| description("Test behaviour of strict mode"); |
| |
| var globalThisTest; |
| function testThis() { |
| "use strict"; |
| return this; |
| } |
| function testThisDotAccess() { |
| "use strict"; |
| return this.length; |
| } |
| function testThisBracketAccess(prop) { |
| "use strict"; |
| return this[prop]; |
| } |
| function testGlobalAccess() { |
| return testThis(); |
| } |
| function shouldBeSyntaxError(str) { |
| shouldThrow(str); |
| shouldThrow("(function(){" + str + "})"); |
| } |
| function testLineContinuation() { |
| "use stric\ |
| t"; |
| return this; |
| } |
| function testEscapeSequence() { |
| "use\u0020strict"; |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| shouldBe("testThis.call(null)", "null"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.call(1)", "1"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.call(true)", "true"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.call(false)", "false"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.call(undefined)", "undefined"); |
| shouldBeFalse("testLineContinuation.call(undefined) === undefined"); |
| shouldBeFalse("testEscapeSequence.call(undefined) === undefined"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.call('a string')", "'a string'"); |
| shouldBe("testThisDotAccess.call('a string')", "'a string'.length"); |
| shouldThrow("testThisDotAccess.call(null)"); |
| shouldThrow("testThisDotAccess.call(undefined)"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("testThisDotAccess.call(true)"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("testThisDotAccess.call(false)"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("testThisDotAccess.call(1)"); |
| shouldBe("testThisBracketAccess.call('a string', 'length')", "'a string'.length"); |
| shouldThrow("testThisBracketAccess.call(null, 'length')"); |
| shouldThrow("testThisBracketAccess.call(undefined, 'length')"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("testThisBracketAccess.call(true, 'length')"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("testThisBracketAccess.call(false, 'length')"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("testThisBracketAccess.call(1, 'length')"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("Function('\"use strict\"; return this;')()"); |
| shouldThrow("Function('\"use strict\"; with({});')"); |
| |
| |
| shouldBe("testGlobalAccess()", "undefined"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.call()", "undefined"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.apply()", "undefined"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.call(undefined)", "undefined"); |
| shouldBe("testThis.apply(undefined)", "undefined"); |
| |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function eval(){'use strict';})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (eval){'use strict';})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function arguments(){'use strict';})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (arguments){'use strict';})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (){'use strict'; var eval;})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (){'use strict'; var arguments;})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (){'use strict'; try{}catch(eval){}})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (){'use strict'; try{}catch(arguments){}})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (a, a){'use strict';})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (a){'use strict'; delete a;})()"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (){'use strict'; var a; delete a;})()"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (){var a; function f() {'use strict'; delete a;} })()"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (){'use strict'; with(1){};})"); |
| shouldThrow("(function (){'use strict'; arguments.callee; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function (){'use strict'; arguments.caller; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function f(){'use strict'; f.arguments; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function f(){'use strict'; f.caller; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function f(){'use strict'; f.arguments=5; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function f(){'use strict'; f.caller=5; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function (arg){'use strict'; arguments.callee; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function (arg){'use strict'; arguments.caller; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function f(arg){'use strict'; f.arguments; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function f(arg){'use strict'; f.caller; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function f(arg){'use strict'; f.arguments=5; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("(function f(arg){'use strict'; f.caller=5; })()"); |
| |
| // arguments/caller poisoning should be visible but not throw with 'in' & 'hasOwnProperty'. |
| shouldBeTrue('"caller" in function(){"use strict"}'); |
| shouldBeTrue('(function(){"use strict";}).hasOwnProperty("caller")'); |
| shouldBeTrue('"arguments" in function(){"use strict"}'); |
| shouldBeTrue('(function(){"use strict";}).hasOwnProperty("arguments")'); |
| |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; (function (){with(1){};})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; (function (){var a; delete a;})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; var a; (function (){ delete a;})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("var a; (function (){ 'use strict'; delete a;})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'misc directive'; 'use strict'; with({}){}"); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; return"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; break"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; continue"); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; for(;;)return"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; for(;;)break missingLabel"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; for(;;)continue missingLabel"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; 007;"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; '\\007';"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'\\007'; 'use strict';"); |
| |
| var someDeclaredGlobal; |
| aDeletableProperty = 'test'; |
| |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; delete aDeletableProperty;"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; (function (){ delete someDeclaredGlobal;})"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("(function (){ 'use strict'; delete someDeclaredGlobal;})"); |
| shouldBeTrue("'use strict'; if (0) { someGlobal = 'Shouldn\\'t be able to assign this.'; }; true;"); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; someGlobal = 'Shouldn\\'t be able to assign this.'; "); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; (function f(){ f = 'shouldn\\'t be able to assign to function expression name'; })()"); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; eval('var introducedVariable = \"FAIL: variable introduced into containing scope\";'); introducedVariable"); |
| var objectWithReadonlyProperty = {}; |
