blob: 2df46e68f7ded88a7a257dc3890e5212a4c4e92b [file] [log] [blame]
import * as assert from '../assert.js';
import Builder from '../Builder.js';
const callerTopBits = 0xC0FEBEEF;
const innerReturnHi = 0xDEADFACE;
const innerReturnLo = 0xC0FEC0FE;
const callerModule = () => {
const builder = (new Builder())
.Function("exports", "callMe", { params: ["i64"], ret: "i64" })
.Function("entry", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }, ["i64"])
.I32Const(callerTopBits).I64ExtendUI32().I32Const(32).I64ExtendUI32().I64Shl() // ((i64)callerTopBits) << 32
.I64Or() // value: param | (((i64)callerTopBits << 32))
.Call(0) // Calls exports.callMe(param | (((i64)callerTopBits) << 32)).
.TeeLocal(1).I32WrapI64() // lo: (i32)callResult
.GetLocal(1).I32Const(32).I64ExtendUI32().I64ShrU().I32WrapI64() // hi: (i32)(callResult >> 32)
return new WebAssembly.Module(builder.WebAssembly().get());
const calleeModule = () => {
const builder = (new Builder())
.Function("imp", "func", { params: ["i32", "i32"], ret: "i32" })
.Function("callMe", { params: ["i64"], ret: "i64" })
.GetLocal(0).I32WrapI64() // lo: (i32)param
.GetLocal(0).I32Const(32).I64ExtendUI32().I64ShrU().I32WrapI64() // hi: (i32)(param >> 32)
.Call(0) // Calls imp.func with the 64-bit value as i32 { hi, lo }.
.I32Const(innerReturnHi).I64ExtendUI32().I32Const(32).I64ExtendUI32().I64Shl().I32Const(innerReturnLo).I64ExtendUI32().I64Or() // ((i64)hi << 32) | (i64)lo
return new WebAssembly.Module(builder.WebAssembly().get());
(function WasmToWasm() {
let value;
const func = (hi, lo) => { value = { hi: hi, lo: lo }; return hi ^ lo; };
const callee = new WebAssembly.Instance(calleeModule(), { imp: { func: func } });
const caller = new WebAssembly.Instance(callerModule(), callee);
for (let i = 0; i < 4096; ++i) {
assert.eq(caller.exports.entry(i), innerReturnHi ^ innerReturnLo);
assert.eq(value.lo >>> 0, callerTopBits);
assert.eq(value.hi >>> 0, i);
// FIXME test the following
// - wasm->wasm using 32-bit things (including float), as well as 64-bit NaNs that don't get canonicalized
// - Do a throw two-deep
// - Check that the first wasm's instance is back in OK state (with table or global?)
// - Test calling through a Table