blob: b00df200a23c05f0b0880e9dde3fbf6af19730f4 [file] [log] [blame]
description("This test makes sure we don't hang when setting cyclic prototype values:")
var o1 = { p1: 1 };
var o2 = { p2: 2 };
o2.__proto__ = o1;
var o3 = { p3: 3 };
o3.__proto__ = o2;
// Try to create a cyclical prototype chain.
shouldThrow("o1.__proto__ = o3;");
shouldThrow("Object.setPrototypeOf(o1, o3)");
// This changes __proto__ setter behaviour, since __proto__ is an accessor on Object.prototype.
o1.__proto__ = null;
shouldBeFalse("({}), '__proto__')");
o1.__proto__ = o3;
shouldBeTrue("({}), '__proto__')");
shouldBe("Object.getPrototypeOf(o1)", "null");
// But setPrototypeOf will still work, and will still detect the cycle.
shouldThrow("Object.setPrototypeOf(o1, o3)");