blob: 505ead5eb4b56328cabbcb6f59753cf1b3d96cc2 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as assert from '../assert.js';
import Builder from '../Builder.js';
// FIXME: add the following:
// - add set() and shadow memory, this requires tracking when memory is shared
// - Support: empty, exported
// - Imported memory created through the JS API (both before and after instantiation, to cause recompilation)
// - recursive calls (randomly call other instance's exports, potentially exhausting stack)
// - Simplify code by allowing .Code().ExportFunction(...) in builder
const tune = {
numRandomIterations: 64,
numRandomInvokes: 4,
maxInitial: 8,
maxMax: 8,
maxGrow: 8,
memoryGetCount: 1024,
const pageSize = 64 * 1024; // As determined by the WebAssembly specification.
let logString = "";
let log = what => logString += '\n' + what;
let instances = [];
const insert = (builder, importObject = undefined) => {
const location = (Math.random() * instances.length) | 0;
instances.splice(location, 0, new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(builder.WebAssembly().get()), importObject));
const initialMaxObject = hasMax => {
const initial = (Math.random() * tune.maxInitial) | 0;
if (!hasMax)
return { initial: initial, max: undefined };
const max = initial + ((Math.random() * tune.maxMax) | 0);
return { initial: initial, max: max };
const initialMaxObjectFrom = instance => {
const hasMax = instance.exports["max"] !== undefined;
const initial = (Math.random() * instance.exports.initial()) | 0;
if (!hasMax)
return { initial: initial };
const max = Math.max(initial, instance.exports.max()) + ((Math.random() * tune.maxMax) | 0);
return { initial: initial, max: max };
const action = {
'- delete': () => {
for (let count = 1 + (Math.random() * instances.length) | 0; instances.length && count; --count) {
const which = (Math.random() * instances.length) | 0;
log(` delete ${which} / ${instances.length}`);
instances.splice(which, 1);
'^ invoke': () => {
if (!instances.length) {
log(` nothing to invoke`);
for (let iterations = 0; iterations < tune.numRandomInvokes; ++iterations) {
const whichInstance = (Math.random() * instances.length) | 0;
const instance = instances[whichInstance];
const whichExport = (Math.random() * Object.keys(instance.exports).length) | 0;
log(` instances[${whichInstance}].${Object.keys(instance.exports)[whichExport]}()`);
switch (Object.keys(instance.exports)[whichExport]) {
throw new Error(`Implementation problem for key '${Object.keys(instance.exports)[whichExport]}'`);
case 'func':
assert.eq(instance.exports.func(), 42);
case 'throws': {
let threw = false;
let address = 0;
if (instance.exports["current"]) {
// The instance has a memory.
const current = instance.exports.current();
const max = instance.exports["max"] ? instance.exports.max() : (1 << 15);
address = pageSize * (current + ((Math.random() * (max - current)) | 0));
// No memory in this instance.
