blob: 1dac96fee6a1c813f3d826661b72c8918b9b5b1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 Jordan Harband. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-string.prototype.padstart
description: >
String#padStart should return the string unchanged when an integer max
length is not greater than the string length
author: Jordan Harband
assert.sameValue('abc'.padStart(undefined, 'def'), 'abc');
assert.sameValue('abc'.padStart(null, 'def'), 'abc');
assert.sameValue('abc'.padStart(NaN, 'def'), 'abc');
assert.sameValue('abc'.padStart(-Infinity, 'def'), 'abc');
assert.sameValue('abc'.padStart(0, 'def'), 'abc');
assert.sameValue('abc'.padStart(-1, 'def'), 'abc');
assert.sameValue('abc'.padStart(3, 'def'), 'abc');
assert.sameValue('abc'.padStart(3.9999, 'def'), 'abc');