blob: 48c7949f9efa5e3f62c9839af7c7b3797939838c [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
// - src/class-elements/
// - src/class-elements/default/cls-expr.template
description: Redeclaration of public fields with the same name (field definitions in a class expression)
esid: prod-FieldDefinition
features: [class-fields-public, class]
flags: [generated]
includes: [propertyHelper.js, compareArray.js]
info: |
2.13.2 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation
30. Set the value of F's [[Fields]] internal slot to fieldRecords.
2.14 [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
8. If kind is "base", then
b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F).
2.9 InitializeInstanceFields ( O, constructor )
3. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot.
4. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords,
a. If fieldRecord.[[static]] is false, then
i. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord).
var x = [];
var y = Symbol();
var C = class {
[y] = (x.push("a"), "old_value");
[y] = (x.push("b"), "same_value");
[y] = (x.push("c"), "same_value");
var c = new C();
assert.sameValue(, y), false);
assert.sameValue(, y), false);
verifyProperty(c, y, {
value: "same_value",
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
configurable: true
assert(compareArray(x, ["a", "b", "c"]));