| /* Generated by re2c 0.13.5 on Mon Jul 9 19:31:30 2012 */ |
| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are |
| * met: |
| * |
| * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above |
| * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer |
| * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the |
| * distribution. |
| * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its |
| * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from |
| * this software without specific prior written permission. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| // Generate js file as follows: |
| |
| /* |
| re2c -isc Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/SourceCSSTokenizer.re2js \ |
| | sed 's|^yy\([^:]*\)*\:|case \1:|' \ |
| | sed 's|[*]cursor[+][+]|this._charAt(cursor++)|' \ |
| | sed 's|[[*][+][+]cursor|this._charAt(++cursor)|' \ |
| | sed 's|[*]cursor|this._charAt(cursor)|' \ |
| | sed 's|yych = \*\([^;]*\)|yych = this._charAt\1|' \ |
| | sed 's|{ gotoCase = \([^; continue; };]*\)|{ gotoCase = \1; continue; }|' \ |
| | sed 's|yych <= \(0x[0-9a-fA-F]*\)|yych \<\= String.fromCharCode(\1)|' \ |
| | sed 's|unsigned\ int|var|' \ |
| | sed 's|var\ yych|case 1: case 1: var yych|' > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/SourceCSSTokenizer.js |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @constructor |
| * @extends {WebInspector.SourceTokenizer} |
| */ |
| WebInspector.SourceCSSTokenizer = function() |
| { |
| WebInspector.SourceTokenizer.call(this); |
| |
| this._propertyKeywords = WebInspector.CSSCompletions.cssNameCompletions.keySet(); |
| this._colorKeywords = WebInspector.CSSKeywordCompletions.colors(); |
| |
| this._valueKeywords = [ |
| "above", "absolute", "activeborder", "activecaption", "afar", "after-white-space", "ahead", "alias", "all", "all-scroll", |
| "alternate", "always", "amharic", "amharic-abegede", "antialiased", "appworkspace", "arabic-indic", "armenian", "asterisks", |
| "auto", "avoid", "background", "backwards", "baseline", "below", "bidi-override", "binary", "bengali", "blink", |
| "block", "block-axis", "bold", "bolder", "border", "border-box", "both", "bottom", "break-all", "break-word", "button", |
| "button-bevel", "buttonface", "buttonhighlight", "buttonshadow", "buttontext", "cambodian", "capitalize", "caps-lock-indicator", |
| "caption", "captiontext", "caret", "cell", "center", "checkbox", "circle", "cjk-earthly-branch", "cjk-heavenly-stem", "cjk-ideographic", |
| "clear", "clip", "close-quote", "col-resize", "collapse", "compact", "condensed", "contain", "content", "content-box", "context-menu", |
| "continuous", "copy", "cover", "crop", "cross", "crosshair", "currentcolor", "cursive", "dashed", "decimal", "decimal-leading-zero", "default", |
| "default-button", "destination-atop", "destination-in", "destination-out", "destination-over", "devanagari", "disc", "discard", "document", |
| "dot-dash", "dot-dot-dash", "dotted", "double", "down", "e-resize", "ease", "ease-in", "ease-in-out", "ease-out", "element", |
| "ellipsis", "embed", "end", "ethiopic", "ethiopic-abegede", "ethiopic-abegede-am-et", "ethiopic-abegede-gez", |
| "ethiopic-abegede-ti-er", "ethiopic-abegede-ti-et", "ethiopic-halehame-aa-er", "ethiopic-halehame-aa-et", |
| "ethiopic-halehame-am-et", "ethiopic-halehame-gez", "ethiopic-halehame-om-et", "ethiopic-halehame-sid-et", |
| "ethiopic-halehame-so-et", "ethiopic-halehame-ti-er", "ethiopic-halehame-ti-et", "ethiopic-halehame-tig", "ew-resize", "expanded", |
| "extra-condensed", "extra-expanded", "fantasy", "fast", "fill", "fixed", "flat", "footnotes", "forwards", "from", "geometricPrecision", |
| "georgian", "graytext", "groove", "gujarati", "gurmukhi", "hand", "hangul", "hangul-consonant", "hebrew", "help", |
| "hidden", "hide", "higher", "highlight", "highlighttext", "hiragana", "hiragana-iroha", "horizontal", "hsl", "hsla", "icon", "ignore", |
| "inactiveborder", "inactivecaption", "inactivecaptiontext", "infinite", "infobackground", "infotext", "inherit", "initial", "inline", |
| "inline-axis", "inline-block", "inline-table", "inset", "inside", "intrinsic", "invert", "italic", "justify", "kannada", "katakana", |
| "katakana-iroha", "khmer", "landscape", "lao", "large", "larger", "left", "level", "lighter", "line-through", "linear", "lines", |
| "list-item", "listbox", "listitem", "local", "logical", "loud", "lower", "lower-alpha", "lower-armenian", "lower-greek", |
| "lower-hexadecimal", "lower-latin", "lower-norwegian", "lower-roman", "lowercase", "ltr", "malayalam", "match", "media-controls-background", |
| "media-current-time-display", "media-fullscreen-button", "media-mute-button", "media-play-button", "media-return-to-realtime-button", |
| "media-rewind-button", "media-seek-back-button", "media-seek-forward-button", "media-slider", "media-sliderthumb", "media-time-remaining-display", |
| "media-volume-slider", "media-volume-slider-container", "media-volume-sliderthumb", "medium", "menu", "menulist", "menulist-button", |
| "menulist-text", "menulist-textfield", "menutext", "message-box", "middle", "min-intrinsic", "mix", "mongolian", "monospace", "move", "multiple", |
| "myanmar", "n-resize", "narrower", "navy", "ne-resize", "nesw-resize", "no-close-quote", "no-drop", "no-open-quote", "no-repeat", "none", |
| "normal", "not-allowed", "nowrap", "ns-resize", "nw-resize", "nwse-resize", "oblique", "octal", "open-quote", "optimizeLegibility", |
| "optimizeSpeed", "oriya", "oromo", "outset", "outside", "overlay", "overline", "padding", "padding-box", "painted", "paused", |
| "persian", "plus-darker", "plus-lighter", "pointer", "portrait", "pre", "pre-line", "pre-wrap", "preserve-3d", "progress", |
| "push-button", "radio", "read-only", "read-write", "read-write-plaintext-only", "relative", "repeat", "repeat-x", |
| "repeat-y", "reset", "reverse", "rgb", "rgba", "ridge", "right", "round", "row-resize", "rtl", "run-in", "running", "s-resize", "sans-serif", |
| "scroll", "scrollbar", "se-resize", "searchfield", "searchfield-cancel-button", "searchfield-decoration", "searchfield-results-button", |
| "searchfield-results-decoration", "semi-condensed", "semi-expanded", "separate", "serif", "show", "sidama", "single", |
| "skip-white-space", "slide", "slider-horizontal", "slider-vertical", "sliderthumb-horizontal", "sliderthumb-vertical", "slow", |
| "small", "small-caps", "small-caption", "smaller", "solid", "somali", "source-atop", "source-in", "source-out", "source-over", |