try { instance.exports.throws(address); }
catch (e) { threw = true; }
} break;
case 'get': {
const current = instance.exports.current();
for (let access = tune.memoryGetCount; current && access; --access) {
const address = (Math.random() * (current * pageSize - 4)) | 0;
assert.eq(instance.exports.get(address), 0);
} break;
case 'current':
assert.le(instance.exports.initial(), instance.exports.current());
case 'initial':
assert.le(0, instance.exports.initial());
case 'max':
assert.le(instance.exports.initial(), instance.exports.max());
assert.le(instance.exports.current(), instance.exports.max());
case 'memory': {
const current = instance.exports.current();
assert.eq(instance.exports.memory.buffer.byteLength, current * pageSize);
for (let access = tune.memoryGetCount; current && access; --access) {
const address = (Math.random() * (current * pageSize - 4)) | 0;
assert.eq(instance.exports.get(address), 0);
} break;
case 'grow': {
const current = instance.exports.current();
const by = (Math.random() * tune.maxGrow) | 0;
const hasMax = instance.exports["max"] !== undefined;
const result = instance.exports.grow(current + by);
log(` Grow from ${current} (max ${hasMax ? instance.exports.max() : "none"}) to ${current + by} returned ${result}, current now ${instance.exports.current()}`);
assert.le(current, instance.exports.current());
if (result === -1)
assert.eq(current, instance.exports.current());
if (hasMax)
assert.le(instance.exports.current(), instance.exports.max());
} break;
'+ memory: none': () => {
const builder = (new Builder())
.Function("func", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Return().End()
.Function("throws", { params: ["i32"] }).Unreachable().Return().End()
'+ memory: empty, section': () => {
const builder = (new Builder())
.Memory().InitialMaxPages(0, 0).End()
.Function("func", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Return().End()
.Function("throws", { params: ["i32"] }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("current", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).CurrentMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("grow", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).GrowMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("initial", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(0).Return().End()
.Function("max", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(0).Return().End()
'+ memory: section': () => {
const initialMax = initialMaxObject(false);
const builder = (new Builder())
.Memory().InitialMaxPages(initialMax.initial, initialMax.max).End()
.Function("func", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Return().End()
.Function("throws", { params: ["i32"] }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("get", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("current", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).CurrentMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("grow", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).GrowMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("initial", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.initial).Return().End()
'+ memory: section, max': () => {
const initialMax = initialMaxObject(true);
const builder = (new Builder())
.Memory().InitialMaxPages(initialMax.initial, initialMax.max).End()
.Function("func", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Return().End()
.Function("throws", { params: ["i32"] }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("get", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("current", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).CurrentMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("grow", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).GrowMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("initial", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.initial).Return().End()
.Function("max", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.max).Return().End()
'+ memory: section, exported': () => {
const initialMax = initialMaxObject(false);
const builder = (new Builder())
.Memory().InitialMaxPages(initialMax.initial, initialMax.max).End()
.Memory("memory", 0)
.Function("func", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Return().End()
.Function("throws", { params: ["i32"] }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("get", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("current", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).CurrentMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("grow", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).GrowMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("initial", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.initial).Return().End()
'+ memory: section, exported, max': () => {
const initialMax = initialMaxObject(true);
const builder = (new Builder())
.Memory().InitialMaxPages(initialMax.initial, initialMax.max).End()
.Memory("memory", 0)
.Function("func", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Return().End()
.Function("throws", { params: ["i32"] }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("get", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("current", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).CurrentMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("grow", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).GrowMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("initial", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.initial).Return().End()
.Function("max", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.max).Return().End()
'+ memory: imported, exported': () => {
let importFrom;
for (let idx = 0; idx < instances.length; ++idx)
if (instances[idx].exports.memory) {
importFrom = instances[idx];
if (!importFrom)
return; // No memory could be imported.
const initialMax = initialMaxObjectFrom(importFrom);
if (importFrom.exports["max"] === undefined) {
const builder = (new Builder())
.Import().Memory("imp", "memory", initialMax).End()
.Memory("memory", 0)
.Function("func", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Return().End()
.Function("throws", { params: ["i32"] }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("get", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("current", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).CurrentMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("grow", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).GrowMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("initial", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.initial).Return().End()
insert(builder, { imp: { memory: importFrom.exports.memory } });
} else {
const builder = (new Builder())
.Import().Memory("imp", "memory", initialMax).End()
.Memory("memory", 0)
.Function("func", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Return().End()
.Function("throws", { params: ["i32"] }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("get", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).I32Load(2, 0).Return().End()
.Function("current", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).CurrentMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("grow", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" }).GetLocal(0).GrowMemory(0).Return().End()
.Function("initial", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.initial).Return().End()
.Function("max", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(initialMax.max).Return().End()
insert(builder, { imp: { memory: importFrom.exports.memory } });
const numActions = Object.keys(action).length;
const performAction = () => {
const which = (Math.random() * numActions) | 0;
const key = Object.keys(action)[which];
try {
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < tune.numRandomIterations; ++iteration)
// Finish by deleting the instances in a random order.
while (instances.length)
action["- delete"]();
} catch (e) {
// Ignore OOM while fuzzing. It can just happen.
if (e.message !== "Out of memory") {
print(`Failed: ${e}`);
throw e;