blob: 01b606bacf8132bc6e553a4a158d597012494bc8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// compiler_test.h:
// utilities for compiler unit tests.
#include <map>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "compiler/translator/TranslatorESSL.h"
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
bool compileTestShader(GLenum type,
ShShaderSpec spec,
ShShaderOutput output,
const std::string &shaderString,
ShBuiltInResources *resources,
ShCompileOptions compileOptions,
std::string *translatedCode,
std::string *infoLog);
bool compileTestShader(GLenum type,
ShShaderSpec spec,
ShShaderOutput output,
const std::string &shaderString,
ShCompileOptions compileOptions,
std::string *translatedCode,
std::string *infoLog);
class MatchOutputCodeTest : public testing::Test
MatchOutputCodeTest(GLenum shaderType,
ShCompileOptions defaultCompileOptions,
ShShaderOutput outputType);
void addOutputType(const ShShaderOutput outputType);
ShBuiltInResources *getResources();
// Compile functions clear any results from earlier calls to them.
void compile(const std::string &shaderString);
void compile(const std::string &shaderString, const ShCompileOptions compileOptions);
bool foundInESSLCode(const char *stringToFind) const
return foundInCode(SH_ESSL_OUTPUT, stringToFind);
bool foundInGLSLCode(const char *stringToFind) const
return foundInCode(SH_GLSL_COMPATIBILITY_OUTPUT, stringToFind);
bool foundInCode(ShShaderOutput output, const char *stringToFind) const;
// Test that the string occurs for exactly expectedOccurrences times
bool foundInCode(ShShaderOutput output,
const char *stringToFind,
const int expectedOccurrences) const;
// Test that the string is found in all outputs
bool foundInCode(const char *stringToFind) const;
// Test that the string occurs for exactly expectedOccurrences times in all outputs
bool foundInCode(const char *stringToFind, const int expectedOccurrences) const;
// Test that the string is found in none of the outputs
bool notFoundInCode(const char *stringToFind) const;
bool compileWithSettings(ShShaderOutput output,
const std::string &shaderString,
ShCompileOptions compileOptions,
std::string *translatedCode,
std::string *infoLog);
GLenum mShaderType;
ShCompileOptions mDefaultCompileOptions;
ShBuiltInResources mResources;
std::map<ShShaderOutput, std::string> mOutputCode;
const TIntermSymbol *FindSymbolNode(TIntermNode *root,
const TString &symbolName,
TBasicType basicType);