort;
* Creates a GUID.
* See:
* Original author: broofa (
* Sourced from:
* @return {string} A pseudo-random GUID.
function guid() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
return v.toString(16);
* Initiates a new XHR via GET.
* @param {string} url The endpoint URL for the XHR.
* @param {string} responseType Optional - how should the response be parsed.
* Default is "json".
* See:
* @return {Promise} A promise wrapping the success and error events.
function xhrRequest(url, responseType) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.responseType = responseType || "json";
xhr.addEventListener("error", function() {
reject(Error("Network Error"));
xhr.addEventListener("load", function() {
if (xhr.status != 200)
* Sets attributes on a given DOM element.
* @param {DOMElement} element The element on which to set the attributes.
* @param {object} An object with keys (serving as attribute names) and values.
function setAttributes(el, attrs) {
attrs = attrs || {}
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attr !== 'src')
el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
// Workaround for Chromium: set <img>'s src attribute after all other
// attributes to ensure the policy is applied.
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attr === 'src')
el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
* Binds to success and error events of an object wrapping them into a promise
* available through {@code element.eventPromise}. The success event
* resolves and error event rejects.
* This method adds event listeners, and then removes all the added listeners
* when one of listened event is fired.
* @param {object} element An object supporting events on which to bind the
* promise.
* @param {string} resolveEventName [="load"] The event name to bind resolve to.
* @param {string} rejectEventName [="error"] The event name to bind reject to.
function bindEvents(element, resolveEventName, rejectEventName) {
element.eventPromise =
bindEvents2(element, resolveEventName, element, rejectEventName);
// Returns a promise wrapping success and error events of objects.
// This is a variant of bindEvents that can accept separate objects for each
// events and two events to reject, and doesn't set `eventPromise`.
// When `resolveObject`'s `resolveEventName` event (default: "load") is
// fired, the promise is resolved with the event.
// When `rejectObject`'s `rejectEventName` event (default: "error") or
// `rejectObject2`'s `rejectEventName2` event (default: "error") is
// fired, the promise is rejected.
// `rejectObject2` is optional.
function bindEvents2(resolveObject, resolveEventName, rejectObject, rejectEventName, rejectObject2, rejectEventName2) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const actualResolveEventName = resolveEventName || "load";
const actualRejectEventName = rejectEventName || "error";
const actualRejectEventName2 = rejectEventName2 || "error";
const resolveHandler = function(event) {
const rejectHandler = function(event) {
// Chromium starts propagating errors from worker.onerror to
// window.onerror. This handles the uncaught exceptions in tests.
const cleanup = function() {
resolveObject.removeEventListener(actualResolveEventName, resolveHandler);
rejectObject.removeEventListener(actualRejectEventName, rejectHandler);
if (rejectObject2) {
rejectObject2.removeEventListener(actualRejectEventName2, rejectHandler);
resolveObject.addEventListener(actualResolveEventName, resolveHandler);
rejectObject.addEventListener(actualRejectEventName, rejectHandler);
if (rejectObject2) {
rejectObject2.addEventListener(actualRejectEventName2, rejectHandler);
* Creates a new DOM element.
* @param {string} tagName The type of the DOM element.
* @param {object} attrs A JSON with attributes to apply to the element.
* @param {DOMElement} parent Optional - an existing DOM element to append to
* If not provided, the returned element will remain orphaned.
* @param {boolean} doBindEvents Optional - Whether to bind to load and error
* events and provide the promise wrapping the events via the element's
* {@code eventPromise} property. Default value evaluates to false.
* @return {DOMElement} The newly created DOM element.
function createElement(tagName, attrs, parentNode, doBindEvents) {
var element = document.createElement(tagName);
if (doBindEvents)
// We set the attributes after binding to events to catch any
// event-triggering attribute changes. E.g. form submission.
// But be careful with images: unlike other elements they will start the load
// as soon as the attr is set, even if not in the document yet, and sometimes
// complete it synchronously, so the append doesn't have the effect we want.
// So for images, we want to set the attrs after appending, whereas for other
// elements we want to do it before appending.
var isImg = (tagName == "img");
if (!isImg)
setAttributes(element, attrs);
if (parentNode)
if (isImg)
setAttributes(element, attrs);
return element;
function createRequestViaElement(tagName, attrs, parentNode) {
return createElement(tagName, attrs, parentNode, true).eventPromise;
* Creates a new empty iframe and appends it to {@code document.body} .
* @param {string} name The name and ID of the new iframe.
* @param {boolean} doBindEvents Whether to bind load and error events.
