| App.AnalysisTask = App.NameLabelModel.extend({ |
| author: DS.attr('string'), |
| createdAt: DS.attr('date'), |
| formattedCreatedAt: function () { |
| var format = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d"); |
| return format(this.get('createdAt')); |
| }.property('createdAt'), |
| platform: DS.belongsTo('platform'), |
| metric: DS.belongsTo('metric'), |
| startRun: DS.attr('number'), |
| endRun: DS.attr('number'), |
| bugs: DS.hasMany('bugs'), |
| buildRequestCount: DS.attr('number'), |
| finishedBuildRequestCount: DS.attr('number'), |
| result: DS.attr('string'), |
| needed: DS.attr('number'), // DS.attr('boolean') treats null as false. |
| saveStatus: function () |
| { |
| return PrivilegedAPI.sendRequest('update-analysis-task', { |
| task: this.get('id'), |
| result: this.get('result'), |
| needed: this.get('needed'), |
| }); |
| }, |
| statusLabel: function () |
| { |
| var total = this.get('buildRequestCount'); |
| var finished = this.get('finishedBuildRequestCount'); |
| var result = this.get('result'); |
| if (result && total == finished) |
| return result.capitalize(); |
| if (!total) |
| return 'Empty'; |
| if (total != finished) |
| return finished + ' out of ' + total; |
| return 'Done'; |
| }.property('buildRequestCount', 'finishedBuildRequestCount'), |
| testGroups: function (key, value, oldValue) |
| { |
| return this.store.find('testGroup', {task: this.get('id')}); |
| }.property(), |
| triggerable: function () |
| { |
| return this.store.find('triggerable', {task: this.get('id')}).then(function (triggerables) { |
| return triggerables.objectAt(0); |
| }, function (error) { |
| console.log('Failed to fetch triggerables', error); |
| return null; |
| }); |
| }.property(), |
| label: function () |
| { |
| var label = this.get('name'); |
| var bugs = this.get('bugs').map(function (bug) { return bug.get('label'); }).join(' / '); |
| return bugs ? label + ' (' + bugs + ')' : label; |
| }.property('name', 'bugs'), |
| }); |
| |
| App.Bug = App.Model.extend({ |
| task: DS.belongsTo('AnalysisTask'), |
| bugTracker: DS.belongsTo('BugTracker'), |
| createdAt: DS.attr('date'), |
| number: DS.attr('number'), |
| url: function () { |
| return this.get('bugTracker').urlFromBugNumber(this.get('number')); |
| }.property('bugTracker.bugUrl', 'number'), |
| label: function () { |
| return this.get('bugTracker').get('label') + ': ' + this.get('number'); |
| }.property('name', 'bugTracker'), |
| }); |
| |
| // FIXME: Use DS.RESTAdapter instead. |
| App.AnalysisTask.create = function (name, startMeasurement, endMeasurement) |
| { |
| return PrivilegedAPI.sendRequest('create-analysis-task', { |
| name: name, |
| startRun: startMeasurement.id(), |
| endRun: endMeasurement.id(), |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| App.AnalysisTaskAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({ |
| buildURL: function (type, id) |
| { |
| return '../api/analysis-tasks/' + (id ? id : ''); |
| }, |
| }); |
| |
| App.BugAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({ |
| createRecord: function (store, type, record) |
| { |
| var param = { |
| task: record.get('task').get('id'), |
| bugTracker: record.get('bugTracker').get('id'), |
| number: record.get('number'), |
| }; |
| return PrivilegedAPI.sendRequest('associate-bug', param).then(function (data) { |
| param['id'] = data['bugId']; |
| return {'bug': param}; |
| }); |
| }, |
| deleteRecord: function (store, type, record) |
| { |
| return PrivilegedAPI.sendRequest('associate-bug', {bugToDelete: record.get('id')}).then(function () { |
| return {}; |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| App.Root = App.Model.extend({ |
| repository: DS.belongsTo('repository'), |
| revision: DS.attr('string'), |
| }); |
| |
