| import * as assert from '../assert.js'; |
| import Builder from '../Builder.js'; |
| |
| const assertOpThrows = (opFn, message) => { |
| let f = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function(); |
| assert.throws(opFn, Error, message, f); |
| }; |
| |
| (function EmptyModule() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.isNotUndef(j.preamble); |
| assert.isNotUndef(j.preamble["magic number"]); |
| assert.isNotUndef(j.preamble.version); |
| assert.isNotUndef(j.section); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CustomMagicNumber() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).setPreamble({ "magic number": 1337 }); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.preamble["magic number"], 1337); |
| assert.isNotUndef(j.preamble.version); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CustomVersion() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).setPreamble({ "version": 1337 }); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.preamble["version"], 1337); |
| assert.isNotUndef(j.preamble.version); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CustomSection() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| b.Unknown("custom section") |
| .Byte(0x00) |
| .Byte(0x42) |
| .Byte(0xFF); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].name, "custom section"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0], 0x00); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[1], 0x42); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[2], 0xFF); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CustomSectionAllBytes() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| let u = b.Unknown("custom section"); |
| for (let i = 0; i !== 0xFF + 1; ++i) |
| u.Byte(i); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 256); |
| for (let i = 0; i !== 0xFF + 1; ++i) |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[i], i); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CustomSectionInvalidByte() { |
| const u = (new Builder()).Unknown("custom section"); |
| assert.throws(() => u.Byte(0xFF + 1), Error, `Not the same: "0" and "256": Unknown section expected byte, got: "256"`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function TwoCustomSections() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| b.Unknown("custom section") |
| .Byte(0x00) |
| .Byte(0x42) |
| .Byte(0xFF) |
| .End() |
| .Unknown("☃") |
| .Byte(0x11); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 2); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].name, "custom section"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].name, "☃"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0], 0x11); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function SectionsWithSameCustomName() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Unknown("foo").End(); |
| assert.throws(() => b.Unknown("foo"), Error, `Expected falsy: Cannot have two sections with the same name "foo" and ID 0`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function EmptyTypeSection() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].name, "Type"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function TwoTypeSections() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End(); |
| assert.throws(() => b.Type(), Error, `Expected falsy: Cannot have two sections with the same name "Type" and ID 1`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function SimpleTypeSection() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type() |
| .Func([]) |
| .Func([], "void") |
| .Func([], "i32") |
| .Func([], "i64") |
| .Func([], "f32") |
| .Func([], "f64") |
| .Func(["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64"]) |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 7); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].ret, "void"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[1].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[1].ret, "void"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[2].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[2].ret, "i32"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[3].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[3].ret, "i64"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[4].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[4].ret, "f32"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[5].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[5].ret, "f64"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[6].params, ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64"]); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[6].ret, "void"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function EmptyImportSection() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Import().End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].name, "Import"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ImportBeforeTypeSections() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Import().End(); |
| assert.throws(() => b.Type(), Error, `Expected: "2" > "1": Bad section ordering: "Import" cannot precede "Type"`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ImportFunctionWithoutTypeSection() { |
| const i = (new Builder()).Import(); |
| assert.throws(() => i.Function("foo", "bar", 0), Error, `Shouldn't be undefined: Can not use type 0 if a type section is not present`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ImportFunctionWithInvalidType() { |
| const i = (new Builder()).Type().End().Import(); |
| assert.throws(() => i.Function("foo", "bar", 0), Error, `Shouldn't be undefined: Type 0 does not exist in type section`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ImportFunction() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().Func([]).End() |
| .Import() |
| .Function("foo", "bar", 0) |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].module, "foo"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].field, "bar"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].type, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].kind, "Function"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ImportFunctionsWithExistingTypes() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type() |
| .Func([]) |
| .Func([], "i32") |
| .Func(["i64", "i32"]) |
| .Func(["i64", "i64"]) |
| .End() |
| .Import() |
| .Function("foo", "bar", { params: [] }) |