* @return {DOMElement} The newly created iframe.
function createHelperIframe(name, doBindEvents) {
return createElement("iframe",
{"name": name, "id": name},
function wrapResult(server_data) {
if (typeof(server_data) === "string") {
throw server_data;
return {
referrer: server_data.headers.referer,
headers: server_data.headers
// ===============================================================
// Subresources
// ===============================================================
@typedef RequestResult
@type {object}
Represents the result of sending an request.
All properties are optional. See the comments for
requestVia*() and invokeRequest() below to see which properties are set.
@property {Array<Object<string, string>>} headers
HTTP request headers sent to server.
@property {string} referrer - Referrer.
@property {string} location - The URL of the subresource.
@property {string} sourceContextUrl
the URL of the global object where the actual request is sent.
requestVia*(url, additionalAttributes) functions send a subresource
request from the current environment settings object.
@param {string} url
The URL of the subresource.
@param {Object<string, string>} additionalAttributes
Additional attributes set to DOM elements
(element-initiated requests only).
@returns {Promise} that are resolved with a RequestResult object
on successful requests.
- Category 1:
`headers`: set.
`referrer`: set via `document.referrer`.
`location`: set via `document.location`.
See `template/document.html.template`.
- Category 2:
`headers`: set.
`referrer`: set to `headers.referer` by `wrapResult()`.
`location`: not set.
- Category 3:
All the keys listed above are NOT set.
`sourceContextUrl` is not set here.
-------------------------------- -------- --------------------------
Function name Category Used in
-------- ------- ---------
referrer mixed- upgrade-
policy content insecure-
policy content request
-------------------------------- -------- -------- ------- ---------
requestViaAnchor 1 Y Y -
requestViaArea 1 Y Y -
requestViaAudio 3 - Y -
requestViaDedicatedWorker 2 Y Y Y
requestViaFetch 2 Y Y -
requestViaForm 3 - Y -
requestViaIframe 1 Y Y -
requestViaImage 2 Y Y -
requestViaLinkPrefetch 3 - Y -
requestViaLinkStylesheet 3 - Y -
requestViaObject 3 - Y -
requestViaPicture 3 - Y -
requestViaScript 2 Y Y -
requestViaSendBeacon 3 - Y -
requestViaSharedWorker 2 Y - -
requestViaVideo 3 - Y -
requestViaWebSocket 3 - Y -
requestViaWorklet 3 - Y Y
requestViaXhr 2 Y Y -
-------------------------------- -------- -------- ------- ---------
* Creates a new iframe, binds load and error events, sets the src attribute and
* appends it to {@code document.body} .
* @param {string} url The src for the iframe.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaIframe(url, additionalAttributes) {
const iframe = createElement(
Object.assign({"src": url}, additionalAttributes),
return bindEvents2(window, "message", iframe, "error", window, "error")
.then(event => {
assert_equals(event.source, iframe.contentWindow);
* Creates a new image, binds load and error events, sets the src attribute and
* appends it to {@code document.body} .
* @param {string} url The src for the image.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaImage(url, additionalAttributes) {
const img = createElement(
// crossOrigin attribute is added to read the pixel data of the response.
Object.assign({"src": url, "crossOrigin": "Anonymous"}, additionalAttributes),
document.body, true);
return img.eventPromise.then(() => wrapResult(decodeImageData(img)));
// Helper for requestViaImage().
function decodeImageData(img) {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
var imgData = context.getImageData(0, 0, img.clientWidth, img.clientHeight);
const rgba =;
let decodedBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(rgba.length);
let decodedLength = 0;
for (var i = 0; i + 12 <= rgba.length; i += 12) {
// A single byte is encoded in three pixels. 8 pixel octets (among
// 9 octets = 3 pixels * 3 channels) are used to encode 8 bits,
// the most significant bit first, where `0` and `255` in pixel values
// represent `0` and `1` in bits, respectively.
// This encoding is used to avoid errors due to different color spaces.
const bits = [];
for (let j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
bits.push(rgba[i + j * 4 + 0]);
bits.push(rgba[i + j * 4 + 1]);
bits.push(rgba[i + j * 4 + 2]);
// rgba[i + j * 4 + 3]: Skip alpha channel.
// The last one element is not used.
// Decode a single byte.
let byte = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
byte <<= 1;
if (bits[j] >= 128)
byte |= 1;
// Zero is the string terminator.
if (byte == 0)
decodedBytes[decodedLength++] = byte;
// Remove trailing nulls from data.
decodedBytes = decodedBytes.subarray(0, decodedLength);
var string_data = (new TextDecoder("ascii")).decode(decodedBytes);
return JSON.parse(string_data);
* Initiates a new XHR GET request to provided URL.