| "space", "square", "square-button", "start", "static", "status-bar", "stretch", "stroke", "sub", "subpixel-antialiased", "super", |
| "sw-resize", "table", "table-caption", "table-cell", "table-column", "table-column-group", "table-footer-group", "table-header-group", |
| "table-row", "table-row-group", "telugu", "text", "text-bottom", "text-top", "textarea", "textfield", "thai", "thick", "thin", |
| "threeddarkshadow", "threedface", "threedhighlight", "threedlightshadow", "threedshadow", "tibetan", "tigre", "tigrinya-er", "tigrinya-er-abegede", |
| "tigrinya-et", "tigrinya-et-abegede", "to", "top", "transparent", "ultra-condensed", "ultra-expanded", "underline", "up", "upper-alpha", "upper-armenian", |
| "upper-greek", "upper-hexadecimal", "upper-latin", "upper-norwegian", "upper-roman", "uppercase", "urdu", "url", "vertical", "vertical-text", "visible", |
| "visibleFill", "visiblePainted", "visibleStroke", "visual", "w-resize", "wait", "wave", "white", "wider", "window", "windowframe", "windowtext", |
| "x-large", "x-small", "xor", "xx-large", "xx-small", "yellow", "-wap-marquee", "-webkit-activelink", "-webkit-auto", "-webkit-baseline-middle", |
| "-webkit-body", "-webkit-box", "-webkit-center", "-webkit-control", "-webkit-focus-ring-color", "-webkit-grab", "-webkit-grabbing", |
| "-webkit-gradient", "-webkit-inline-box", "-webkit-left", "-webkit-link", "-webkit-marquee", "-webkit-mini-control", "-webkit-nowrap", "-webkit-pictograph", |
| "-webkit-right", "-webkit-small-control", "-webkit-text", "-webkit-xxx-large", "-webkit-zoom-in", "-webkit-zoom-out", |
| ].keySet(); |
| |
| this._mediaTypes = ["all", "aural", "braille", "embossed", "handheld", "import", "print", "projection", "screen", "tty", "tv"].keySet(); |
| |
| this._lexConditions = { |
| INITIAL: 0, |
| COMMENT: 1, |
| DSTRING: 2, |
| SSTRING: 3 |
| }; |
| |
| this._parseConditions = { |
| INITIAL: 0, |
| PROPERTY: 1, |
| AT_RULE: 3, |
| }; |
| |
| this.case_INITIAL = 1000; |
| this.case_COMMENT = 1002; |
| this.case_DSTRING = 1003; |
| this.case_SSTRING = 1004; |
| |
| this.condition = this.createInitialCondition(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.SourceCSSTokenizer.prototype = { |
| createInitialCondition: function() |
| { |
| return { lexCondition: this._lexConditions.INITIAL, parseCondition: this._parseConditions.INITIAL }; |
| }, |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {boolean=} stringEnds |
| */ |
| _stringToken: function(cursor, stringEnds) |
| { |
| if (this._isPropertyValue()) |
| this.tokenType = "css-string"; |
| else |
| this.tokenType = null; |
| return cursor; |
| }, |
| |
| _isPropertyValue: function() |
| { |
| return this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.PROPERTY_VALUE || this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_RULE; |
| }, |
| |
| nextToken: function(cursor) |
| { |
| var cursorOnEnter = cursor; |
| var gotoCase = 1; |
| var YYMARKER; |
| while (1) { |
| switch (gotoCase) |
| // Following comment is replaced with generated state machine. |
| |
| { |
| case 1: var yych; |
| var yyaccept = 0; |
| if (this.getLexCondition() < 2) { |
| if (this.getLexCondition() < 1) { |
| { gotoCase = this.case_INITIAL; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| { gotoCase = this.case_COMMENT; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (this.getLexCondition() < 3) { |
| { gotoCase = this.case_DSTRING; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| { gotoCase = this.case_SSTRING; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| /* *********************************** */ |
| case this.case_COMMENT: |
| |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '\f') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 4; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 3; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\r') { gotoCase = 4; continue; }; |
| if (yych == '*') { gotoCase = 6; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 3; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 2: |
| { this.tokenType = "css-comment"; return cursor; } |
| case 3: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| { gotoCase = 12; continue; }; |
| case 4: |
| ++cursor; |
| { this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } |
| case 6: |
| yyaccept = 1; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| if (yych == '*') { gotoCase = 9; continue; }; |
| if (yych != '/') { gotoCase = 11; continue; }; |
| case 7: |
| ++cursor; |
| this.setLexCondition(this._lexConditions.INITIAL); |
| { this.tokenType = "css-comment"; return cursor; } |
| case 9: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych == '*') { gotoCase = 9; continue; }; |
| if (yych == '/') { gotoCase = 7; continue; }; |
| case 11: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| YYMARKER = ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| case 12: |
| if (yych <= '\f') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 2; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 11; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\r') { gotoCase = 2; continue; }; |
| if (yych == '*') { gotoCase = 9; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 11; continue; }; |
| } |
| /* *********************************** */ |
| case this.case_DSTRING: |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '\r') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 17; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '\f') { gotoCase = 16; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 17; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych <= '!') { gotoCase = 16; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 19; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '\\') { gotoCase = 21; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 16; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| case 15: |
| { return this._stringToken(cursor); } |
| case 16: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| { gotoCase = 23; continue; }; |
| case 17: |
| ++cursor; |
| case 18: |
| { this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } |
| case 19: |
| ++cursor; |
| case 20: |
| this.setLexCondition(this._lexConditions.INITIAL); |
| { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } |
| case 21: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych <= 'e') { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych == '"') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '&') { gotoCase = 18; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { |
