blob: d65df33cf17931e0bc81075664f8e45080df30d9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
my $defines;
my $preprocessor;
my $idlFilesList;
my $supplementalDependencyFile;
my $windowConstructorsFile;
my $workerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile;
my $sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile;
my $dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile;
my $supplementalMakefileDeps;
GetOptions('defines=s' => \$defines,
'preprocessor=s' => \$preprocessor,
'idlFilesList=s' => \$idlFilesList,
'supplementalDependencyFile=s' => \$supplementalDependencyFile,
'windowConstructorsFile=s' => \$windowConstructorsFile,
'workerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile=s' => \$workerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile,
'sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile=s' => \$sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile,
'dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile=s' => \$dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile,
'supplementalMakefileDeps=s' => \$supplementalMakefileDeps);
die('Must specify #define macros using --defines.') unless defined($defines);
die('Must specify an output file using --supplementalDependencyFile.') unless defined($supplementalDependencyFile);
die('Must specify an output file using --windowConstructorsFile.') unless defined($windowConstructorsFile);
die('Must specify an output file using --workerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile.') unless defined($workerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile);
die('Must specify an output file using --sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile.') unless defined($sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile);
die('Must specify an output file using --dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile.') unless defined($dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile);
die('Must specify the file listing all IDLs using --idlFilesList.') unless defined($idlFilesList);
open FH, "< $idlFilesList" or die "Cannot open $idlFilesList\n";
my @idlFiles = <FH>;
close FH;
my %interfaceNameToIdlFile;
my %idlFileToInterfaceName;
my %supplementalDependencies;
my %supplementals;
my $windowConstructorsCode = "";
my $workerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode = "";
my $sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode = "";
my $dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode = "";
# Get rid of duplicates in idlFiles array.
my %idlFileHash = map { $_, 1 } @idlFiles;
# Populate $idlFileToInterfaceName and $interfaceNameToIdlFile.
foreach my $idlFile (keys %idlFileHash) {
my $fullPath = Cwd::realpath($idlFile);
my $interfaceName = fileparse(basename($idlFile), ".idl");
$idlFileToInterfaceName{$fullPath} = $interfaceName;
$interfaceNameToIdlFile{$interfaceName} = $fullPath;
# Parse all IDL files.
foreach my $idlFile (sort keys %idlFileHash) {
my $fullPath = Cwd::realpath($idlFile);
my $idlFileContents = getFileContents($fullPath);
# Handle partial interfaces.
my $partialInterfaceName = getPartialInterfaceNameFromIDL($idlFileContents);
if ($partialInterfaceName) {
$supplementalDependencies{$fullPath} = [$partialInterfaceName];
my $interfaceName = fileparse(basename($idlFile), ".idl");
# Handle implements statements.
my $implementedInterfaces = getImplementedInterfacesFromIDL($idlFileContents, $interfaceName);
foreach my $implementedInterface (@{$implementedInterfaces}) {
my $implementedIdlFile = $interfaceNameToIdlFile{$implementedInterface};
die "Could not find a the IDL file where the following implemented interface is defined: $implementedInterface" unless $implementedIdlFile;
if ($supplementalDependencies{$implementedIdlFile}) {
push(@{$supplementalDependencies{$implementedIdlFile}}, $interfaceName);
} else {
$supplementalDependencies{$implementedIdlFile} = [$interfaceName];
# Handle [NoInterfaceObject].
unless (isCallbackInterfaceFromIDL($idlFileContents)) {
my $extendedAttributes = getInterfaceExtendedAttributesFromIDL($idlFileContents);
unless ($extendedAttributes->{"NoInterfaceObject"}) {
my @globalContexts = split("&", $extendedAttributes->{"GlobalContext"} || "DOMWindow");
my $attributeCode = GenerateConstructorAttribute($interfaceName, $extendedAttributes);
$windowConstructorsCode .= $attributeCode if grep(/^DOMWindow$/, @globalContexts);
$workerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode .= $attributeCode if grep(/^WorkerGlobalScope$/, @globalContexts);
$sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode .= $attributeCode if grep(/^SharedWorkerGlobalScope$/, @globalContexts);
$dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode .= $attributeCode if grep(/^DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope$/, @globalContexts);
$supplementals{$fullPath} = [];
# Generate partial interfaces for Constructors.
GeneratePartialInterface("DOMWindow", $windowConstructorsCode, $windowConstructorsFile);
GeneratePartialInterface("WorkerGlobalScope", $workerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode, $workerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile);
GeneratePartialInterface("SharedWorkerGlobalScope", $sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode, $sharedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile);
GeneratePartialInterface("DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope", $dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsCode, $dedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeConstructorsFile);
# Resolves partial interfaces and implements dependencies.
foreach my $idlFile (keys %supplementalDependencies) {
my $baseFiles = $supplementalDependencies{$idlFile};
foreach my $baseFile (@{$baseFiles}) {
my $targetIdlFile = $interfaceNameToIdlFile{$baseFile};
push(@{$supplementals{$targetIdlFile}}, $idlFile);
delete $supplementals{$idlFile};