| .Function("foo", "baz", { params: [], ret: "i32" }) |
| .Function("foo", "boo", { params: ["i64", "i64"] }) |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 4); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].type, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].type, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[2].type, 3); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ImportFunctionWithNewType() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Import() |
| .Function("foo", "bar", { params: [] }) |
| .Function("foo", "baz", { params: [], ret: "i32" }) |
| .Function("foo", "boo", { params: ["i64", "i64"] }) |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].ret, "void"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[1].ret, "i32"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[1].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[2].ret, "void"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[2].params, ["i64", "i64"]); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function EmptyExportSection() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Export().End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].name, "Export"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ExportFunctionWithoutTypeSection() { |
| const e = (new Builder()).Export(); |
| assert.throws(() => e.Function("foo", 0, 0), Error, `Shouldn't be undefined: Can not use type 0 if a type section is not present`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ExportFunctionWithInvalidType() { |
| const e = (new Builder()).Type().End().Export(); |
| assert.throws(() => e.Function("foo", 0, 0), Error, `Shouldn't be undefined: Type 0 does not exist in type section`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ExportAnImport() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Import().Function("foo", "bar", { params: [] }).End() |
| .Export().Function("ExportAnImport", { module: "foo", field: "bar" }).End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].name, "Export"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].data[0].field, "ExportAnImport"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].data[0].type, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].data[0].index, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].data[0].kind, "Function"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ExportMismatchedImport() { |
| const e = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Import().Function("foo", "bar", { params: [] }).End() |
| .Export(); |
| assert.throws(() => e.Function("foo", 0, { params: ["i32"] }), Error, `Not the same: "1" and "0": Re-exporting import "bar" as "foo" has mismatching type`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function StartInvalidNumberedFunction() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Function().End() |
| .Start(0).End() |
| assert.throws(() => b.Code().End(), Error, `Start section refers to non-existant function '0'`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function StartInvalidNamedFunction() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Function().End() |
| .Start("foo").End(); |
| assert.throws(() => b.Code().End(), Error, `Start section refers to non-existant function 'foo'`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function StartNamedFunction() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Function().End() |
| .Start("foo").End() |
| .Code() |
| .Function("foo", { params: [] }).End() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 4); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].name, "Start"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[2].data[0], 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| /* FIXME implement checking of signature https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165658 |
| (function StartInvalidTypeArg() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Function().End() |
| .Start("foo").End() |
| assert.throws(() => b.Code().Function("foo", { params: ["i32"] }).End(), Error, `???`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function StartInvalidTypeReturn() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Function().End() |
| .Start("foo").End() |
| assert.throws(() => b.Code().Function("foo", { params: [], ret: "i32" }).I32Const(42).Ret().End(), Error, `???`); |
| })(); |
| */ |
| |
| // FIXME test start of import or table. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165658 |
| |
| (function EmptyCodeSection() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| b.Code(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].name, "Code"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CodeSectionWithEmptyFunction() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| b.Type().End() |
| .Code() |
| .Function(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 2); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].name, "Type"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].ret, "void"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].name, "Code"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].name, undefined); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].type, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].parameterCount, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].locals.length, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CodeSectionWithEmptyFunctionWithParameters() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| b.Type().End() |
| .Code() |
| .Function({ params: ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64"] }); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section.length, 2); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].params, ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64"]); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].ret, "void"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].type, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].parameterCount, 4); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].locals[0], "i32"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].locals[1], "i64"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].locals[2], "f32"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].locals[3], "f64"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function InvalidFunctionParameters() { |
