blob: 41a2349b60433344e7fe2312fd46b4fded010094 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 Valerie Young. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-assignment-operators-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
Behavior for input array of Strings, successful conversion
info: |
Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
AssignmentExpression : LeftHandSideExpression = AssignmentExpression
1. If LeftHandSideExpression is neither an ObjectLiteral nor an ArrayLiteral, then
f. Perform ? PutValue(lref, rval).
PutValue ( V, W )
6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
i. Assert: In this case, base will never be undefined or null.
ii. Set base to ! ToObject(base).
b. Let succeeded be ? base.[[Set]](GetReferencedName(V), W, GetThisValue(V)).
c. If succeeded is false and IsStrictReference(V) is true, throw a TypeError
d. Return.
[[Set]] ( P, V, Receiver )
When the [[Set]] internal method of an Integer-Indexed exotic object O is
called with property key P, value V, and ECMAScript language value Receiver,
the following steps are taken:
1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
2. If Type(P) is String, then
a. Let numericIndex be ! CanonicalNumericIndexString(P).
b. If numericIndex is not undefined, then
i. Return ? IntegerIndexedElementSet(O, numericIndex, V).
IntegerIndexedElementSet ( O, index, value )
5. If arrayTypeName is "BigUint64Array" or "BigInt64Array",
let numValue be ? ToBigInt(value).
ToBigInt ( argument )
Object, Apply the following steps:
1. Let prim be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint Number).
2. Return the value that prim corresponds to in Table [BigInt Conversions]
BigInt Conversions
Argument Type: String
1. Let n be StringToBigInt(prim).
2. If n is NaN, throw a SyntaxError exception.
3. Return n.
StringToBigInt (argument)
Apply the algorithm in with the following changes:
* Replace the StrUnsignedDecimalLiteral production with DecimalDigits to
not allow Infinity, decimal points, or exponents.
* If the MV is NaN, return NaN, otherwise return the BigInt which exactly
corresponds to the MV, rather than rounding to a Number.
includes: [testBigIntTypedArray.js]
features: [BigInt, TypedArray]
testWithBigIntTypedArrayConstructors(function(TA) {
var typedArray = new TA(1);
typedArray[0] = '';
assert.sameValue(typedArray[0], 0n);
typedArray[0] = '1';
assert.sameValue(typedArray[0], 1n);
assert.throws(SyntaxError, function() {
typedArray[0] = '1n';
}, "A StringNumericLiteral may not include a BigIntLiteralSuffix.");
assert.throws(SyntaxError, function() {
typedArray[0] = "Infinity";
}, "Replace the StrUnsignedDecimalLiteral production with DecimalDigits to not allow Infinity..");
assert.throws(SyntaxError, function() {
typedArray[0] = "1.1";
}, "Replace the StrUnsignedDecimalLiteral production with DecimalDigits to not allow... decimal points...");
assert.throws(SyntaxError, function() {
typedArray[0] = "1e7";
}, "Replace the StrUnsignedDecimalLiteral production with DecimalDigits to not allow... exponents...");