* @param {string} url The endpoint URL for the XHR.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaXhr(url) {
return xhrRequest(url).then(result => wrapResult(result));
* Initiates a new GET request to provided URL via the Fetch API.
* @param {string} url The endpoint URL for the Fetch.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaFetch(url) {
return fetch(url)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(j => wrapResult(j));
function dedicatedWorkerUrlThatFetches(url) {
return `data:text/javascript,
.then(r => r.json())
.then(j => postMessage(j))
.catch((e) => postMessage(e.message));`;
function workerUrlThatImports(url) {
return `data:text/javascript,import '${url}';`;
* Creates a new Worker, binds message and error events wrapping them into.
* {@code worker.eventPromise} and posts an empty string message to start
* the worker.
* @param {string} url The endpoint URL for the worker script.
* @param {object} options The options for Worker constructor.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaDedicatedWorker(url, options) {
var worker;
try {
worker = new Worker(url, options);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
return bindEvents2(worker, "message", worker, "error")
.then(event => wrapResult(;
function requestViaSharedWorker(url) {
var worker;
try {
worker = new SharedWorker(url);
} catch(e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
const promise = bindEvents2(worker.port, "message", worker, "error")
.then(event => wrapResult(;
return promise;
// Returns a reference to a worklet object corresponding to a given type.
function get_worklet(type) {
if (type == 'animation')
return CSS.animationWorklet;
if (type == 'layout')
return CSS.layoutWorklet;
if (type == 'paint')
return CSS.paintWorklet;
if (type == 'audio')
return new OfflineAudioContext(2,44100*40,44100).audioWorklet;
assert_unreached('unknown worklet type is passed.');
return undefined;
function requestViaWorklet(type, url) {
try {
return get_worklet(type).addModule(url);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Sets the href attribute on a navigable DOM element and performs a navigation
* by clicking it. To avoid navigating away from the current execution
* context, a target attribute is set to point to a new helper iframe.
* @param {DOMElement} navigableElement The navigable DOMElement
* @param {string} url The href for the navigable element.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaNavigable(navigableElement, url) {
var iframe = createHelperIframe(guid(), false);
{"href": url,
const promise =
bindEvents2(window, "message", iframe, "error", window, "error")
.then(event => {
assert_equals(event.source, iframe.contentWindow, "event.source");
return promise;
* Creates a new anchor element, appends it to {@code document.body} and
* performs the navigation.
* @param {string} url The URL to navigate to.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaAnchor(url, additionalAttributes) {
var a = createElement(
Object.assign({"innerHTML": "Link to resource"}, additionalAttributes),
return requestViaNavigable(a, url);
* Creates a new area element, appends it to {@code document.body} and performs
* the navigation.
* @param {string} url The URL to navigate to.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaArea(url, additionalAttributes) {
var area = createElement(
Object.assign({}, additionalAttributes),
// TODO(kristijanburnik): Append to map and add image.
return requestViaNavigable(area, url);
* Creates a new script element, sets the src to url, and appends it to
* {@code document.body}.
* @param {string} url The src URL.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaScript(url, additionalAttributes) {
const script = createElement(
Object.assign({"src": url}, additionalAttributes),
return bindEvents2(window, "message", script, "error", window, "error")
.then(event => wrapResult(;
* Creates a new form element, sets attributes, appends it to
* {@code document.body} and submits the form.
* @param {string} url The URL to submit to.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaForm(url) {
var iframe = createHelperIframe(guid());
var form = createElement("form",
{"action": url,
"method": "POST",
return iframe.eventPromise;
* Creates a new link element for a stylesheet, binds load and error events,
* sets the href to url and appends it to {@code document.head}.
* @param {string} url The URL for a stylesheet.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaLinkStylesheet(url) {
return createRequestViaElement("link",
{"rel": "stylesheet", "href": url},
* Creates a new link element for a prefetch, binds load and error events, sets
* the href to url and appends it to {@code document.head}.
* @param {string} url The URL of a resource to prefetch.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaLinkPrefetch(url) {
var link = document.createElement('link');
if (link.relList && link.relList.supports && link.relList.supports("prefetch")) {
return createRequestViaElement("link",
{"rel": "prefetch", "href": url},
} else {
return Promise.reject("This browser does not support 'prefetch'.");
* Initiates a new beacon request.
* @param {string} url The URL of a resource to prefetch.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
async function requestViaSendBeacon(url) {
function wait(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => step_timeout(resolve, ms));
if (!navigator.sendBeacon(url)) {
// If mixed-content check fails, it should return false.
throw new Error('sendBeacon() fails.');
// We don't have a means to see the result of sendBeacon() request
// for sure. Let's wait for a while and let the generic test function
// ask the server for the result.
await wait(500);
return 'allowed';
* Creates a new media element with a child source element, binds loadeddata and
* error events, sets attributes and appends to document.body.