| for (let invalid of ["", "void", "bool", "any", "struct", 0, 3.14, undefined, [], {}]) { |
| const c = (new Builder()).Code(); |
| assert.throws(() => c.Function({ params: [invalid] }), Error, `Expected truthy: Type parameter ${invalid} needs a valid value type`); |
| } |
| })(); |
| |
| (function SimpleFunction() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| b.Type().End() |
| .Code() |
| .Function() |
| .Nop() |
| .Nop() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].locals.length, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "nop"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[1].name, "nop"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[2].name, "end"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function TwoSimpleFunctions() { |
| const b = new Builder(); |
| b.Type().End() |
| .Code() |
| .Function() |
| .Nop() |
| .Nop() |
| .End() |
| .Function() |
| .Return() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data.length, 2); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].locals.length, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "nop"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[1].name, "nop"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[2].name, "end"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].locals.length, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].code.length, 2); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].code[0].name, "return"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].code[1].name, "end"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function NamedFunctions() { |
| const b = new Builder().Type().End().Code() |
| .Function("hello").End() |
| .Function("world", { params: ["i32"] }).End() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].name, "hello"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].parameterCount, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].name, "world"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].parameterCount, 1); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ExportSimpleFunctions() { |
| const b = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Export() |
| .Function("foo", 0, { params: [] }) |
| .Function("bar") |
| .Function("betterNameForBar", "bar") |
| .End() |
| .Code() |
| .Function({ params: [] }).Nop().End() |
| .Function("bar", { params: [] }).Nop().End() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].ret, "void"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[0].data[0].params, []); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].field, "foo"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].type, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].index, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].kind, "Function"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].field, "bar"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].type, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].index, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[1].kind, "Function"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[2].field, "betterNameForBar"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[2].type, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[2].index, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[2].kind, "Function"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function ExportUndefinedFunction() { |
| const c = (new Builder()).Type().End().Export().Function("foo").End().Code(); |
| assert.throws(() => c.End(), Error, `Should be number, got undefined: Export section contains undefined function "foo"`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function TwoBuildersAtTheSameTime() { |
| const b = [new Builder(), new Builder()]; |
| const f = b.map(builder => builder.Type().End().Code().Function()); |
| f[0].Nop(); |
| f[1].Return().End().End(); |
| f[0].Nop().End().End(); |
| const j = b.map(builder => JSON.parse(builder.json())); |
| assert.eq(j[0].section[1].data[0].code.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j[0].section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "nop"); |
| assert.eq(j[0].section[1].data[0].code[1].name, "nop"); |
| assert.eq(j[0].section[1].data[0].code[2].name, "end"); |
| assert.eq(j[1].section[1].data[0].code.length, 2); |
| assert.eq(j[1].section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "return"); |
| assert.eq(j[1].section[1].data[0].code[1].name, "end"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CheckedOpcodeArgumentsTooMany() { |
| assertOpThrows(f => f.Nop("uh-oh!"), `Not the same: "1" and "0": "nop" expects exactly 0 immediates, got 1`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function UncheckedOpcodeArgumentsTooMany() { |
| (new Builder()).setChecked(false).Type().End().Code().Function().Nop("This is fine.", "I'm OK with the events that are unfolding currently."); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CheckedOpcodeArgumentsNotEnough() { |
| assertOpThrows(f => f.I32Const(), `Not the same: "0" and "1": "i32.const" expects exactly 1 immediate, got 0`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function UncheckedOpcodeArgumentsNotEnough() { |
| (new Builder()).setChecked(false).Type().End().Code().Function().I32Const(); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CallNoArguments() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().Call(0).End().End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 2); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "call"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].arguments.length, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates[0], 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[1].name, "end"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CallInvalid() { |
| for (let c of [-1, 0x100000000, "0", {}, Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, -NaN, null]) |
| assertOpThrows(f => f.Call(c), `Expected truthy: Invalid value on call: got "${c}", expected i32`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function I32ConstValid() { |
| for (let c of [0, 1, 2, 42, 1337, 0xFF, 0xFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF]) { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().I32Const(c).Return().End().End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "i32.const"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].arguments.length, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates[0], c); |
