| description("basic tests for object literal computed methods"); |
| |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { ['f'+'oo']() { return 10; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o.foo()", "10"); |
| shouldBe("typeof o.foo", "'function'"); |
| shouldBe("o.foo.length", "0"); |
| shouldBe("o.foo.name", "''"); |
| shouldBe("o.foo.toString()", "'function () { return 10; }'"); |
| shouldBe("Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, 'foo').value", "o.foo"); |
| shouldBeTrue("Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, 'foo').enumerable"); |
| shouldBeTrue("Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, 'foo').configurable"); |
| shouldBeTrue("Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, 'foo').writable"); |
| |
| shouldNotThrow("methodName = 'add'; o = { [methodName](x, y) { return x + y; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o.add(42, -10)", "32"); |
| shouldBe("typeof o.add", "'function'"); |
| shouldBe("o.add.length", "2"); |
| shouldBe("o.add.name", "''"); |
| shouldBe("o.add.toString()", "'function (x, y) { return x + y; }'"); |
| |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { [ (function() { return 'method'; })() ](x, y) { return x + y; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o.method(142, -10)", "132"); |
| |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { [10*10]() { return 100; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o[100]()", "100"); |
| shouldBe("o['100']()", "100"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { [100 + 0.100]() { return 100.100; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o[100.1]()", "100.1"); |
| shouldBe("o['100.1']()", "100.1"); |
| |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { ['a' + 'dd']([x, y]) { return x + y; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o.add([142, -100])", "42"); |
| |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { [Array]([x, y]) { return x + y; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o[Array.toString()]([142, -100])", "42"); |
| |
| a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { foo() { return 10; }, };"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { foo ( ) { return 10; } };"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = {[true](){return true;}};"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = {[NaN](){return NaN;}};"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = {[eval](){return eval;}};"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { a:1, [foo]() { return 10; }, [bar]() { return 20; }, b: 2 };"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { a:1, [foo]() { return 10; }, [bar]() { return 20; }, b };"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { a:1, [foo]() { return 10; }, b: b, [bar]() { return 20; }, c: 2 };"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { a:1, [foo]() { return 10; }, b, [bar]() { return 20; }, c };"); |
| |
| shouldNotThrow("o = {[foo]:{[bar](){ return 100; }}};"); |
| shouldBe("o.foo.bar()", "100"); |
| |
| // Duplicate methods are okay. |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { [foo]() { return 10; }, [foo]() { return 20; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o.foo()", "20"); |
| |
| // Method named "get" or "set". |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { ['get'](x, y) { return x + y; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o.get('hello', 'world')", "'helloworld'"); |
| shouldNotThrow("o = { ['set'](x, y) { return x + y; } };"); |
| shouldBe("o.set('hello', 'world')", "'helloworld'"); |
| |
| // Function parse errors. |
| shouldThrow("({ [](,,,){} })"); |
| shouldThrow("({ [1+](){} })"); |
| shouldThrow("({ [1,](){} })"); |
| shouldThrow("({ [1,'name'](){} })"); |
| shouldThrow("({ [[1](){} })"); |
| shouldThrow("({ [foo](,,,){} })"); |
| shouldThrow("({ [foo](a{}, bar(){} })"); |
| shouldThrow("({ [foo](a, b), bar(){} })"); |
| shouldThrow("({ [foo](a, b) { if }, bar(){} })"); |
| |
| // __proto__ method should be not modify the prototype. |
| shouldBeTrue("({__proto__: function(){}}) instanceof Function"); |
| shouldBeFalse("({['__proto__'](){}}) instanceof Function"); |
| shouldBeTrue("({['__proto__'](){}}).__proto__ instanceof Function"); |