| description( |
| "This test checks the behavior of the add() method on the select.options object.<br>" + |
| "It covers both the the one-argument (1.x) and two-argument (2.x) signatures of the add() method." |
| ); |
| |
| div = document.createElement("div"); |
| sel = document.createElement("select"); |
| sel.setAttribute("id", "select1"); |
| div.appendChild(sel); |
| sel = document.createElement("select"); |
| sel.setAttribute("id", "select2"); |
| div.appendChild(sel); |
| document.body.insertBefore(div, document.getElementById("console").nextSibling); |
| |
| debug("1.1 Add Option to empty Options"); |
| var select1 = document.getElementById("select1"); |
| var option1 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| select1.options.add(option1); |
| option1.value = "1"; |
| option1.textContent = "A"; |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "1"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[0].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[0].textContent", "'A'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.2 Add Option to non-empty Options"); |
| option1 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| select1.options.add(option1); |
| option1.value = "2"; |
| option1.textContent = "B"; |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "2"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[0].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[0].textContent", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[1].value", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[1].textContent", "'B'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.3 Add Option after setting parameters"); |
| option1 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| option1.value = "3"; |
| option1.textContent = "C"; |
| select1.options.add(option1); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[0].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[0].textContent", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[1].value", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[1].textContent", "'B'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[2].value", "'3'"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options[2].textContent", "'C'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.4 Add a non-Option element"); |
| option1 = document.createElement("DIV"); |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.5 Add a non-element (string)"); |
| option1 = "o"; |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.6 Add a non-element (number)"); |
| option1 = 3.14; |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.7 Add a non-element (boolean)"); |
| option1 = true; |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.8 Add undefined"); |
| option1 = undefined; |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.9 Add null"); |
| option1 = null; |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.10 Add negative infinity"); |
| option1 = -1/0; |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.11 Add NaN"); |
| option1 = 0/0; |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("1.12 Add positive infinity"); |
| option1 = 1/0; |
| shouldThrow("select1.options.add(option1)"); |
| shouldBe("select1.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select1.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.1 Add Option to empty Options"); |
| var select2 = document.getElementById("select2"); |
| var option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| select2.options.add(option2, 0); |
| option2.value = "1"; |
| option2.textContent = "A"; |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "1"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].textContent", "'A'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.2 Add Option after setting parameters"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| option2.value = "2"; |
| option2.textContent = "B"; |
| select2.options.add(option2, 1); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "2"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "0"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].textContent", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].value", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].textContent", "'B'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.3 Insert Option at beginning of Options"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| select2.options.add(option2, 0); |
| option2.value = "0"; |
| option2.textContent = "Z"; |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "3"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].value", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].textContent", "'Z'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].textContent", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].value", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].textContent", "'B'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.4 Insert Option in middle of Options"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| select2.options.add(option2, 2); |
| option2.value = "1.5"; |
| option2.textContent = "A.5"; |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "4"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].value", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].textContent", "'Z'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].textContent", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].value", "'1.5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].textContent", "'A.5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[3].value", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[3].textContent", "'B'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.5 Insert Option at end of Options"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| select2.options.add(option2, 4); |
| option2.value = "3"; |
| option2.textContent = "C"; |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "5"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].value", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].textContent", "'Z'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].textContent", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].value", "'1.5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].textContent", "'A.5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[3].value", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[3].textContent", "'B'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[4].value", "'3'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[4].textContent", "'C'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.6 Insert Option beyond the end of Options"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| select2.options.add(option2, 6); |
| option2.value = "4"; |
| option2.textContent = "D"; |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "6"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].value", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].textContent", "'Z'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].textContent", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].value", "'1.5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].textContent", "'A.5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[3].value", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[3].textContent", "'B'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[4].value", "'3'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[4].textContent", "'C'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[5].value", "'4'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[5].textContent", "'D'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.7 Add an Option at index -1"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| select2.options.add(option2, -1); |
| option2.value = "5"; |
| option2.textContent = "E"; |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].value", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[0].textContent", "'Z'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].value", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[1].textContent", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].value", "'1.5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[2].textContent", "'A.5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[3].value", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[3].textContent", "'B'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[4].value", "'3'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[4].textContent", "'C'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[5].value", "'4'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[5].textContent", "'D'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[6].value", "'5'"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options[6].textContent", "'E'"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.8 Add an Option at index -2"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, -2)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.9 Add an Option at index -Infinity"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, -1/0)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.10 Add an Option at index NaN"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 0/0)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.11 Add an Option at index Infinity"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("OPTION"); |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1/0)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.12 Add a non-Option element"); |
| option2 = document.createElement("DIV"); |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.13 Add a non-element (string)"); |
| option2 = "o"; |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.14 Add a non-element (number)"); |
| option2 = 3.14; |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.15 Add a non-element (boolean)"); |
| option2 = true; |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.16 Add undefined"); |
| option2 = undefined; |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.17 Add null"); |
| option2 = null; |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.18 Add negative infinity"); |
| option2 = -1/0; |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.19 Add NaN"); |
| option2 = 0/0; |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| debug("2.20 Add positive infinity"); |
| option2 = 1/0; |
| shouldThrow("select2.options.add(option2, 1)"); |
| shouldBe("select2.options.length", "7"); |
| shouldBe("select2.selectedIndex", "1"); |
| debug(""); |
| |
| successfullyParsed = true; |