| App.RootSet = App.Model.extend({ |
| roots: DS.hasMany('roots'), |
| revisionForRepository: function (repository) |
| { |
| var root = this.get('roots').findBy('repository', repository); |
| if (!root) |
| return null; |
| return root.get('revision'); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| App.TestGroup = App.NameLabelModel.extend({ |
| task: DS.belongsTo('analysisTask'), |
| author: DS.attr('string'), |
| createdAt: DS.attr('date'), |
| buildRequests: DS.hasMany('buildRequests'), |
| rootSets: DS.hasMany('rootSets'), |
| platform: DS.belongsTo('platform'), |
| _fetchTestResults: function () |
| { |
| var task = this.get('task'); |
| var platform = this.get('platform'); |
| if (!task || !platform) |
| return null; |
| var self = this; |
| return App.Manifest.fetchRunsWithPlatformAndMetric(this.store, |
| platform.get('id'), task.get('metric').get('id'), this.get('id')).then( |
| function (result) { self.set('testResults', result.data); }, |
| function (error) { |
| // FIXME: Somehow this never gets called. |
| alert('Failed to fetch the results:' + error); |
| return null; |
| }); |
| }.observes('task', 'task.platform', 'task.metric', 'platform').on('init'), |
| }); |
| |
| App.TestGroup.create = function (analysisTask, name, rootSets, repetitionCount) |
| { |
| var param = { |
| task: analysisTask.get('id'), |
| name: name, |
| rootSets: rootSets, |
| repetitionCount: repetitionCount, |
| }; |
| return PrivilegedAPI.sendRequest('create-test-group', param).then(function (data) { |
| analysisTask.set('testGroups'); // Refetch test groups. |
| return analysisTask.store.find('testGroup', data['testGroupId']); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| App.TestGroupAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({ |
| buildURL: function (type, id) |
| { |
| return '../api/test-groups/' + (id ? id : ''); |
| }, |
| }); |
| |
| App.Triggerable = App.NameLabelModel.extend({ |
| acceptedRepositories: DS.hasMany('repositories'), |
| }); |
| |
| App.TriggerableAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({ |
| buildURL: function (type, id) |
| { |
| return '../api/triggerables/' + (id ? id : ''); |
| }, |
| }); |
| |
| App.AnalysisTaskSerializer = App.TestGroupSerializer = App.TriggerableSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({ |
| normalizePayload: function (payload) |
| { |
| delete payload['status']; |
| return payload; |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| App.BuildRequest = App.Model.extend({ |
| testGroup: DS.belongsTo('testGroup'), |
| order: DS.attr('number'), |
| orderLabel: function () |
| { |
| return this.get('order') + 1; |
| }.property('order'), |
| rootSet: DS.belongsTo('rootSet'), |
| status: DS.attr('string'), |
| statusLabel: function () |
| { |
| switch (this.get('status')) { |
| case 'pending': |
| return 'Waiting to be scheduled'; |
| case 'scheduled': |
| return 'Scheduled'; |
| case 'running': |
| return 'Running'; |
| case 'failed': |
| return 'Failed'; |
| case 'completed': |
| return 'Completed'; |
| } |
| }.property('status'), |
| url: DS.attr('string'), |
| build: DS.attr('number'), |
| }); |
| |
| App.BuildRequest.aggregateStatuses = function (requests) |
| { |
| var completeCount = 0; |
| var failureCount = 0; |
| requests.forEach(function (request) { |
| switch (request.get('status')) { |
| case 'failed': |
| failureCount++; |
| break; |
| case 'completed': |
| completeCount++; |
| break; |
| } |
| }); |
| if (completeCount == requests.length) |
| return 'Done'; |
| if (failureCount == requests.length) |
| return 'All failed'; |
| var status = completeCount + ' out of ' + requests.length + ' completed'; |
| if (failureCount) |
| status += ', ' + failureCount + ' failed'; |
| return status; |
| } |