[ iOS ] editing/selection/ios/show-callout-bar-after-selecting-word.html is a flaky timeout

Reviewed by Aditya Keerthi.

Currently, any LayoutTest that attempts to wait for (or interact with) the callout bar after
selecting text fails, due to the fact that on iOS 16, the callout bar is implemented using a
`UIEditMenuInteraction` on the content view, which doesn't use the extant classes for managing and
observing callout bar UI -- i.e. `UIMenuController`, `UICalloutBar` and the associated global

Unfortunately, when using iOS 16, there are no longer any global notifications that the test harness
can listen for to detect when the callout bar has been presented or dismissed. To keep these tests
passing on iOS 16, we introduce a mechanism to the test harness to intercept edit menu interaction
delegate method calls, and notify `TestController` when the edit menu has completed its presention
or dismissal animations.

Also, tweak a flaky layout test that exercises this logic to be more robust — see below for more

* LayoutTests/editing/selection/ios/show-callout-bar-after-selecting-word.html:

Additionally, adjust this layout test to explicitly wait for the 'Select' menu action before trying
to select that item -- this might mitigate potential flakiness on iOS 15, due to calling
`UIHelper.chooseMenuAction()` too early.

* Source/WTF/wtf/PlatformHave.h:

Add a new build-time flag to guard the availability of `UIEditMenuInteraction`.

* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/TestController.h:
* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/WebKitTestRunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestRunnerWKWebView.h:
* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestRunnerWKWebView.mm:
(-[TestRunnerWKWebView textEffectsWindow]):

Add a helper method to return the web view's associated text effects window. This is used below in
`TestController` when recursively searching the view hierarchy for callout menu buttons with a given
label string (e.g. "Select", "Select All", "Copy", etc.), because these buttons and labels now exist
within the view hierarchy of the `UITextEffectsWindow` on iOS 16, when using the edit menu

(-[TestRunnerWKWebView currentEditMenuInteraction]):

Add a helper method to grab the edit menu interaction corresponding to text selection on the content

(-[TestRunnerWKWebView didPresentEditMenuInteraction:]):
(-[TestRunnerWKWebView didDismissEditMenuInteraction:]):

Plumb into the existing `-_didHideMenu` and `-_didShowMenu` methods, which we currently use to
observe callout bar presentation and dismissal. This allows the test harness to simultaneously
support iOS 15 and iOS 16, for layout tests that exercise the callout bar.

(-[TestRunnerWKWebView immediatelyDismissEditMenuInteractionIfNeeded]):

Add a hook to immediately dismiss the callout bar between layout tests, that is compatible with
UIEditMenuInteraction-backed callout bars.

* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/ios/EditMenuInteractionSwizzler.h: Added.
* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/ios/EditMenuInteractionSwizzler.mm: Added.

Add a helper class to swizzle `-[UIEditMenuInteraction initWithDelegate:]`, and call the original
method implementation with an object that wraps the given `UIEditMenuInteractionDelegate` in another
object (`EditMenuInteractionDelegateWrapper`) that forwards all selector invocations to the original
delegate (in practice: `_UIContextMenuInteractionBasedTextContextInteraction`), but additionally
implements the `-willPresentMenuForConfiguration:` and `-willDismissMenuForConfiguration:` delegate
hooks and adds animation completion blocks that call out to the global `TestController`.

This allows us to passively observe calls to
`-editMenuInteraction:(will|did)PresentMenuForConfiguration:animator:`, without affecting the
internal UIKit implementation of the text interaction assistant's edit menu interaction.

(-[EditMenuInteractionDelegateWrapper initWithDelegate:]):
(-[EditMenuInteractionDelegateWrapper forwardInvocation:]):
(-[EditMenuInteractionDelegateWrapper respondsToSelector:]):
(-[EditMenuInteractionDelegateWrapper methodSignatureForSelector:]):
(-[EditMenuInteractionDelegateWrapper editMenuInteraction:willPresentMenuForConfiguration:animator:]):
(-[EditMenuInteractionDelegateWrapper editMenuInteraction:willDismissMenuForConfiguration:animator:]):
(-[UIEditMenuInteraction swizzled_initWithDelegate:]):
* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/ios/TestControllerIOS.mm:

Initialize the edit menu interaction swizzler.

* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/ios/UIScriptControllerIOS.mm:
(WTR::UIScriptControllerIOS::rectForMenuAction const):

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/251737@main

git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@295732 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
10 files changed
tree: 022b7fc36c09fe967590904c6b271075f0c96544
  1. .github/
  2. JSTests/
  3. LayoutTests/
  4. ManualTests/
  5. metadata/
  6. PerformanceTests/
  7. resources/
  8. Source/
  9. Tools/
  10. WebDriverTests/
  11. WebKit.xcworkspace/
  12. WebKitLibraries/
  13. Websites/
  14. .ccls
  15. .clang-format
  16. .clangd
  17. .dir-locals.el
  18. .editorconfig
  19. .gitattributes
  20. .gitignore
  21. CMakeLists.txt
  22. Introduction.md
  23. Makefile
  24. Makefile.shared
  25. ReadMe.md


WebKit is a cross-platform web browser engine. On iOS and macOS, it powers Safari, Mail, iBooks, and many other applications.

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Reporting Bugs

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  2. Create a Bugzilla account to to report bugs (and to comment on them) if you haven't done so already.
  3. File a bug in accordance with our guidelines.

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Getting the Code

On Windows, follow the instructions on our website.

Cloning the Git SVN Repository

Run the following command to clone WebKit's Git SVN repository:

git clone https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit.git WebKit

If you want to be able to track Subversion revision from your git checkout, you can run the following command to do so:

Tools/Scripts/git-webkit setup-git-svn

For information about this, and other aspects of using Git with WebKit, read the wiki page.

Building WebKit

Building macOS Port

Install Xcode and its command line tools if you haven't done so already:

  1. Install Xcode Get Xcode from https://developer.apple.com/downloads. To build WebKit for OS X, Xcode 5.1.1 or later is required. To build WebKit for iOS Simulator, Xcode 7 or later is required.
  2. Install the Xcode Command Line Tools In Terminal, run the command: xcode-select --install

Run the following command to build a debug build with debugging symbols and assertions:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --debug

For performance testing, and other purposes, use --release instead.

Using Xcode

You can open WebKit.xcworkspace to build and debug WebKit within Xcode.

If you don't use a custom build location in Xcode preferences, you have to update the workspace settings to use WebKitBuild directory. In menu bar, choose File > Workspace Settings, then click the Advanced button, select “Custom”, “Relative to Workspace”, and enter WebKitBuild for both Products and Intermediates.

Embedded Builds

iOS, tvOS and watchOS are all considered embedded builds. The first time after you install a new Xcode, you will need to run:

sudo Tools/Scripts/configure-xcode-for-embedded-development

Without this step, you will see the error message: “target specifies product type ‘com.apple.product-type.tool’, but there’s no such product type for the ‘iphonesimulator’ platform.” when building target JSCLLIntOffsetsExtractor of project JavaScriptCore.

Run the following command to build a debug build with debugging symbols and assertions for embedded simulators:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --debug --<platform>-simulator

or embedded devices:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --debug --<platform>-device

where platform is ios, tvos or watchos.

Building the GTK+ Port

For production builds:

cmake -DPORT=GTK -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -GNinja
sudo ninja install

For development builds:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --gtk --debug

For more information on building WebKitGTK+, see the wiki page.

Building the WPE Port

For production builds:

cmake -DPORT=WPE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -GNinja
sudo ninja install

For development builds:

Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --wpe --debug

Building Windows Port

For building WebKit on Windows, see the wiki page.

Running WebKit

With Safari and Other macOS Applications

Run the following command to launch Safari with your local build of WebKit:

Tools/Scripts/run-safari --debug

The run-safari script sets the DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH environment variable to point to your build products, and then launches /Applications/Safari.app. DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH tells the system loader to prefer your build products over the frameworks installed in /System/Library/Frameworks.

To run other applications with your local build of WebKit, run the following command:

Tools/Scripts/run-webkit-app <application-path>

iOS Simulator

Run the following command to launch iOS simulator with your local build of WebKit:

run-safari --debug --ios-simulator

In both cases, if you have built release builds instead, use --release instead of --debug.

Linux Ports

If you have a development build, you can use the run-minibrowser script, e.g.:

run-minibrowser --debug --wpe

Pass one of --gtk, --jsc-only, or --wpe to indicate the port to use.


Congratulations! You’re up and running. Now you can begin coding in WebKit and contribute your fixes and new features to the project. For details on submitting your code to the project, read Contributing Code.