| <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" |
| xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" |
| onload="setTimeAndSnapshot(101, false)"> |
| <script xlink:href="../smil-util.js" type="text/javascript"/> |
| <defs> |
| <clipPath id="clip"> |
| <rect x="0" y="0" width="50" height="100%"/> |
| <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" begin="100s" dur="1s" |
| from="0 0" to="-50 0" fill="freeze"/> |
| </clipPath> |
| </defs> |
| |
| <!-- Test 1: Lime background covered by clipped red block. |
| After the animation, the clipping path doesn't intersecting the red |
| block at all, so no red is shown. --> |
| <rect x="0" width="50" height="100%" fill="lime" /> |
| <rect x="0" width="50" height="100%" fill="red" |
| style="clip-path: url(#clip);"/> |
| |
| <!-- Test 2: Purple background covered by clipped lime block. |
| Initially, the clipping path is to the right of the lime, so the purple |
| background shows through. But after the animation, the clipping path |
| exactly matches the dimensions of the lime block, which lets it |
| completly cover all the purple. --> |
| <g transform="translate(100, 0)"> |
| <rect x="-50" y="0" width="50" height="100%" fill="purple"/> |
| <rect x="-50" y="0" width="50" height="100%" fill="lime" |
| style="clip-path: url(#clip);"/> |
| </g> |
| |
| <!-- Not a test: Paint the rest of the viewport, to match lime.svg --> |
| <rect x="100" height="100%" width="100%" fill="lime"/> |
| </svg> |