blob: 973e087f8ce15d40e30edb41c6e7cd35fcf1df50 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
// - src/compound-assignment-private/
// - src/compound-assignment-private/default/getter.template
description: Compound modulo assignment with target being a private reference (to an accessor property with getter)
esid: sec-assignment-operators-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [class-fields-private]
flags: [generated]
info: |
AssignmentExpression : LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression
1. Let _lref_ be the result of evaluating |LeftHandSideExpression|.
2. Let _lval_ be ? GetValue(_lref_).
7. Let _r_ be ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator(_lval_, _opText_, _rval_).
8. Perform ? PutValue(_lref_, _r_).
9. Return _r_.
MemberExpression : MemberExpression `.` PrivateIdentifier
1. Let _baseReference_ be the result of evaluating |MemberExpression|.
2. Let _baseValue_ be ? GetValue(_baseReference_).
3. Let _fieldNameString_ be the StringValue of |PrivateIdentifier|.
4. Return ! MakePrivateReference(_baseValue_, _fieldNameString_).
PutValue (V, W)
5.b. If IsPrivateReference(_V_) is *true*, then
i. Return ? PrivateSet(_baseObj_, _V_.[[ReferencedName]], _W_).
PrivateSet (O, P, value)
5.a. Assert: _entry_.[[Kind]] is ~accessor~.
b. If _entry_.[[Set]] is *undefined*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
class C {
get #field() {
return 1;
compoundAssignment() {
return this.#field %= 1;
const o = new C();
assert.throws(TypeError, () => o.compoundAssignment(), "PutValue throws when storing the result if no setter");