| Object.defineProperty(objectWithReadonlyProperty, "prop", {value: "value", writable:false}); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; objectWithReadonlyProperty.prop = 'fail'"); |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; delete objectWithReadonlyProperty.prop"); |
| readonlyPropName = "prop"; |
| shouldThrow("'use strict'; delete objectWithReadonlyProperty[readonlyPropName]"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; ++eval"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; eval++"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; --eval"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; eval--"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; function f() { ++arguments }"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; function f() { arguments++ }"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; function f() { --arguments }"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; function f() { arguments-- }"); |
| var global = this; |
| shouldThrow("global.eval('\"use strict\"; if (0) ++arguments; true;')"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; ++(1, eval)"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; (1, eval)++"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; --(1, eval)"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; (1, eval)--"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; function f() { ++(1, arguments) }"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; function f() { (1, arguments)++ }"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; function f() { --(1, arguments) }"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; function f() { (1, arguments)-- }"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; if (0) delete +a.b"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; if (0) delete ++a.b"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'; if (0) delete void a.b"); |
| |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; a = false; return a !== arguments[0]; })(true)"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; arguments[0] = false; return a !== arguments[0]; })(true)"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; a=false; return arguments; })(true)[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; arguments[0]=false; return a; })(true)"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; arguments[0]=true; return arguments; })(false)[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (){'use strict'; arguments[0]=true; return arguments; })(false)[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; arguments[0]=true; a=false; return arguments; })()[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; arguments[0]=false; a=true; return a; })()"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; arguments[0]=true; return arguments; })()[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (){'use strict'; arguments[0]=true; return arguments; })()[0]"); |
| |
| // Same tests again, this time forcing an activation to be created as well |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); a = false; return a !== arguments[0]; })(true)"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); arguments[0] = false; return a !== arguments[0]; })(true)"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); a=false; return arguments; })(true)[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); arguments[0]=false; return a; })(true)"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); arguments[0]=true; return arguments; })(false)[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); arguments[0]=true; return arguments; })(false)[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); arguments[0]=true; a=false; return arguments; })()[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); arguments[0]=true; return arguments; })()[0]"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (a){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); arguments[0]=false; a=true; return a; })()"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (){'use strict'; var local; (function (){local;})(); arguments[0]=true; return arguments; })()[0]"); |
| |
| shouldBeTrue("'use strict'; (function (){var a = true; eval('var a = false'); return a; })()"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function (){var a = true; eval('\"use strict\"; var a = false'); return a; })()"); |
| |
| shouldBeUndefined("(function f(arg){'use strict'; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(f, 'arguments').value; })()"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("(function f(arg){'use strict'; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(f, 'caller').value; })()"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("(function f(arg){'use strict'; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, 'callee').value; })()"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("(function f(arg){'use strict'; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, 'caller').value; })()"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function f(arg){'use strict'; var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, 'caller'); return descriptor.get === descriptor.set; })()"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function f(arg){'use strict'; var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, 'callee'); return descriptor.get === descriptor.set; })()"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function f(arg){'use strict'; var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(f, 'caller'); return descriptor.get === descriptor.set; })()"); |
| shouldBeTrue("(function f(arg){'use strict'; var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(f, 'arguments'); return descriptor.get === descriptor.set; })()"); |
| shouldBeTrue("'use strict'; (function f() { for(var i in this); })(); true;") |
| |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'\u033b"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict'5.f"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict';\u033b"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict';5.f"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict';1-(eval=1);"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict';arguments=1;"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict';1-(arguments=1);"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict';var a=(eval=1);"); |
| shouldBeSyntaxError("'use strict';var a=(arguments=1);"); |
| |
| var aGlobal = false; |
| shouldBeTrue("'use strict'; try { throw 1; } catch (e) { aGlobal = true; }"); |
| aGlobal = false; |
| shouldBeTrue("'use strict'; (function () { try { throw 1; } catch (e) { aGlobal = true; }})(); aGlobal;"); |
| aGlobal = false; |
| shouldBeTrue("(function () {'use strict'; try { throw 1; } catch (e) { aGlobal = true; }})(); aGlobal;"); |
| aGlobal = false; |
| shouldBeTrue("try { throw 1; } catch (e) { aGlobal = true; }"); |
| aGlobal = false; |
| shouldBeTrue("(function () { try { throw 1; } catch (e) { aGlobal = true; }})(); aGlobal;"); |
| aGlobal = false; |
| shouldBeTrue("(function () {try { throw 1; } catch (e) { aGlobal = true; }})(); aGlobal;"); |
| |
| // Make sure this doesn't crash! |
| shouldBe('String(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function() { "use strict"; }, "caller").get)', "'function () {\\n [native code]\\n}'"); |