blob: 72724ae07bc26c3916e6acc833ee696ee5f04eb2 [file] [log] [blame]
"This tests that for/in statements properly scope a variable that's declared in one. "
+ "In previous versions of JavaScriptCore there were two bugs that caused problems. "
+ "First, the loop variable declaration would not be processed. "
+ "Second, the code to set the loop variable would incorrectly walk the scope chain even after setting the loop variable."
var i = "start i";
var j = "start j";
function func() {
var object = new Object;
object.propName = "propValue";
for (var i in object) { j = i; }
shouldBe("i", "'start i'");
shouldBe("j", "'propName'");
var successfullyParsed = true;