[Attachment Support] Support dragging attachment elements out as files on macOS

Reviewed by Tim Horton.


Serialize a dragged attachment element as a web archive on macOS. This allows us to move attachment elements
around a document by dragging, without performing a file upload upon every drop. Ideally, we should do this on
iOS as well, but this currently causes attachment data to go missing; further investigation to fix this for iOS
is tracked in <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=181514>.

Tests:  WKAttachmentTestsMac.DragAttachmentAsFilePromise

* editing/cocoa/EditorCocoa.mm:


Add support for dragging attachment elements on macOS by writing promised files to drag pasteboard. See changes
below for more details.

* UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:
(-[WKWebView filePromiseProvider:fileNameForType:]):
(-[WKWebView filePromiseProvider:writePromiseToURL:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView draggingSession:sourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext:]):
(-[WKWebView draggingSession:endedAtPoint:operation:]):
* UIProcess/API/mac/WKView.mm:
(-[WKView filePromiseProvider:fileNameForType:]):
(-[WKView filePromiseProvider:writePromiseToURL:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKView draggingSession:sourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext:]):
(-[WKView draggingSession:endedAtPoint:operation:]):

Plumb NSFilePromiseProviderDelegate and NSDraggingSource method implementations to WebViewImpl.

* UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.h:
* UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.mm:
(-[WKPromisedAttachmentContext initWithAttachmentInfo:]):
(-[WKPromisedAttachmentContext blobURL]):
(-[WKPromisedAttachmentContext filename]):
(-[WKPromisedAttachmentContext attachmentIdentifier]):

Add an object that contains the information needed to deliver a dragged attachment element's data via
NSFilePromiseProvider. This is stored as the userInfo of the NSFilePromiseProvider created upon drag start.


Add a helper method to handle cleanup after the dragging has finished, and call it from -draggedImage:… and
-draggingSessionEnded:…. The latter is only triggered in the where -beginDraggingSessionWithItems:… is used,
which currently only happens when dragging attachment elements.


Deliver either NSFileWrapper data to the destination URL (in the case where an attachment identifier is known
and the corresponding API::Attachment is backed by a file wrapper), or save the contents of the blob URL to the



Add DragAndDropSimulator support for intercepting calls to -beginDraggingSessionWithitems:event:source:. This
enables us to write API tests for macOS that exercise the attachment SPI in combination with dragging attachment

* TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKAttachmentTests.mm:
(-[TestWKWebView attachmentElementMidPoint]):

Add a helper method local to this test suite that grabs the midpoint (in client coordinates) or the first
attachment element in the document.


Add a new API test to verify that dragging an attachment element on macOS produces file providers which may be
used to write attachment data to a path on disk. Additionally, refactor an existing API test,
MoveAttachmentElementAsIconByDragging, so that it runs on both iOS and macOS, to test the ability to move
attachment elements around in a document by using drag and drop.

* TestWebKitAPI/cocoa/DragAndDropSimulator.h:
* TestWebKitAPI/mac/DragAndDropSimulatorMac.mm:
(-[DragAndDropTestWKWebView beginDraggingSessionWithItems:event:source:]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator initWithWebViewFrame:configuration:]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator dealloc]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator runFrom:to:]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator beginDraggingSessionInWebView:withItems:source:]):

Begin a drag session and kick off the -continueDragSession loop. Unlike -performDragInWebView:…, which spins
the main runloop until dragging ends, this version returns execution to the web view and schedules dragging
updates asynchronously. This matches AppKit behavior.

(-[DragAndDropSimulator continueDragSession]):

Increment the dragging progress amount, send a drag update to the web view, and continue scheduling calls to
itself until the progress reaches 1.

(-[DragAndDropSimulator performDragInWebView:atLocation:withImage:pasteboard:source:]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator initializeDraggingInfo:dragImage:source:]):

Pull out common logic for creating a new TestDraggingInfo after starting a drag.

(-[DragAndDropSimulator insertedAttachments]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator removedAttachments]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator draggingSession]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator receivePromisedFiles]):

Helper method to save promised files written to the pasteboard after a drag to the temporary directory. These
files are tracked by DragAndDropSimulator and automatically cleaned up after the test finishes.

(-[DragAndDropSimulator endDataTransfer]):

Add a method stub on macOS, so that MoveAttachmentElementAsIconByDragging can be made cross-platform.