| if (yych <= '[') { gotoCase = 18; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != 'b') { gotoCase = 18; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'r') { |
| if (yych <= 'm') { |
| if (yych >= 'g') { gotoCase = 18; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'n') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'q') { gotoCase = 18; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 't') { |
| if (yych <= 's') { gotoCase = 18; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != 'v') { gotoCase = 18; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 22: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| YYMARKER = ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| case 23: |
| if (yych <= '\r') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 15; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '\f') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 15; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych <= '!') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 26; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != '\\') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= 'e') { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych == '"') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= '\'') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { |
| if (yych >= '\\') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'b') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'r') { |
| if (yych <= 'm') { |
| if (yych <= 'f') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'n') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= 'r') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 't') { |
| if (yych >= 't') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'v') { gotoCase = 22; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| cursor = YYMARKER; |
| { gotoCase = 15; continue; }; |
| case 26: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| { gotoCase = 20; continue; }; |
| /* *********************************** */ |
| case this.case_INITIAL: |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= ';') { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych <= ' ') { gotoCase = 29; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '!') { gotoCase = 31; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 33; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '#') { gotoCase = 34; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '$') { gotoCase = 31; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= '\'') { gotoCase = 35; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '.') { |
| if (yych <= ',') { gotoCase = 29; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '-') { gotoCase = 36; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 37; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '/') { gotoCase = 38; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 39; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ':') { gotoCase = 41; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 43; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '^') { |
| if (yych <= '?') { |
| if (yych == '=') { gotoCase = 31; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '\\') { gotoCase = 29; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ']') { gotoCase = 31; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'z') { |
| if (yych != '`') { gotoCase = 31; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '{') { gotoCase = 45; continue; }; |
| if (yych == '}') { gotoCase = 47; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 29: |
| ++cursor; |
| case 30: |
| { this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } |
| case 31: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 32: |
| { |
| var token = this._line.substring(cursorOnEnter, cursor); |
| if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.INITIAL) { |
| if (token === "@media") { |
| this.tokenType = "css-at-rule"; |
| this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.AT_MEDIA_RULE; |
| } else if (token.startsWith("@")) { |
| this.tokenType = "css-at-rule"; |
| this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.AT_RULE; |
| } else |
| this.tokenType = "css-selector"; |
| } else if ((this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_MEDIA_RULE || this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_RULE) && token in this._mediaTypes) |
| this.tokenType = "css-keyword"; |
| else if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.PROPERTY && token in this._propertyKeywords) |
| this.tokenType = "css-property"; |
| else if (this._isPropertyValue()) { |
| if (token in this._valueKeywords) |
| this.tokenType = "css-keyword"; |
| else if (token in this._colorKeywords) { |
| // FIXME: this does not convert tokens toLowerCase() for the sake of speed. |
| this.tokenType = "css-color"; |
| } else if (token === "!important") |
| this.tokenType = "css-important"; |
| } else |
| this.tokenType = null; |
| return cursor; |
| } |
| case 33: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| if (yych <= '-') { |
| if (yych <= '!') { |
| if (yych <= '\f') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\r') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ' ') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '$') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { gotoCase = 115; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '#') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '\'') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ',') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '[') { |
| if (yych <= '<') { |
| if (yych <= '.') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '=') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '?') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '^') { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { gotoCase = 130; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ']') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '`') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'z') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 34: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych <= '@') { |
