| "Bug 7445, bug 7253: Handle Unicode escapes in regexps." |
| var I3=/^\s*(fwd|re|aw|antw|antwort|wg|sv|ang|odp|betreff|betr|transf|reenv\.|reenv|in|res|resp|resp\.|enc|\u8f6c\u53d1|\u56DE\u590D|\u041F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043B|\u041E\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0442):\s*(.*)$/i; |
| // Other RegExs from Gmail source |
| // Strips leading Re or similar (from Gmail source) |
| // This function replaces consecutive whitespace with a single space |
| // then removes a leading and trailing space if they exist. (From Gmail) |
| return a.replace(Ci, " ").replace(BC, "").replace(BG, ""); |
| shouldBe('cy("Re: Hello")', '"Hello"'); |
| shouldBe('cy("Ответ: Hello")', '"Hello"'); |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| var regex = /^([^#<\u2264]+)([#<\u2264])(.*)$/; |
| shouldBe('regex.exec("24#Midnight").toString()', '"24#Midnight,24,#,Midnight"'); |
| var successfullyParsed = true; |