blob: a7d8de70d93b08103e2250f277a46fea81344d33 [file] [log] [blame]
function shouldBe(expected, actual, msg) {
if (msg === void 0)
msg = '';
msg = ' for ' + msg;
if (actual !== expected)
throw new Error('bad value' + msg + ': ' + actual + '. Expected ' + expected);
function shouldThrow(func, errorMessage) {
var errorThrown = false;
var error = null;
try {
} catch (e) {
errorThrown = true;
error = e;
if (!errorThrown)
throw new Error('not thrown');
if (String(error) !== errorMessage)
throw new Error(`bad error: ${String(error)}`);
(function TestMeta() {
shouldBe(1, String.prototype.padEnd.length);
shouldBe("function", typeof String.prototype.padEnd);
shouldBe(Object.getPrototypeOf(Function), Object.getPrototypeOf(String.prototype.padEnd));
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padEnd");
shouldBe(undefined, descriptor.get);
shouldBe(undefined, descriptor.set);
shouldBe(true, descriptor.configurable);
shouldBe(false, descriptor.enumerable);
shouldBe(true, descriptor.writable);
shouldBe(String.prototype.padEnd, descriptor.value);
shouldThrow(() => new Function(`${String.prototype.padEnd}`), "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'code'. Expected either a closing ']' or a ',' following an array element.");
(function TestRequireObjectCoercible() {
var padEnd = String.prototype.padEnd;
shouldThrow(() =>, 4, "test"), "TypeError: String.prototype.padEnd requires that |this| not be null or undefined");
shouldThrow(() =>, 4, "test"), "TypeError: String.prototype.padEnd requires that |this| not be null or undefined");
shouldBe("123 ",{
__proto__: null,
valueOf() { return 123; }
}, 6, " "));
var proxy = new Proxy({}, {
get(t, name) {
if (name === Symbol.toPrimitive || name === "toString") return;
if (name === "valueOf") return () => 6.7;
throw new Error("unreachable code");
shouldBe("6.7 ",, 6, " "));
proxy = new Proxy({}, {
get(t, name) {
if (name === Symbol.toPrimitive || name === "valueOf") return;
if (name === "toString") return () => 6.7;
throw new Error("unreachable code");
shouldBe("6.7 ",, 6, " "));
(function TestToLength() {
shouldThrow(() => "123".padEnd(Symbol("16")), "TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a number");
shouldBe("123", "123".padEnd(-1));
shouldBe("123", "123".padEnd({ toString() { return -1; } }));
shouldBe("123", "123".padEnd(-0));
shouldBe("123", "123".padEnd({ toString() { return -0; } }));
shouldBe("123", "123".padEnd(+0));
shouldBe("123", "123".padEnd({ toString() { return +0; } }));
shouldBe("123", "123".padEnd(NaN));
shouldBe("123", "123".padEnd({ toString() { return NaN; } }));
(function TestFillerToString() {
shouldBe(". ", ".".padEnd(10));
shouldBe(". ", ".".padEnd(10, undefined));
shouldBe(".XXXXXXXXX", ".".padEnd(10, { toString() { return "X"; } }));
shouldBe(".111111111", ".".padEnd(10, { toString: undefined, valueOf() { return 1; } }));
shouldBe(".nullnulln", ".".padEnd(10, null));
(function TestFillerEmptyString() {
shouldBe(".", ".".padEnd(10000, ""));
shouldBe(".", ".".padEnd(10000, { toString() { return ""; } }));
shouldBe(".", ".".padEnd(10000, { toString: undefined, valueOf() { return ""; } }));
(function TestSingleCharacterFiller() {
shouldBe(".!!!!!!!!!", ".".padEnd(10, "!"));
shouldBe(".!!!!!!!!!", ".".padEnd(10, { toString() { return "!"; } }));
shouldBe(".!!!!!!!!!", ".".padEnd(10, "" + "!" + ""));
shouldBe(".!!!!!!!!!", ".".padEnd(10, { toString() { return "" + "!" + ""; } }));
(function TestMemoryLimits() {
shouldThrow(() => ".".padEnd(0x80000000, "o"), "RangeError: Out of memory");
shouldThrow(() => ".".padEnd({ valueOf() { return 0x80000000; } }, "o"), "RangeError: Out of memory");
shouldThrow(() => ".".padEnd("0x80000000", "o"), "RangeError: Out of memory");
(function TestFillerRepetition() {
for (var i = 2000; i > 0; --i) {
var expected = "123" + "xoxo".repeat(i / 4).slice(0, i - 3);
var actual = "123".padEnd(i, "xoxo");
shouldBe(expected, actual);
shouldBe(i > "123".length ? i : 3, actual.length);
actual = "123".padEnd(i, "xo" + "" + "xo");
shouldBe(expected, actual);
shouldBe(i > "123".length ? i : 3, actual.length);