| if (yych <= '/') { gotoCase = 30; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 123; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 30; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'F') { gotoCase = 123; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '`') { gotoCase = 30; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'f') { gotoCase = 123; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 30; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 35: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| if (yych <= '-') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych <= '\f') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\r') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ' ') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '&') { |
| if (yych == '$') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { gotoCase = 115; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ',') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '[') { |
| if (yych <= '<') { |
| if (yych <= '.') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '=') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '?') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '^') { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { gotoCase = 119; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ']') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '`') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'z') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 36: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| if (yych == '.') { gotoCase = 66; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '/') { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 51; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 37: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych <= '/') { gotoCase = 30; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 69; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 30; continue; }; |
| case 38: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| if (yych == '*') { gotoCase = 105; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 39: |
| yyaccept = 1; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| switch (yych) { |
| case '!': |
| case '"': |
| case '$': |
| case '\'': |
| case '-': |
| case '/': |
| case '=': |
| case '@': |
| case 'A': |
| case 'B': |
| case 'C': |
| case 'D': |
| case 'E': |
| case 'F': |
| case 'G': |
| case 'I': |
| case 'J': |
| case 'K': |
| case 'L': |
| case 'M': |
| case 'N': |
| case 'O': |
| case 'P': |
| case 'Q': |
| case 'R': |
| case 'S': |
| case 'T': |
| case 'U': |
| case 'V': |
| case 'W': |
| case 'X': |
| case 'Y': |
| case 'Z': |
| case '[': |
| case ']': |
| case 'a': |
| case 'b': |
| case 'f': |
| case 'h': |
| case 'j': |
| case 'l': |
| case 'n': |
| case 'o': |
| case 'q': |
| case 'u': |
| case 'v': |
| case 'w': |
| case 'x': |
| case 'y': |
| case 'z': { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| case '%': { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| case '.': { gotoCase = 66; continue; }; |
| case '0': |
| case '1': |
| case '2': |
| case '3': |
| case '4': |
| case '5': |
| case '6': |
| case '7': |
| case '8': |
| case '9': { gotoCase = 51; continue; }; |
| case 'H': { gotoCase = 53; continue; }; |
| case '_': { gotoCase = 54; continue; }; |
| case 'c': { gotoCase = 55; continue; }; |
| case 'd': { gotoCase = 56; continue; }; |
| case 'e': { gotoCase = 57; continue; }; |
| case 'g': { gotoCase = 58; continue; }; |
| case 'i': { gotoCase = 59; continue; }; |
| case 'k': { gotoCase = 60; continue; }; |
| case 'm': { gotoCase = 61; continue; }; |
| case 'p': { gotoCase = 62; continue; }; |
| case 'r': { gotoCase = 63; continue; }; |
| case 's': { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| case 't': { gotoCase = 65; continue; }; |
| default: { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 40: |
| { |
| if (this._isPropertyValue()) |
| this.tokenType = "css-number"; |
| else |
| this.tokenType = null; |
| return cursor; |
| } |
| case 41: |
| ++cursor; |
| { |
| this.tokenType = null; |
| if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.PROPERTY) |
| this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.PROPERTY_VALUE; |
| return cursor; |
| } |
| case 43: |
| ++cursor; |
| { |
| this.tokenType = null; |
| if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_RULE) |
| this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; |
| else |
| this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.PROPERTY; |
| return cursor; |
| } |
| case 45: |
| ++cursor; |
| { |
| this.tokenType = "block-start"; |
| if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_MEDIA_RULE) |
| this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; |
| else |
| this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.PROPERTY; |
| return cursor; |
| } |
| case 47: |
| ++cursor; |
| { |
| this.tokenType = "block-end"; |
| this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; |
| return cursor; |
| } |
| case 49: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| case 50: |
| if (yych <= '9') { |
| if (yych <= '&') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych <= ' ') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '$') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= ',') { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '.') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { |
| if (yych <= '=') { |
| if (yych <= '<') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '?') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '[') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '_') { |
| if (yych == '^') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '`') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'z') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 51: |
| yyaccept = 1; |
| YYMARKER = ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| switch (yych) { |
| case '!': |
| case '"': |
| case '$': |
| case '\'': |
| case '-': |
| case '/': |
| case '=': |
| case '@': |
| case 'A': |
| case 'B': |
| case 'C': |
| case 'D': |
| case 'E': |
| case 'F': |
| case 'G': |
| case 'I': |
| case 'J': |
| case 'K': |
| case 'L': |
| case 'M': |
| case 'N': |
| case 'O': |
| case 'P': |
| case 'Q': |
| case 'R': |
| case 'S': |
| case 'T': |
| case 'U': |
| case 'V': |
| case 'W': |
| case 'X': |
| case 'Y': |
| case 'Z': |
| case '[': |
| case ']': |
| case 'a': |
| case 'b': |
| case 'f': |
| case 'h': |
| case 'j': |
| case 'l': |
| case 'n': |
| case 'o': |
| case 'q': |
| case 'u': |
| case 'v': |
| case 'w': |
| case 'x': |
| case 'y': |
| case 'z': { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| case '%': { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| case '.': { gotoCase = 66; continue; }; |
