blob: 1d3500877552e0f435ed8b004d4ec8b1ad21be9b [file] [log] [blame]
let messageClients = async function(msg) {
const allClients = await clients.matchAll({
includeUncontrolled: true
for (const client of allClients)
// Try to open a new window now.
// It should fail due to lack of user gesture
clients.openWindow('').then(async function(client) {
await messageClients("Opening a window client without a user gesture SUCCEEDED. It should've failed.");
}).catch(async function(error) {
await messageClients("gotUserGestureFail");
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', async function(event) {
await messageClients("clicked|data:" +;
// Should fail because about:blank is not an allowable URL
clients.openWindow('about:blank').then(async function(client) {
await messageClients("Opening a window client to about:blank SUCCEEDED. It should've failed.");
}).catch(async function(error) {
await messageClients("gotAboutBlankFail");
// This successfully loads the openwindow-client.html resource, but the origin is different, therefore the serviceworker
// should NOT get a WindowClient
clients.openWindow('http://localhost:8000/workers/service/resources/openwindow-client.html').then(async function(client) {
if (client == null)
await messageClients("gotSuccessfulNullClient")
await messageClients("Got a WindowClient when we were *not* expecting to");
}).catch(async function(error) {
await messageClients("Expected a resolved promise with a null window client. Promise rejected instead");
clients.openWindow('').then(function(client) {
self.addEventListener('notificationclose', async function(event) {
await messageClients("closed");
async function tryShow(message)
var command, title, body, tag, data;
var components = message.split('|');
if (components.length == 1) {
title = "This is a notification";
} else if (components.length == 4) {
[command, title, body, tag] = components;
} else if (components.length == 5) {
[command, title, body, tag, data] = components;
try {
await registration.showNotification(title, {
body: body,
tag: tag,
data: data
} catch(error) {
await messageClients("showFailed");
await messageClients("shown");
var seenNotes = new Set();
async function getNotes(message)
var tag = undefined;
var components = message.split('|');
if (components.length == 2)
tag = components[1];
var notifications = await registration.getNotifications({ tag: tag });
var reply = "gotnotes|There are " + notifications.length + " notifications|";
for (notification of notifications) {
if (seenNotes.has(notification))
messageClients("Saw the same notifcation twice through getNotifications(), this should not happen");
reply += "Title: " + notification.title + "|";
reply += "Body: " + notification.body + "|";
reply += "Tag: " + notification.tag + "|";
reply += "Data: " + + "|";
await messageClients(reply);
self.addEventListener('message', async function(event) {
var messageName ='|')[0];
if (messageName == "tryshow")
await tryShow(;
if (messageName == "getnotes")
await getNotes(;
if (messageName == "echo back")
await messageClients("gotNewClient");