* @param {string} type The type of the media element (audio/video/picture).
* @param {object} media_attrs The attributes for the media element.
* @param {object} source_attrs The attributes for the child source element.
* @return {DOMElement} The newly created media element.
function createMediaElement(type, media_attrs, source_attrs) {
var mediaElement = createElement(type, {});
var sourceElement = createElement("source", {});
mediaElement.eventPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
mediaElement.addEventListener("loadeddata", function (e) {
// Safari doesn't fire an `error` event when blocking mixed content.
mediaElement.addEventListener("stalled", function(e) {
sourceElement.addEventListener("error", function(e) {
setAttributes(mediaElement, media_attrs);
setAttributes(sourceElement, source_attrs);
return mediaElement;
* Creates a new video element, binds loadeddata and error events, sets
* attributes and source URL and appends to {@code document.body}.
* @param {string} url The URL of the video.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaVideo(url) {
return createMediaElement("video",
{"src": url}).eventPromise;
* Creates a new audio element, binds loadeddata and error events, sets
* attributes and source URL and appends to {@code document.body}.
* @param {string} url The URL of the audio.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaAudio(url) {
return createMediaElement("audio",
{"type": "audio/wav", "src": url}).eventPromise;
* Creates a new picture element, binds loadeddata and error events, sets
* attributes and source URL and appends to {@code document.body}. Also
* creates new image element appending it to the picture
* @param {string} url The URL of the image for the source and image elements.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaPicture(url) {
var picture = createMediaElement("picture", {}, {"srcset": url,
"type": "image/png"});
return createRequestViaElement("img", {"src": url}, picture);
* Creates a new object element, binds load and error events, sets the data to
* url, and appends it to {@code document.body}.
* @param {string} url The data URL.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaObject(url) {
return createRequestViaElement("object", {"data": url, "type": "text/html"}, document.body);
* Creates a new WebSocket pointing to {@code url} and sends a message string
* "echo". The {@code message} and {@code error} events are triggering the
* returned promise resolve/reject events.
* @param {string} url The URL for WebSocket to connect to.
* @return {Promise} The promise for success/error events.
function requestViaWebSocket(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var websocket = new WebSocket(url);
websocket.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
websocket.addEventListener("open", function(e) {
websocket.addEventListener("error", function(e) {
.then(data => {
return JSON.parse(data);
@typedef SubresourceType
@type {string}
Represents how a subresource is sent.
The keys of `subresourceMap` below are the valid values.
// Subresource paths and invokers.
const subresourceMap = {
"a-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaAnchor,
"area-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaArea,
"audio-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaAudio,
"beacon-request": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaSendBeacon,
"fetch-request": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaFetch,
"form-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaForm,
"iframe-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaIframe,
"img-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaImage,
"link-css-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaLinkStylesheet,
"link-prefetch-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaLinkPrefetch,
"object-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaObject,
"picture-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaPicture,
"script-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaScript,
"video-tag": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaVideo,
"xhr-request": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaXhr,
"worker-request": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: url => requestViaDedicatedWorker(url),
// TODO: Merge "module-worker" and "module-worker-top-level".
"module-worker": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: url => requestViaDedicatedWorker(url, {type: "module"}),
"module-worker-top-level": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: url => requestViaDedicatedWorker(url, {type: "module"}),
"module-data-worker-import": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: url =>
requestViaDedicatedWorker(workerUrlThatImports(url), {type: "module"}),
"classic-data-worker-fetch": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: url =>
requestViaDedicatedWorker(dedicatedWorkerUrlThatFetches(url), {}),
"shared-worker": {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: requestViaSharedWorker,
"websocket-request": {
path: "/stash_responder",
invoker: requestViaWebSocket,
for (const workletType of ['animation', 'audio', 'layout', 'paint']) {
subresourceMap[`worklet-${workletType}-top-level`] = {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: url => requestViaWorklet(workletType, url)
subresourceMap[`worklet-${workletType}-data-import`] = {
path: "/common/security-features/subresource/",
invoker: url =>
requestViaWorklet(workletType, workerUrlThatImports(url))
@typedef RedirectionType
@type {string}
Represents what redirects should occur to the subresource request
after initial request.
See preprocess_redirection() in
/common/security-features/subresource/ for valid values.
Construct subresource (and related) URLs.
@param {SubresourceType} subresourceType
@param {OriginType} originType
@param {RedirectionType} redirectionType
@returns {object} with following properties:
{string} testUrl
The subresource request URL.