| case '0': |
| case '1': |
| case '2': |
| case '3': |
| case '4': |
| case '5': |
| case '6': |
| case '7': |
| case '8': |
| case '9': { gotoCase = 51; continue; }; |
| case 'H': { gotoCase = 53; continue; }; |
| case '_': { gotoCase = 54; continue; }; |
| case 'c': { gotoCase = 55; continue; }; |
| case 'd': { gotoCase = 56; continue; }; |
| case 'e': { gotoCase = 57; continue; }; |
| case 'g': { gotoCase = 58; continue; }; |
| case 'i': { gotoCase = 59; continue; }; |
| case 'k': { gotoCase = 60; continue; }; |
| case 'm': { gotoCase = 61; continue; }; |
| case 'p': { gotoCase = 62; continue; }; |
| case 'r': { gotoCase = 63; continue; }; |
| case 's': { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| case 't': { gotoCase = 65; continue; }; |
| default: { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 53: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'z') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 54: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == '_') { gotoCase = 102; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 55: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 56: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'e') { gotoCase = 101; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 57: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| if (yych == 'x') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 58: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'r') { gotoCase = 99; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 59: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'n') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 60: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'H') { gotoCase = 98; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 61: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| if (yych == 's') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 62: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych <= 's') { |
| if (yych == 'c') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 't') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| if (yych == 'x') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 63: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'a') { gotoCase = 96; continue; }; |
| if (yych == 'e') { gotoCase = 97; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 64: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych <= '9') { |
| if (yych <= '&') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych <= ' ') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '$') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= ',') { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '.') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { |
| if (yych <= '=') { |
| if (yych <= '<') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '?') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '[') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '_') { |
| if (yych == '^') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '`') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'z') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 65: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'u') { gotoCase = 94; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 66: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych <= '/') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 69; continue; }; |
| case 67: |
| cursor = YYMARKER; |
| if (yyaccept <= 0) { |
| { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 68: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| case 69: |
| yyaccept = 1; |
| YYMARKER = ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= 'f') { |
| if (yych <= 'H') { |
| if (yych <= '/') { |
| if (yych == '%') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 69; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'G') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 81; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'b') { |
| if (yych == '_') { gotoCase = 73; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'c') { gotoCase = 75; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'd') { gotoCase = 78; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= 'f') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'm') { |
| if (yych <= 'i') { |
| if (yych <= 'g') { gotoCase = 79; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'h') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 77; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'k') { gotoCase = 82; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'l') { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 76; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'q') { |
| if (yych == 'p') { gotoCase = 74; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'r') { gotoCase = 72; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 's') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 't') { gotoCase = 80; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 40; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| if (yych == 'x') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 72: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'a') { gotoCase = 92; continue; }; |
| if (yych == 'e') { gotoCase = 93; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 73: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == '_') { gotoCase = 89; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 74: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych <= 's') { |
