blob: 1953cb009d97c8ac546f43985831d903043ce483 [file] [log] [blame]
if (WebAssembly === undefined)
throw new Error("Couldn't find WebAssembly global object");
const functionProperties = ["validate", "compile"];
const constructorProperties = ["Module", "Instance", "Memory", "Table", "CompileError"];
for (const f of functionProperties)
if (WebAssembly[f] === undefined)
throw new Error(`Couldn't find WebAssembly function property "${f}"`);
for (const c of constructorProperties)
if (WebAssembly[c] === undefined)
throw new Error(`Couldn't find WebAssembly constructor property "${c}"`);
// FIXME Implement and test these APIs further. For now they just throw.
for (const f of functionProperties) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error)
throw new Error(`Expected WebAssembly.${f}() to throw an Error, got ${e}`);
throw new Error(`Expected WebAssembly.${f}() to throw an Error`);
for (const c of constructorProperties) {
try {
let v = new WebAssembly[c]();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error)
throw new Error(`Expected new WebAssembly.${f}() to throw an Error, got ${e}`);
throw new Error(`Expected new WebAssembly.${f}() to throw an Error`);