blob: 169207a6a3f122f2d6d10816705a621bac4cfd73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 André Bargull. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-destructuring-binding-patterns
description: >
The rest parameter can be a binding pattern.
info: |
Destructuring Binding Patterns - Syntax
function empty(...{}) {}
function emptyWithArray(...{p: []}) {}
function emptyWithObject(...{p: {}}) {}
function emptyWithLeading(x, ...{}) {}
function singleElement(...{a: b}) {}
function singleElementWithInitializer(...{a: b = 0}) {}
function singleElementWithArray(...{p: [a]}) {}
function singleElementWithObject(...{p: {a: b}}) {}
function singleElementWithLeading(x, ...{a: b}) {}
function multiElement(...{a: r, b: s, c: t}) {}
function multiElementWithInitializer(...{a: r = 0, b: s, c: t = 1}) {}
function multiElementWithArray(...{p: [a], b, q: [c]}) {}
function multiElementWithObject(...{a: {p: q}, b: {r}, c: {s = 0}}) {}
function multiElementWithLeading(x, y, ...{a: r, b: s, c: t}) {}