| if (yych == 'c') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 't') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| if (yych == 'x') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 75: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 76: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| if (yych == 's') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 77: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'n') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 78: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'e') { gotoCase = 88; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 79: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'r') { gotoCase = 86; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 80: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'u') { gotoCase = 84; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 81: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'z') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 82: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'H') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'z') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 84: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'r') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'n') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 86: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'a') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'd') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 88: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'g') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 89: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'q') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'e') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 92: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'd') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 93: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 68; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| case 94: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'r') { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'n') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 96: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'd') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 97: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 98: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'z') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 99: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'a') { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'd') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 101: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'g') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 102: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'q') { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych != 'e') { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych == 'm') { gotoCase = 64; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 50; continue; }; |
| case 105: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '\f') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 109; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 105; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\r') { gotoCase = 109; continue; }; |
| if (yych != '*') { gotoCase = 105; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 107: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych == '*') { gotoCase = 107; continue; }; |
| if (yych == '/') { gotoCase = 111; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 105; continue; }; |
| case 109: |
| ++cursor; |
| this.setLexCondition(this._lexConditions.COMMENT); |
| { this.tokenType = "css-comment"; return cursor; } |
| case 111: |
| ++cursor; |
| { this.tokenType = "css-comment"; return cursor; } |
| case 113: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| YYMARKER = ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '-') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych <= '\f') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\r') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ' ') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '&') { |
| if (yych == '$') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { gotoCase = 115; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ',') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '[') { |
| if (yych <= '<') { |
| if (yych <= '.') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '=') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '?') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '^') { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { gotoCase = 119; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ']') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '`') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'z') { gotoCase = 113; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 115: |
| ++cursor; |
| if ((yych = this._charAt(cursor)) <= '9') { |
| if (yych <= '&') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych >= '!') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '$') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= ',') { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != '.') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { |
| if (yych <= '=') { |
| if (yych >= '=') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '?') { gotoCase = 116; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '[') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '_') { |
| if (yych != '^') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '`') { gotoCase = 116; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'z') { gotoCase = 49; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 116: |
| { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } |
| case 117: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '\r') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '\f') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych <= '&') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 122; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != '\\') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| case 119: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= 'a') { |
| if (yych <= '!') { |
| if (yych <= '\n') { |
| if (yych <= '\t') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != '\r') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '&') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '\\') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'q') { |
| if (yych <= 'f') { |
| if (yych <= 'b') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'e') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'n') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 't') { |
| if (yych == 's') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'v') { gotoCase = 117; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ++cursor; |
| this.setLexCondition(this._lexConditions.SSTRING); |
| { return this._stringToken(cursor); } |
| case 122: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| { gotoCase = 116; continue; }; |
| case 123: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '@') { |
