Split remaining CSSRules into internal and CSSOM types
Reviewed by Andreas Kling.
This will complete the move to internal types for CSS rules. The only remaining unsplit type is
the CSSStyleSheet itself.
By separating internal types from the CSSOM we save memory immediately and enable future performance
optimizations as we are no longer tied to the structure of the API.
CSSOM type Internal type
CSSStyleRule StyleRule -> StyleRuleBase
CSSPageRule StyleRulePage -> StyleRuleBase
CSSFontFaceRule StyleRuleFontFace -> StyleRuleBase
CSSMediaRule StyleRuleMedia -> StyleRuleBlock -> StyleRuleBase
CSSImportRule StyleRuleImport -> StyleRuleBase
CSSCharsetRule String (owned by CSSStyleSheet)
CSSUnknownRule Never instantiated
WebKitCSSRegionRule StyleRuleRegion -> StyleRuleBlock -> StyleRuleBase
WebKitKeyframesRule StyleRuleKeyframes -> StyleRuleBase
WebKitKeyframeRule StyleKeyframe (owned by StyleRuleKeyframes)
StyleRuleBase is refcounted.
The CSSOM objects contain the public API functions and their implementations (almost) nothing else. Unlike the
CSSOM types they don't have parent pointers, saving memory.
The CSSOM tree is constructed on demand only. The CSSOM wrapper instances are constructed and owned by
the parent wrapper in the tree. Wrappers ref the corresponding internal type. The trees are kept in sync
when mutating.
All rules shrink by a pointer (from the parent pointer removal). The immediate memory savings from this patch are
larger as some earlier patches temporarily increased the memory use to allow incremental refactoring.
* WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* bindings/js/JSDOMBinding.h:
* css/CSSFontFaceRule.cpp:
* css/CSSFontFaceRule.h:
* css/CSSFontSelector.cpp:
* css/CSSFontSelector.h:
* css/CSSGrammar.y:
* css/CSSImportRule.cpp:
* css/CSSImportRule.h:
* css/CSSMediaRule.cpp:
* css/CSSMediaRule.h:
* css/CSSPageRule.cpp:
* css/CSSPageRule.h:
* css/CSSParser.cpp:
* css/CSSParser.h:
* css/CSSPropertySourceData.h:
* css/CSSStyleRule.cpp:
* css/CSSStyleRule.h:
* css/CSSStyleSelector.cpp:
* css/CSSStyleSelector.h:
* css/CSSStyleSheet.cpp:
* css/CSSStyleSheet.h:
* css/StyleRule.cpp:
* css/StyleRule.h:
* css/StyleSheet.cpp:
* css/StyleSheet.h:
* css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.cpp:
* css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.h:
* css/WebKitCSSRegionRule.cpp:
* css/WebKitCSSRegionRule.h:
* inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.cpp:
* inspector/InspectorStyleSheet.cpp:
* inspector/InspectorStyleSheet.h:
* svg/SVGFontFaceElement.cpp:
* svg/SVGFontFaceElement.h:
git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@112923 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.h b/Source/WebCore/css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.h
index a7ab6d3..98ff148 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.h
+++ b/Source/WebCore/css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#define WebKitCSSKeyframesRule_h
#include "CSSRule.h"
+#include "StyleRule.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
#include <wtf/text/AtomicString.h>
@@ -38,31 +39,40 @@
class WebKitCSSKeyframeRule;
typedef int ExceptionCode;
+class StyleRuleKeyframes : public StyleRuleBase {
+ static PassRefPtr<StyleRuleKeyframes> create() { return adoptRef(new StyleRuleKeyframes()); }
+ ~StyleRuleKeyframes();
+ const Vector<RefPtr<StyleKeyframe> >& keyframes() const { return m_keyframes; }
+ void parserAppendKeyframe(PassRefPtr<StyleKeyframe>);
+ void wrapperAppendKeyframe(PassRefPtr<StyleKeyframe>);
+ void wrapperRemoveKeyframe(unsigned);
+ String name() const { return m_name; }
+ void setName(const String& name) { m_name = AtomicString(name); }
+ int findKeyframeIndex(const String& key) const;
+ StyleRuleKeyframes();
+ Vector<RefPtr<StyleKeyframe> > m_keyframes;
+ AtomicString m_name;
class WebKitCSSKeyframesRule : public CSSRule {
- static PassRefPtr<WebKitCSSKeyframesRule> create()
- {
- return adoptRef(new WebKitCSSKeyframesRule(0));
- }
- static PassRefPtr<WebKitCSSKeyframesRule> create(CSSStyleSheet* parent)
- {
- return adoptRef(new WebKitCSSKeyframesRule(parent));
- }
+ static PassRefPtr<WebKitCSSKeyframesRule> create(StyleRuleKeyframes* rule, CSSStyleSheet* sheet) { return adoptRef(new WebKitCSSKeyframesRule(rule, sheet)); }
- String name() const { return m_name; }
+ String name() const { return m_keyframesRule->name(); }
void setName(const String&);
- // This version of setName does not call styleSheetChanged to avoid
- // unnecessary work. It assumes callers will either make that call
- // themselves, or know that it will get called later.
- void setNameInternal(const String& name)
- {
- m_name = AtomicString(name);
- }
CSSRuleList* cssRules();
void insertRule(const String& rule);
@@ -71,24 +81,16 @@
String cssText() const;
- // Not part of the CSSOM.
- const Vector<RefPtr<StyleKeyframe> >& keyframes() const { return m_keyframes; }
- void parserAppendKeyframe(PassRefPtr<StyleKeyframe>);
// For IndexedGetter and CSSRuleList.
- unsigned length() const { return m_keyframes.size(); }
+ unsigned length() const;
WebKitCSSKeyframeRule* item(unsigned index) const;
- WebKitCSSKeyframesRule(CSSStyleSheet* parent);
+ WebKitCSSKeyframesRule(StyleRuleKeyframes*, CSSStyleSheet* parent);
- int findKeyframeIndex(const String& key) const;
+ RefPtr<StyleRuleKeyframes> m_keyframesRule;
- Vector<RefPtr<StyleKeyframe> > m_keyframes;
- AtomicString m_name;
- mutable OwnPtr<Vector<RefPtr<WebKitCSSKeyframeRule> > > m_childRuleCSSOMWrappers;
+ mutable Vector<RefPtr<WebKitCSSKeyframeRule> > m_childRuleCSSOMWrappers;
mutable OwnPtr<CSSRuleList> m_ruleListCSSOMWrapper;