| %{ |
| /* This file is part of the KDE libraries |
| |
| Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@mpi-hd.mpg.de) |
| |
| This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| Library General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| HTMLEntityNames.gperf: input file to generate a hash table for entities |
| HTMLEntityNames.c: DO NOT EDIT! generated by the command |
| "gperf -a -L "ANSI-C" -C -G -c -o -t -k '*' -NfindEntity -D -s 2 HTMLEntityNames.gperf > entities.c" |
| from HTMLEntityNames.gperf |
| |
| */ |
| %} |
| struct Entity { |
| const char *name; |
| int code; |
| }; |
| %% |
| AElig, 0x00c6 |
| AMP, 38 |
| Aacute, 0x00c1 |
| Acirc, 0x00c2 |
| Agrave, 0x00c0 |
| Alpha, 0x0391 |
| Aring, 0x00c5 |
| Atilde, 0x00c3 |
| Auml, 0x00c4 |
| Beta, 0x0392 |
| COPY, 0x00a9 |
| Ccedil, 0x00c7 |
| Chi, 0x03a7 |
| Dagger, 0x2021 |
| Delta, 0x0394 |
| ETH, 0x00d0 |
| Eacute, 0x00c9 |
| Ecirc, 0x00ca |
| Egrave, 0x00c8 |
| Epsilon, 0x0395 |
| Eta, 0x0397 |
| Euml, 0x00cb |
| GT, 62 |
| Gamma, 0x0393 |
| Iacute, 0x00cd |
| Icirc, 0x00ce |
| Igrave, 0x00cc |
| Iota, 0x0399 |
| Iuml, 0x00cf |
| Kappa, 0x039a |
| LT, 60 |
| Lambda, 0x039b |
| Mu, 0x039c |
| Ntilde, 0x00d1 |
| Nu, 0x039d |
| OElig, 0x0152 |
| Oacute, 0x00d3 |
| Ocirc, 0x00d4 |
| Ograve, 0x00d2 |
| Omega, 0x03a9 |
| Omicron, 0x039f |
| Oslash, 0x00d8 |
| Otilde, 0x00d5 |
| Ouml, 0x00d6 |
| Phi, 0x03a6 |
| Pi, 0x03a0 |
| Prime, 0x2033 |
| Psi, 0x03a8 |
| QUOT, 34 |
| REG, 0x00ae |
| Rho, 0x03a1 |
| Scaron, 0x0160 |
| Sigma, 0x03a3 |
| THORN, 0x00de |
| Tau, 0x03a4 |
| Theta, 0x0398 |
| Uacute, 0x00da |
| Ucirc, 0x00db |
| Ugrave, 0x00d9 |
| Upsilon, 0x03a5 |
| Uuml, 0x00dc |
| Xi, 0x039e |
| Yacute, 0x00dd |
| Yuml, 0x0178 |
| Zeta, 0x0396 |
| aacute, 0x00e1 |
| acirc, 0x00e2 |
| acute, 0x00b4 |
| aelig, 0x00e6 |
| agrave, 0x00e0 |
| alefsym, 0x2135 |
| alpha, 0x03b1 |
| amp, 38 |
| and, 0x2227 |
| ang, 0x2220 |
| apos, 0x0027 |
| aring, 0x00e5 |
| asymp, 0x2248 |
| atilde, 0x00e3 |
| auml, 0x00e4 |
| bdquo, 0x201e |
| beta, 0x03b2 |
| brvbar, 0x00a6 |
| bull, 0x2022 |
| cap, 0x2229 |
| ccedil, 0x00e7 |
| cedil, 0x00b8 |
| cent, 0x00a2 |
| chi, 0x03c7 |
| circ, 0x02c6 |
| clubs, 0x2663 |
| cong, 0x2245 |
| copy, 0x00a9 |
| crarr, 0x21b5 |
| cup, 0x222a |
| curren, 0x00a4 |
| dArr, 0x21d3 |
| dagger, 0x2020 |
| darr, 0x2193 |
| deg, 0x00b0 |
| delta, 0x03b4 |
| diams, 0x2666 |
| divide, 0x00f7 |
| eacute, 0x00e9 |
| ecirc, 0x00ea |
| egrave, 0x00e8 |
| empty, 0x2205 |
| emsp, 0x2003 |
| ensp, 0x2002 |
| epsilon, 0x03b5 |
| equiv, 0x2261 |
| eta, 0x03b7 |
| eth, 0x00f0 |
