blob: ff1ea593349028fd57a7d56f36fe335378f8c8a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase()
description: Call toLocaleUpperCase() function of string object
var __obj = {
valueOf: function() {},
toString: void 0
var __lowerCase = new String(__obj).toLocaleUpperCase();
var __expected = "UNDEFINED";
if (__lowerCase.length !== __expected.length) {
$ERROR('#1: __obj = {valueOf:function(){}, toString:void 0}; __lowerCase = new String(__obj).toLocaleUpperCase(); __expected ="UNDEFINED"; __lowerCase.length === __expected.length. Actual: ' + __lowerCase.length);
if (__lowerCase.index !== __expected.index) {
$ERROR('#2: __obj = {valueOf:function(){}, toString:void 0}; __lowerCase = new String(__obj).toLocaleUpperCase(); __expected ="UNDEFINED"; __lowerCase.index === __expected.index. Actual: ' + __lowerCase.index);
if (__lowerCase.input !== __expected.input) {
$ERROR('#3: __obj = {valueOf:function(){}, toString:void 0}; __lowerCase = new String(__obj).toLocaleUpperCase(); __expected ="UNDEFINED"; __lowerCase.input === __expected.input. Actual: ' + __lowerCase.input);
for (var index = 0; index < __expected.length; index++) {
if (__lowerCase[index] !== __expected[index]) {
$ERROR('#4.' + index + ': __obj = {valueOf:function(){}, toString:void 0}; __lowerCase = new String(__obj).toLocaleUpperCase(); __expected ="UNDEFINED"; __lowerCase[' + index + ']===' + __expected[index] + '. Actual: ' + __lowerCase[index]);