blob: 73244326579bd608c71153aa878b6e824f7b2959 [file] [log] [blame]
if (this.layoutTestController)
if (this.document) {
log = function(msg) {document.getElementById("log").innerHTML += msg + "<br />";};
fail = function(msg) {log("<span style='color: red'>FAIL: </span>" + msg) };
pass = function(msg) { passCount++; log("<span style='color: green'>PASS: </span>" + msg) };
} else {
log = print;
fail = function(msg) {log("FAIL: " + msg) };
pass = function(msg) { passCount++; log("PASS: " + msg); };
var unaryOps = ['~', '+', '-', '++', '--'];
var binaryOps;
if (!binaryOps)
binaryOps = ['-', '+', '*', '/', '%', '|', '&', '^', '<', '<=', '>=', '>', '==', '!=', '<<', '>>'];
var valueOfThrower = { valueOf: function() { throw "throw from valueOf"; } }
var toStringThrower = { toString: function() { throw "throw from toString"; } }
var testCount = 0;
var passCount = 0;
function id(){}
function createTest(expr) {
// For reasons i don't quite understand these tests aren't expected to throw
if (expr == "valueOfThrower == rhsNonZeroNum") return id;
if (expr == "toStringThrower == rhsNonZeroNum") return id;
if (expr == "valueOfThrower != rhsNonZeroNum") return id;
if (expr == "toStringThrower != rhsNonZeroNum") return id;
if (expr == "valueOfThrower == rhsToStringThrower") return id;
if (expr == "toStringThrower == rhsToStringThrower") return id;
if (expr == "valueOfThrower != rhsToStringThrower") return id;
if (expr == "toStringThrower != rhsToStringThrower") return id;
// This creates a test case that ensures that a binary operand will execute the left hand expression first,
// and will not execute the right hand side if the left hand side throws.
var functionPrefix = "(function(){ executedRHS = false; var result = 'PASS'; try { result = ";
var functionPostfix = "; fail('Did not throw exception with \"' + expr + '\"') } catch (e) { " +
" if (result != 'PASS' && executedRHS) { fail('\"'+expr+'\" threw exception, but modified assignment target and executed RHS'); " +
" } else if (result != 'PASS') { fail('\"'+expr+'\" threw exception, but modified assignment target'); " +
" } else if (executedRHS) { fail('\"'+expr+'\" threw exception, but executed right hand half of expression')" +
" } else { pass('Handled \"'+ expr +'\" correctly.') } } })";
try {
return eval(functionPrefix + expr + functionPostfix);
} catch(e) {
throw new String(expr);
function createTestWithRHSExec(expr) {
// This tests that we evaluate the right hand side of a binary expression before we
// do any type conversion with toString and/or valueOf which may throw.
var functionPrefix = "(function(){ executedRHS = false; var result = 'PASS'; try { result = ";
var functionPostfix = "; fail('Did not throw exception with \"' + expr + '\"') } catch (e) { " +
" if (result != 'PASS') { fail('\"'+expr+'\" threw exception, but modified assignment target'); " +
" } else if (!executedRHS) { fail('\"'+expr+'\" threw exception, and failed to execute RHS when expected')" +
" } else { pass('Handled \"'+ expr +'\" correctly.') } } })";
try {
return eval(functionPrefix + expr + functionPostfix);
} catch(e) {
throw new String(expr);
window.__defineGetter__('throwingProperty', function(){ throw "throwing resolve"; });
var throwingPropStr = 'throwingProperty';
var valueOfThrowerStr = 'valueOfThrower';
var toStringThrowerStr = 'toStringThrower';
var throwingObjGetter = '({get throwingProperty(){ throw "throwing property" }}).throwingProperty';
rhsNonZeroNum = { valueOf: function(){ executedRHS = true; return 1; } };
rhsZeroNum = { valueOf: function(){ executedRHS = true; return 0; } };
rhsToStringThrower = { toString: function(){ executedRHS = true; return 'string'; }};
getterThrower = { get value() { throw "throwing in getter"; }};
var getterThrowerStr = "getterThrower.value";
rhsGetterTester = { get value() { executedRHS = true; return 'string'; }};
var rhsGetterTesterStr = "rhsGetterTester.value";
for (var i = 0; i < binaryOps.length; i++) {
var currentOp = binaryOps[i];
var numVal = currentOp == '||' ? '0' : '1';
createTest(numVal + " " + currentOp + " " + valueOfThrowerStr )();
createTest(numVal + " " + currentOp + " " + toStringThrowerStr)();
createTest(numVal + " " + currentOp + " " + throwingPropStr )();
createTest(numVal + " " + currentOp + " " + throwingObjGetter )();
createTest(numVal + " " + currentOp + " " + getterThrowerStr )();
createTest("'string' " + currentOp + " " + valueOfThrowerStr )();
createTest("'string' " + currentOp + " " + toStringThrowerStr)();
createTest("'string' " + currentOp + " " + throwingPropStr )();
createTest("'string' " + currentOp + " " + throwingObjGetter )();
createTest("'string' " + currentOp + " " + getterThrowerStr )();
numVal = currentOp == '||' ? 'rhsZeroNum' : 'rhsNonZeroNum';
createTest(valueOfThrowerStr + " " + currentOp + " " + numVal)();
createTest(toStringThrowerStr + " " + currentOp + " " + numVal)();
createTest(throwingPropStr + " " + currentOp + " " + numVal)();
createTest(throwingObjGetter + " " + currentOp + " " + numVal)();
createTest(getterThrowerStr + " " + currentOp + " " + numVal)();
createTest(valueOfThrowerStr + " " + currentOp + " rhsToStringThrower")();
createTest(toStringThrowerStr + " " + currentOp + " rhsToStringThrower")();
createTest(throwingPropStr + " " + currentOp + " rhsToStringThrower")();
createTest(throwingObjGetter + " " + currentOp + " rhsToStringThrower")();
createTest(getterThrowerStr + " " + currentOp + " rhsToStringThrower")();
createTestWithRHSExec(valueOfThrowerStr + " " + currentOp + " " + rhsGetterTesterStr)();
createTestWithRHSExec(toStringThrowerStr + " " + currentOp + " " + rhsGetterTesterStr)();
log("Passed " + passCount + " of " + testCount + " tests.");