blob: ddf07c40df865bf3786d8907f22a0684f8138215 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 Valerie Young. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: TypeError when referenced private field cannot be found in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]]
esid: sec-getvalue
info: |
GetValue ( V )
5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then
b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then
i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment.
ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env).
iii. Assert: field is a Private Name.
iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base).
PrivateFieldGet (P, O )
1. Assert: P is a Private Name value.
2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception.
3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O).
4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception.
PrivateFieldFind (P, O)
1. Assert: P is a Private Name value.
2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot.
3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]],
a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry.
4. Return empty.
features: [class, class-fields-private]
class Outer {
#x = 42;
innerclass() {
var self = this;
return class extends Outer {
#x = 'not42';
f() {
return self.#x;
var Inner = new Outer().innerclass();
var i = new Inner();
assert.throws(TypeError, function() {
// when f() is called, the entry in the PrivateNameEnironment's environment
// record for '#x' will contain the Inner class's Private Name for '#x'.
// When this Private Name is used for lookup on the `self` object, it
// will not be found (as the `self` object has the Outer's Private Name for #x)