blob: 8796b335d48fd2133be01bd10af25987f6295ca9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 Chengzhong Wu. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-shadowrealm.prototype.evaluate
description: >
WrappedFunctionCreate should create a function derived from the caller realm
info: |
ShadowRealm.prototype.evaluate ( sourceText )
4. Let callerRealm be the current Realm Record.
5. Let evalRealm be O.[[ShadowRealm]].
6. Return ? PerformRealmEval(sourceText, callerRealm, evalRealm).
PerformRealmEval ( sourceText, callerRealm, evalRealm )
25. Return ? GetWrappedValue(callerRealm, result).
GetWrappedValue ( callerRealm, value )
2.b. Return ? WrappedFunctionCreate(callerRealm, value).
WrappedFunctionCreate ( callerRealm, targetFunction )
5. Set obj.[[Prototype]] to callerRealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Function.prototype%]].
features: [ShadowRealm, cross-realm, Reflect]
typeof ShadowRealm.prototype.evaluate,
'This test must fail if ShadowRealm.prototype.evaluate is not a function'
var other = $262.createRealm().global;
var OtherShadowRealm = other.ShadowRealm;
var OtherFunctionPrototype = other.Function.prototype;
var yetAnother = $262.createRealm().global;
var YetAnotherShadowRealm = yetAnother.ShadowRealm;
var YetAnotherFunctionPrototype = yetAnother.Function.prototype;
var realm = Reflect.construct(OtherShadowRealm, []);
var checkArgWrapperFn = realm.evaluate('(x) => { return Object.getPrototypeOf(x) === Function.prototype }')
assert.sameValue(checkArgWrapperFn(() => {}), true, 'callable arguments passed into WrappedFunction should be wrapped in target realm');
var fn = realm.evaluate('() => { return () => { return 1 } }');
assert.sameValue(Object.getPrototypeOf(fn), OtherFunctionPrototype, 'WrappedFunction should be derived from the caller realm');
assert.sameValue(Object.getPrototypeOf(fn()), OtherFunctionPrototype, 'callable results from WrappedFunction should be wrapped in caller realm');
var fn =, '() => { return () => { return 1 } }');
assert.sameValue(Object.getPrototypeOf(fn), YetAnotherFunctionPrototype, 'WrappedFunction should be derived from the caller realm');
assert.sameValue(Object.getPrototypeOf(fn()), YetAnotherFunctionPrototype, 'callable results from WrappedFunction should be wrapped in caller realm');