{string} announceUrl
{string} assertUrl
The URLs to be used for detecting whether `testUrl` is actually sent
to the server.
1. Fetch `announceUrl` first,
2. then possibly fetch `testUrl`, and
3. finally fetch `assertUrl`.
The fetch result of `assertUrl` should indicate whether
`testUrl` is actually sent to the server or not.
function getRequestURLs(subresourceType, originType, redirectionType) {
const key = guid();
const value = guid();
// We use the same stash path for both HTTP/S and WS/S stash requests.
const stashPath = encodeURIComponent("/mixed-content");
const stashEndpoint = "/common/security-features/subresource/" +
key + "&path=" + stashPath;
return {
getSubresourceOrigin(originType) +
subresourceMap[subresourceType].path +
"?redirection=" + encodeURIComponent(redirectionType) +
"&action=purge&key=" + key +
"&path=" + stashPath,
announceUrl: stashEndpoint + "&action=put&value=" + value,
assertUrl: stashEndpoint + "&action=take",
// ===============================================================
// Source Context
// ===============================================================
// Requests can be sent from several source contexts,
// such as the main documents, iframes, workers, or so,
// possibly nested, and possibly with <meta>/http headers added.
// invokeRequest() and invokeFrom*() functions handles
// SourceContext-related setup in client-side.
invokeRequest() invokes a subresource request
(specified as `subresource`)
from a (possibly nested) environment settings object
(specified as `sourceContextList`).
For nested contexts, invokeRequest() calls an invokeFrom*() function
that creates a nested environment settings object using
/common/security-features/scope/, which calls invokeRequest()
again inside the nested environment settings object.
This cycle continues until all specified
nested environment settings object are created, and
finally invokeRequest() calls a requestVia*() function to start the
subresource request from the inner-most environment settings object.
@param {Subresource} subresource
@param {Array<SourceContext>} sourceContextList
@returns {Promise} A promise that is resolved with an RequestResult object.
`sourceContextUrl` is always set. For whether other properties are set,
see the comments for requestVia*() above.
function invokeRequest(subresource, sourceContextList) {
if (sourceContextList.length === 0) {
// No further nested global objects. Send the subresource request here.
const additionalAttributes = {};
/** @type {PolicyDelivery} policyDelivery */
for (const policyDelivery of (subresource.policyDeliveries || [])) {
// Depending on the delivery method, extend the subresource element with
// these attributes.
if (policyDelivery.deliveryType === "attr") {
additionalAttributes[policyDelivery.key] = policyDelivery.value;
} else if (policyDelivery.deliveryType === "rel-noref") {
additionalAttributes["rel"] = "noreferrer";
return subresourceMap[subresource.subresourceType].invoker(
.then(result => Object.assign(
{sourceContextUrl: location.toString()},
// Defines invokers for each valid SourceContext.sourceContextType.
const sourceContextMap = {
"srcdoc": { // <iframe srcdoc></iframe>
invoker: invokeFromIframe,
"iframe": { // <iframe src="same-origin-URL"></iframe>
invoker: invokeFromIframe,
return sourceContextMap[sourceContextList[0].sourceContextType].invoker(
subresource, sourceContextList);
invokeFrom*() functions are helper functions with the same parameters
and return values as invokeRequest(), that are tied to specific types
of top-most environment settings objects.
For example, invokeFromIframe() is the helper function for the cases where
sourceContextList[0] is an iframe.
function invokeFromIframe(subresource, sourceContextList) {
const currentSourceContext = sourceContextList.shift();
const frameUrl =
"/common/security-features/scope/" +
currentSourceContext.policyDeliveries || []));
let promise;
if (currentSourceContext.sourceContextType === 'srcdoc') {
promise = fetch(frameUrl)
.then(r => r.text())
.then(srcdoc => {
return createElement("iframe", {srcdoc: srcdoc}, document.body, true);
} else if (currentSourceContext.sourceContextType === 'iframe') {
promise = Promise.resolve(
createElement("iframe", {src: frameUrl}, document.body, true));
return promise
.then(iframe => {
return iframe.eventPromise
.then(() => {
const promise = bindEvents2(
window, "message", iframe, "error", window, "error");
{subresource: subresource,
sourceContextList: sourceContextList},
return promise;
.then(event => {
if (
return Promise.reject(;
// SanityChecker does nothing in release mode. See sanity-checker.js for debug
// mode.
function SanityChecker() {}
SanityChecker.prototype.checkScenario = function() {};
SanityChecker.prototype.setFailTimeout = function(test, timeout) {};
SanityChecker.prototype.checkSubresourceResult = function() {};