(-[DragAndDropSimulator _webView:didInsertAttachment:withSource:]):
(-[DragAndDropSimulator _webView:didRemoveAttachment:]):

Implement method stubs to keep track of inserted or removed attachments while simulating a drag.

git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@235202 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
11 files changed
tree: 4f8a4e2d454fe0344440408f2547520edac178fc
  1. Examples/
  2. JSTests/
  3. LayoutTests/
  4. ManualTests/
  5. PerformanceTests/
  6. Source/
  7. Tools/
  8. WebDriverTests/
  9. WebKit.xcworkspace/
  10. WebKitLibraries/
  11. WebPlatformTests/
  12. Websites/
  13. .clang-format
  14. .dir-locals.el
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitignore
  17. ChangeLog
  18. ChangeLog-2012-05-22
  19. ChangeLog-2018-01-01
  20. CMakeLists.txt
  21. Makefile
  22. Makefile.shared
  23. ReadMe.md


WebKit is a cross-platform web browser engine. On iOS and macOS, it powers Safari, Mail, iBooks, and many other applications.

Feature Status

Visit WebKit Feature Status page to see which Web API has been implemented, in development, or under consideration.

Trying the Latest

On macOS, download Safari Technology Preview to test the latest version of WebKit. On Linux, download Epiphany Technology Preview. On Windows, you'll have to build it yourself.

Reporting Bugs

  1. Search WebKit Bugzilla to see if there is an existing report for the bug you've encountered.
  2. Create a Bugzilla account to to report bugs (and to comment on them) if you haven't done so already.
  3. File a bug in accordance with our guidelines.

Once your bug is filed, you will receive email when it is updated at each stage in the bug life cycle. After the bug is considered fixed, you may be asked to download the latest nightly and confirm that the fix works for you.

Getting the Code

On Windows, follow the instructions on our website.

Cloning the Git SVN Repository

Run the following command to clone WebKit's Git SVN repository:

git clone git://git.webkit.org/WebKit.git WebKit

If you want to be able to commit changes to the repository, or just want to check out branches that aren’t contained in WebKit.git, you will need track WebKit's Subversion repository. You can run the following command to configure this and other options of the new Git clone for WebKit development.

Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch setup-git-clone

For information about this, and other aspects of using Git with WebKit, read the wiki page.

Checking out the Subversion Repository

If you don‘t want to use Git, run the following command to check out WebKit’s Subversion repository:

svn checkout https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk WebKit

Building WebKit

Building macOS Port

Install Xcode and its command line tools if you haven't done so already:

  1. Install Xcode Get Xcode from https://developer.apple.com/downloads. To build WebKit for OS X, Xcode 5.1.1 or later is required. To build WebKit for iOS Simulator, Xcode 7 or later is required.
  2. Install the Xcode Command Line Tools In Terminal, run the command: xcode-select --install

Run the following command to build a debug build with debugging symbols and assertions:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --debug

For performance testing, and other purposes, use --release instead.

Using Xcode

You can open WebKit.xcworkspace to build and debug WebKit within Xcode.

If you don't use a custom build location in Xcode preferences, you have to update the workspace settings to use WebKitBuild directory. In menu bar, choose File > Workspace Settings, then click the Advanced button, select “Custom”, “Relative to Workspace”, and enter WebKitBuild for both Products and Intermediates.

Building iOS Port

The first time after you install a new Xcode, you will need to run the following command to enable Xcode to build command line tools for iOS Simulator:

sudo Tools/Scripts/configure-xcode-for-ios-development

Without this step, you will see the error message: “target specifies product type ‘com.apple.product-type.tool’, but there’s no such product type for the ‘iphonesimulator’ platform.” when building target JSCLLIntOffsetsExtractor of project JavaScriptCore.

Run the following command to build a debug build with debugging symbols and assertions for iOS:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --debug --ios-simulator.

Building the GTK+ Port

For production builds:

cmake -DPORT=GTK -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -GNinja
sudo ninja install

For development builds:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --gtk --debug

For more information on building WebKitGTK+, see the wiki page.

Building the WPE Port

For production builds:

cmake -DPORT=WPE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -GNinja
sudo ninja install

For development builds:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --wpe --debug

Building Windows Port

For building WebKit on Windows, see the wiki page.

Running WebKit

With Safari and Other macOS Applications

Run the following command to launch Safari with your local build of WebKit:

Tools/Scripts/run-safari --debug

The run-safari script sets the DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH environment variable to point to your build products, and then launches /Applications/Safari.app. DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH tells the system loader to prefer your build products over the frameworks installed in /System/Library/Frameworks.

To run other applications with your local build of WebKit, run the following command:

Tools/Scripts/run-webkit-app <application-path>

iOS Simulator

Run the following command to launch iOS simulator with your local build of WebKit:

run-safari --debug --ios-simulator

In both cases, if you have built release builds instead, use --release instead of --debug.

Linux Ports

If you have a development build, you can use the run-minibrowser script, e.g.:

run-minibrowser --debug --wpe

Pass one of --gtk, --jsc-only, or --wpe to indicate the port to use.


Congratulations! You’re up and running. Now you can begin coding in WebKit and contribute your fixes and new features to the project. For details on submitting your code to the project, read Contributing Code.