blob: 1dbbb7611d05e4ec401b51af850b70a5f8c20570 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
// - src/dstr-binding/
// - src/dstr-binding/error/for-of-let.template
description: Destructuring initializer is an unresolvable reference (for-of statement)
esid: sec-for-in-and-for-of-statements-runtime-semantics-labelledevaluation
features: [destructuring-binding]
flags: [generated]
info: |
IterationStatement :
for ( ForDeclaration of AssignmentExpression ) Statement
3. Return ForIn/OfBodyEvaluation(ForDeclaration, Statement, keyResult,
lexicalBinding, labelSet). Runtime Semantics: ForIn/OfBodyEvaluation
3. Let destructuring be IsDestructuring of lhs.
5. Repeat
h. If destructuring is false, then
i. Else
i. If lhsKind is assignment, then
ii. Else if lhsKind is varBinding, then
iii. Else,
1. Assert: lhsKind is lexicalBinding.
2. Assert: lhs is a ForDeclaration.
3. Let status be the result of performing BindingInitialization
for lhs passing nextValue and iterationEnv as arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization
SingleNameBinding : BindingIdentifier Initializeropt
6. If Initializer is present and v is undefined, then
a. Let defaultValue be the result of evaluating Initializer.
b. Let v be GetValue(defaultValue).
c. ReturnIfAbrupt(v). GetValue (V)
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V), throw a ReferenceError exception.
assert.throws(ReferenceError, function() {
for (let { x = unresolvableReference } of [{}]) {