# Outputs the dependency.
# The format of a supplemental dependency file:
# DOMWindow.idl P.idl Q.idl R.idl
# Document.idl S.idl
# Event.idl
# ...
# The above indicates that DOMWindow.idl is supplemented by P.idl, Q.idl and R.idl,
# Document.idl is supplemented by S.idl, and Event.idl is supplemented by no IDLs.
# The IDL that supplements another IDL (e.g. P.idl) never appears in the dependency file.
my $dependencies = "";
foreach my $idlFile (sort keys %supplementals) {
$dependencies .= "$idlFile @{$supplementals{$idlFile}}\n";
WriteFileIfChanged($supplementalDependencyFile, $dependencies);
if ($supplementalMakefileDeps) {
my $makefileDeps = "";
foreach my $idlFile (sort keys %supplementals) {
my $basename = $idlFileToInterfaceName{$idlFile};
my @dependencies = map { basename($_) } @{$supplementals{$idlFile}};
$makefileDeps .= "JS${basename}.h: @{dependencies}\n";
$makefileDeps .= "DOM${basename}.h: @{dependencies}\n";
$makefileDeps .= "WebDOM${basename}.h: @{dependencies}\n";
foreach my $dependency (@dependencies) {
$makefileDeps .= "${dependency}:\n";
WriteFileIfChanged($supplementalMakefileDeps, $makefileDeps);
sub WriteFileIfChanged
my $fileName = shift;
my $contents = shift;
if (-f $fileName) {
open FH, "<", $fileName or die "Couldn't open $fileName: $!\n";
my @lines = <FH>;
my $oldContents = join "", @lines;
close FH;
return if $contents eq $oldContents;
open FH, ">", $fileName or die "Couldn't open $fileName: $!\n";
print FH $contents;
close FH;
sub GeneratePartialInterface
my $interfaceName = shift;
my $attributesCode = shift;
my $destinationFile = shift;
my $contents = "partial interface ${interfaceName} {\n$attributesCode};\n";
WriteFileIfChanged($destinationFile, $contents);
my $fullPath = Cwd::realpath($destinationFile);
$supplementalDependencies{$fullPath} = [$interfaceName] if $interfaceNameToIdlFile{$interfaceName};
sub GenerateConstructorAttribute
my $interfaceName = shift;
my $extendedAttributes = shift;
my $code = " ";
my @extendedAttributesList;
foreach my $attributeName (keys %{$extendedAttributes}) {
next unless ($attributeName eq "Conditional" || $attributeName eq "EnabledAtRuntime" || $attributeName eq "EnabledBySetting");
my $extendedAttribute = $attributeName;
$extendedAttribute .= "=" . $extendedAttributes->{$attributeName} unless $extendedAttributes->{$attributeName} eq "VALUE_IS_MISSING";
push(@extendedAttributesList, $extendedAttribute);
$code .= "[" . join(', ', @extendedAttributesList) . "] " if @extendedAttributesList;
my $originalInterfaceName = $interfaceName;
$interfaceName = $extendedAttributes->{"InterfaceName"} if $extendedAttributes->{"InterfaceName"};
$code .= "attribute " . $originalInterfaceName . "Constructor $interfaceName;\n";
# In addition to the regular property, for every [NamedConstructor] extended attribute on an interface,
# a corresponding property MUST exist on the ECMAScript global object.
if ($extendedAttributes->{"NamedConstructor"}) {
my $constructorName = $extendedAttributes->{"NamedConstructor"};
$constructorName =~ s/\(.*//g; # Extract function name.
$code .= " ";
$code .= "[" . join(', ', @extendedAttributesList) . "] " if @extendedAttributesList;
$code .= "attribute " . $originalInterfaceName . "NamedConstructor $constructorName;\n";
return $code;
sub getFileContents
my $idlFile = shift;
open FILE, "<", $idlFile;
my @lines = <FILE>;
close FILE;
# Filter out preprocessor lines.
@lines = grep(!/^\s*#/, @lines);
return join('', @lines);
sub getPartialInterfaceNameFromIDL
my $fileContents = shift;
if ($fileContents =~ /partial\s+interface\s+(\w+)/gs) {
return $1;
# identifier-A implements identifier-B;
sub getImplementedInterfacesFromIDL
my $fileContents = shift;
my $interfaceName = shift;
my @implementedInterfaces = ();
while ($fileContents =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+implements\s+(\w+)\s*;/mg) {
die "Identifier on the left of the 'implements' statement should be $interfaceName in $interfaceName.idl, but found $1" if $1 ne $interfaceName;
push(@implementedInterfaces, $2);
return \@implementedInterfaces
sub isCallbackInterfaceFromIDL
my $fileContents = shift;
return ($fileContents =~ /callback\s+interface\s+\w+/gs);
sub trim
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $string;
sub getInterfaceExtendedAttributesFromIDL
my $fileContents = shift;
my $extendedAttributes = {};
if ($fileContents =~ /\[(.*)\]\s+(interface|exception)\s+(\w+)/gs) {
my @parts = split(',', $1);
foreach my $part (@parts) {
my @keyValue = split('=', $part);
my $key = trim($keyValue[0]);
next unless length($key);
my $value = "VALUE_IS_MISSING";
$value = trim($keyValue[1]) if @keyValue > 1;
$extendedAttributes->{$key} = $value;
return $extendedAttributes;