| } |
| })(); |
| |
| (function I32ConstInvalid() { |
| for (let c of [-1, 0x100000000, 0.1, -0.1, "0", {}, Infinity, null]) |
| assertOpThrows(f => f.I32Const(c), `Expected truthy: Invalid value on i32.const: got "${c}", expected i32`); |
| })(); |
| |
| // FIXME: test i64. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163420 |
| |
| (function F32ConstValid() { |
| for (let c of [0, -0., 0.2, Math.PI, 0x100000000]) { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().F32Const(c).Return().End().End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "f32.const"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].arguments.length, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates[0], c); |
| } |
| })(); |
| |
| (function F32ConstInvalid() { |
| for (let c of ["0", {}, Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, -NaN, null]) |
| assertOpThrows(f => f.F32Const(c), `Expected truthy: Invalid value on f32.const: got "${c}", expected f32`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function F64ConstValid() { |
| for (let c of [0, -0., 0.2, Math.PI, 0x100000000]) { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().F64Const(c).Return().End().End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "f64.const"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].arguments.length, 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates[0], c); |
| } |
| })(); |
| |
| (function F64ConstInvalid() { |
| for (let c of ["0", {}, Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, -NaN, null]) |
| assertOpThrows(f => f.F64Const(c), `Expected truthy: Invalid value on f64.const: got "${c}", expected f64`); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function CallOneFromStack() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code() |
| .Function({ params: ["i32"] }) |
| .I32Const(42) |
| .Call(0) |
| .End() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "i32.const"); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].immediates[0], 42); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[1].name, "call"); |
| // FIXME: assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[1].arguments.length, 1); https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163267 |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[1].immediates.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[1].immediates[0], 0); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[2].name, "end"); |
| })(); |
| |
| // FIXME https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163267 all of these: |
| // test too many pops. |
| // test not enough pops (function has non-empty stack at the end). |
| // test mismatched pop types. |
| // test mismatched function signature (calling with wrong arg types). |
| // test invalid function index. |
| // test function names (both setting and calling them). |
| |
| (function CallManyFromStack() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code() |
| .Function({ params: ["i32", "i32", "i32", "i32"] }) |
| .I32Const(42).I32Const(1337).I32Const(0xBEEF).I32Const(0xFFFF) |
| .Call(0) |
| .End() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 6); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[4].name, "call"); |
| // FIXME: assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[4].arguments.length, 4); https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163267 |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[4].immediates.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[4].immediates[0], 0); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function OpcodeAdd() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code() |
| .Function() |
| .I32Const(42).I32Const(1337) |
| .I32Add() |
| .Return() |
| .End() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 5); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[2].name, "i32.add"); |
| // FIXME: assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[2].arguments.length, 2); https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163267 |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[3].name, "return"); |
| // FIXME check return. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163267 |
| })(); |
| |
| (function OpcodeUnreachable() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().Unreachable().End().End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 2); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[0].name, "unreachable"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function OpcodeUnreachableCombinations() { |
| (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().Nop().Unreachable().End().End().json(); |
| (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().Unreachable().Nop().End().End().json(); |
| (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().Return().Unreachable().End().End().json(); |
| (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().Unreachable().Return().End().End().json(); |
| (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().Call(0).Unreachable().End().End().json(); |
| (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function().Unreachable().Call(0).End().End().json(); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function OpcodeSelect() { |
| const b = (new Builder()).Type().End().Code().Function() |
| .I32Const(1).I32Const(2).I32Const(0) |
| .Select() |
| .Return() |
| .End() |
| .End(); |
| const j = JSON.parse(b.json()); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code.length, 6); |
| assert.eq(j.section[1].data[0].code[3].name, "select"); |
| })(); |
| |
| (function MemoryImport() { |
| const builder = (new Builder()) |
| .Type().End() |
| .Import() |
| .Memory("__module__", "__field__", {initial: 30, maximum: 31}) |
| .End() |
| .Code().End(); |
| |
| const json = JSON.parse(builder.json()); |
| assert.eq(json.section.length, 3); |
| assert.eq(json.section[1].name, "Import"); |
| assert.eq(json.section[1].data.length, 1); |
| assert.eq(json.section[1].data[0].module, "__module__"); |
| assert.eq(json.section[1].data[0].field, "__field__"); |
| assert.eq(json.section[1].data[0].kind, "Memory"); |
| assert.eq(json.section[1].data[0].memoryDescription.initial, 30); |
| assert.eq(json.section[1].data[0].memoryDescription.maximum, 31); |
| })(); |
| |
| // FIXME test type mismatch with select. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163267 |