testharness.js test suite

The test suite for the testharness.js testing framework.

Executing Tests

Install the following dependencies:

Once these dependencies are satisfied, the tests may be run from a command line by executing the following command from this directory:


Currently, the tests should be run with Firefox Nightly.

In order to specify the path to Firefox Nightly, use the following command-line option:

tox -- --binary=/path/to/FirefoxNightly

Authoring Tests

Test cases are expressed as .html files located within the tests/ sub-directory. Each test should include the testharness.js library with the following markup:

<script src="../../testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../testharnessreport.js"></script>

This should be followed by one or more <script> tags that interface with the testharness.js API in some way. For example:

test(function() {
    1 = 1;
  }, 'This test is expected to fail.');

Finally, each test may include a summary of the expected results as a JSON string within a <script> tag with an id of "expected", e.g.:

<script type="text/json" id="expected">
  "summarized_status": {
    "message": null,
    "stack": null,
    "status_string": "OK"
  "summarized_tests": [
      "message": "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side",
      "name": "Sample HTML5 API Tests",
      "properties": {},
      "stack": "(implementation-defined)",
      "status_string": "FAIL"
  "type": "complete"

This is useful to test, for example, whether asserations that should fail or throw actually do.