| if (yych <= '/') { gotoCase = 125; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 123; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'F') { gotoCase = 123; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '`') { gotoCase = 125; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'f') { gotoCase = 123; continue; }; |
| } |
| case 125: |
| { |
| if (this._isPropertyValue()) |
| this.tokenType = "css-color"; |
| else |
| this.tokenType = null; |
| return cursor; |
| } |
| case 126: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| YYMARKER = ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '-') { |
| if (yych <= '!') { |
| if (yych <= '\f') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\r') { gotoCase = 32; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= '!') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '$') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { gotoCase = 115; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= '$') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '\'') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= '-') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '[') { |
| if (yych <= '<') { |
| if (yych <= '.') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '9') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '=') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= '@') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '^') { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { gotoCase = 130; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= ']') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '`') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'z') { gotoCase = 126; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 128: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '\r') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '\f') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '"') { |
| if (yych <= '!') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 122; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != '\\') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| case 130: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= 'a') { |
| if (yych <= '!') { |
| if (yych <= '\n') { |
| if (yych <= '\t') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != '\r') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych <= '"') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '&') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '\\') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'q') { |
| if (yych <= 'f') { |
| if (yych <= 'b') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'e') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'n') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 't') { |
| if (yych == 's') { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'v') { gotoCase = 128; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 67; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ++cursor; |
| this.setLexCondition(this._lexConditions.DSTRING); |
| { return this._stringToken(cursor); } |
| /* *********************************** */ |
| case this.case_SSTRING: |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= '\r') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 137; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '\f') { gotoCase = 136; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 137; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych <= '&') { gotoCase = 136; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 139; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == '\\') { gotoCase = 141; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 136; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| case 135: |
| { return this._stringToken(cursor); } |
| case 136: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| yych = this._charAt(YYMARKER = ++cursor); |
| { gotoCase = 143; continue; }; |
| case 137: |
| ++cursor; |
| case 138: |
| { this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } |
| case 139: |
| ++cursor; |
| case 140: |
| this.setLexCondition(this._lexConditions.INITIAL); |
| { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } |
| case 141: |
| yych = this._charAt(++cursor); |
| if (yych <= 'e') { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych == '"') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '&') { gotoCase = 138; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { |
| if (yych <= '[') { gotoCase = 138; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != 'b') { gotoCase = 138; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'r') { |
| if (yych <= 'm') { |
| if (yych >= 'g') { gotoCase = 138; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'n') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= 'q') { gotoCase = 138; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 't') { |
| if (yych <= 's') { gotoCase = 138; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != 'v') { gotoCase = 138; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case 142: |
| yyaccept = 0; |
| YYMARKER = ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| case 143: |
| if (yych <= '\r') { |
| if (yych == '\n') { gotoCase = 135; continue; }; |
| if (yych <= '\f') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 135; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych <= '&') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| { gotoCase = 146; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych != '\\') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| if (yych <= 'e') { |
| if (yych <= '\'') { |
| if (yych == '"') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= '\'') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= '\\') { |
| if (yych >= '\\') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'b') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'r') { |
| if (yych <= 'm') { |
| if (yych <= 'f') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 'n') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| if (yych >= 'r') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (yych <= 't') { |
| if (yych >= 't') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| } else { |
| if (yych == 'v') { gotoCase = 142; continue; }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| cursor = YYMARKER; |
| { gotoCase = 135; continue; }; |
| case 146: |
| ++cursor; |
| yych = this._charAt(cursor); |
| { gotoCase = 140; continue; }; |
| } |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.SourceCSSTokenizer.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.SourceTokenizer.prototype; |