| euml, 0x00eb |
| euro, 0x20ac |
| exist, 0x2203 |
| fnof, 0x0192 |
| forall, 0x2200 |
| frac12, 0x00bd |
| frac14, 0x00bc |
| frac34, 0x00be |
| frasl, 0x2044 |
| gamma, 0x03b3 |
| ge, 0x2265 |
| gt, 62 |
| hArr, 0x21d4 |
| harr, 0x2194 |
| hearts, 0x2665 |
| hellip, 0x2026 |
| iacute, 0x00ed |
| icirc, 0x00ee |
| iexcl, 0x00a1 |
| igrave, 0x00ec |
| image, 0x2111 |
| infin, 0x221e |
| int, 0x222b |
| iota, 0x03b9 |
| iquest, 0x00bf |
| isin, 0x2208 |
| iuml, 0x00ef |
| kappa, 0x03ba |
| lArr, 0x21d0 |
| lambda, 0x03bb |
| lang, 0x3008 |
| laquo, 0x00ab |
| larr, 0x2190 |
| lceil, 0x2308 |
| ldquo, 0x201c |
| le, 0x2264 |
| lfloor, 0x230a |
| lowast, 0x2217 |
| loz, 0x25ca |
| lrm, 0x200e |
| lsaquo, 0x2039 |
| lsquo, 0x2018 |
| lt, 60 |
| macr, 0x00af |
| mdash, 0x2014 |
| micro, 0x00b5 |
| middot, 0x00b7 |
| minus, 0x2212 |
| mu, 0x03bc |
| nabla, 0x2207 |
| nbsp, 0x00a0 |
| ndash, 0x2013 |
| ne, 0x2260 |
| ni, 0x220b |
| not, 0x00ac |
| notin, 0x2209 |
| nsub, 0x2284 |
| nsup, 0x2285 |
| ntilde, 0x00f1 |
| nu, 0x03bd |
| oacute, 0x00f3 |
| ocirc, 0x00f4 |
| oelig, 0x0153 |
| ograve, 0x00f2 |
| oline, 0x203e |
| omega, 0x03c9 |
| omicron, 0x03bf |
| oplus, 0x2295 |
| or, 0x2228 |
| ordf, 0x00aa |
| ordm, 0x00ba |
| oslash, 0x00f8 |
| otilde, 0x00f5 |
| otimes, 0x2297 |
| ouml, 0x00f6 |
| para, 0x00b6 |
| part, 0x2202 |
| percnt, 0x0025 |
| permil, 0x2030 |
| perp, 0x22a5 |
| phi, 0x03c6 |
| pi, 0x03c0 |
| piv, 0x03d6 |
| plusmn, 0x00b1 |
| pound, 0x00a3 |
| prime, 0x2032 |
| prod, 0x220f |
| prop, 0x221d |
| psi, 0x03c8 |
| quot, 34 |
| rArr, 0x21d2 |
| radic, 0x221a |
| rang, 0x3009 |
| raquo, 0x00bb |
| rarr, 0x2192 |
| rceil, 0x2309 |
| rdquo, 0x201d |
| real, 0x211c |
| reg, 0x00ae |
| rfloor, 0x230b |
| rho, 0x03c1 |
| rlm, 0x200f |
| rsaquo, 0x203a |
| rsquo, 0x2019 |
| sbquo, 0x201a |
| scaron, 0x0161 |
| sdot, 0x22c5 |
| sect, 0x00a7 |
| shy, 0x00ad |
| sigma, 0x03c3 |
| sigmaf, 0x03c2 |
| sim, 0x223c |
| spades, 0x2660 |
| sub, 0x2282 |
| sube, 0x2286 |
| sum, 0x2211 |
| sup, 0x2283 |
| sup1, 0x00b9 |
| sup2, 0x00b2 |
| sup3, 0x00b3 |
| supe, 0x2287 |
| supl, 0x00b9 |
| szlig, 0x00df |
| tau, 0x03c4 |
| there4, 0x2234 |
| theta, 0x03b8 |
| thetasym, 0x03d1 |
| thinsp, 0x2009 |
| thorn, 0x00fe |
| tilde, 0x02dc |
| times, 0x00d7 |
| trade, 0x2122 |
| uArr, 0x21d1 |
| uacute, 0x00fa |
| uarr, 0x2191 |
| ucirc, 0x00fb |
| ugrave, 0x00f9 |
| uml, 0x00a8 |
| upsih, 0x03d2 |
| upsilon, 0x03c5 |
| uuml, 0x00fc |
| weierp, 0x2118 |
| xi, 0x03be |
| yacute, 0x00fd |
| yen, 0x00a5 |
| yuml, 0x00ff |
| zeta, 0x03b6 |
| zwj, 0x200d |
| zwnj, 0x200c |
| %% |